The agreement grants Antofagasta an option to acquire a 70% interest in the project by spending US$30 million on exploration over eight years and delivering a preliminary economic assessment.Read More
Under the renewed revolving credit facility, the interest rate paid on drawn amounts and standby fees will be adjusted based upon Wheaton's performance in three sustainability-related areas.Read More
This follows the bank's move to commit up to US$25 billion in foreign currency reserves from July 18 to the end of September to defend the value of its slumping peso currency.Read More
Red Dirt Metals: unexpected lithium starSPONSOREDred dirt metalsAlma Metals targets resource expansion at copper project in QueenslandSPONSOREDalma metalsMining Journal and MiningNews.Net: Mongolia Country SupplementSPONSOREDRumble in the outback, "zinc elephant sighted"SPONSOREDrumble resourcesNo-one, to be sure, wants a recession. But how much of the above is wishful thinking? After al...Read More
The fatal accident involved a truck operator losing control of the vehicle at a dump.Read More
Politics, inflation, falling metals prices and higher public spending are combining to stoke social tensions, limit economic growth and reduce the chances of economic reforms.Read More
Alma Metals targets resource expansion at copper project in QueenslandSPONSOREDalma metalsMining Journal and MiningNews.Net: Mongolia Country SupplementSPONSOREDRumble in the outback, "zinc elephant sighted"SPONSOREDrumble resourcesRed Dirt Metals: unexpected lithium starSPONSOREDred dirt metalsThe big miner reported a strong June quarter, including a 25% jump in copper production, a 52%...Read More
The company released an updated resource estimate in June which included the 17,000m of infill drilling undertaken in 2021 and which boosted the indicated resource by 40% to 1.Read More
The open pit and underground resource totals 2.6 million tonnes grading 0.72% nickel, 0.42% copper with cobalt, platinum, gold and silver for a 1.Read More
Alma Metals targets resource expansion at copper project in QueenslandSPONSOREDalma metalsMining Journal and MiningNews.Net: Mongolia Country SupplementSPONSOREDRumble in the outback, "zinc elephant sighted"SPONSOREDrumble resourcesRed Dirt Metals: unexpected lithium starSPONSOREDred dirt metalsHSBC has cut its forecast for North American palladium output for this year to 785,000 ounces...Read More
"The intention of this programme was to increase the amount of resources in the Indicated category for the White Rock deposit, which stood at 4.7 million tonnes, or 79% prior to commencing the drilling," Anglesey's CEO Jo Battershill said.The company listed the following intersections:9.0 metres at 4.9% Zn, 3.1% Pb, 0.2% Cu, 24g/t Ag & 0.3g/t Au (WD-20 from 133.5 metres) including 6.0 metres a...Read More
JP Morgan sits 3% below market consensus of the firm's forecast second quarter results which First Quantum will release on July 27 after the close of trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange.Read More
"We have serious concerns with regards to the new royalties," BHP said in a statement. "If the proposed royalty (hike) materializes, we would have to re-evaluate our investment plans for Chile.Read More
Protests by the Fuerabamba and Huancuire communities at Las Bamas started in mid-April this year and continued until June when the firm signed a 30-day truce with protestors that allowed mineRead More
Alma Metals targets resource expansion at copper project in QueenslandSPONSOREDalma metalsMining Journal and MiningNews.Net: Mongolia Country SupplementSPONSOREDRumble in the outback, "zinc elephant sighted"SPONSOREDrumble resourcesRed Dirt Metals: unexpected lithium starSPONSOREDred dirt metalsIn the latest twist to the global energy crisis there has been a dawning in China that it made...Read More
Look beyond market approach to project valuations: van ZylLeadershipAlma Metals targets resource expansion at copper project in QueenslandSPONSOREDalma metalsMining Journal and MiningNews.Net: Mongolia Country SupplementSPONSOREDRumble in the outback, "zinc elephant sighted"SPONSOREDrumble resourcesThe funds will be used to explore the Luanga platinum group metals, gold and nickel p...Read More
Red Dirt Metals: unexpected lithium starSPONSOREDred dirt metalsAlma Metals targets resource expansion at copper project in QueenslandSPONSOREDalma metalsMining Journal and MiningNews.Net: Mongolia Country SupplementSPONSOREDRumble in the outback, "zinc elephant sighted"SPONSOREDrumble resourcesBeattie owns the mineral rights to mining claims that make up the former Beattie mining conces...Read More
Investor Insight: InterGroup MiningSPONSOREDintergroup miningSky the limit for AuTECO in CanadaSPONSOREDauteco minerals ltdEmerging SA gold developer Barton Gold breaks the mouldSPONSOREDbarton gold holdings limitedAlicanto wows with maiden resourceSPONSOREDalicanto mineralsAs Nathan Richardson describes in this month's cover story, perhaps no mining jurisdiction in the world punches so far above...Read More
"In particular, since the beginning of June, the dollar has appreciated around 7% globally and the price of copper has fallen by approximately 30%," the central bank said in a statement.Read More
Look beyond market approach to project valuations: van ZylLeadershipAlma Metals targets resource expansion at copper project in QueenslandSPONSOREDalma metalsMining Journal and MiningNews.Net: Mongolia Country SupplementSPONSOREDRumble in the outback, "zinc elephant sighted"SPONSOREDrumble resourcesBHP will be next to reveal the impact of tough operating conditions when it releases its J...Read More