Copper mine supply in the US is expected to reach 1.52 million tonnes this year, higher than 1.465 million tonnes last year but still short of expected national demand of 2.Read More
Kinross Gold and IAMGOLD were the companies feeling cost pressures the most with AISC up 27.7% and 20.Read More
Look beyond market approach to project valuations: van ZylLeadershipKumtor deal paves way for ChaaratSPONSOREDchaarat gold holdings ltd.IsoMetrix launches pioneering ESG applicationSPONSOREDisometrixKropz set to fly after false startSPONSOREDkropzThe firm is focused on funding the development of its Cariboo gold project in central British Columbia, Canada and a feasibility study on track for compl...Read More
On April 19, 2022, Xanadu Mines Ltd announced a strategic partnership to progress its Kharmagtai copper-gold project in Omnogovi Province. Under the agreement, Zijin Mining Group Co. will invest in both Xanadu and the project directly.At the corporate level, Zijin will invest A$11.3 million into Xanadu in two tranches. An initial placement on April 27 saw Zijin receive 139 million shares at an iss...Read More
All of the proceeds will be used to pay down the firm's existing credit facility and to fund capital expenditures at the Red Chris mine, the firm said.Read More
Shares in the firm gained 4.3% or C$0.01 to C$0.24, giving the firm a market capitalisation of C$51 million.Read More
Kumtor deal paves way for ChaaratSPONSOREDchaarat gold holdings ltd.IsoMetrix launches pioneering ESG applicationSPONSOREDisometrixKropz set to fly after false startSPONSOREDkropzBMG returns eye-catching high-grade gold at Abercromby in WASPONSOREDbmgThe bridge loan is expected to be followed by the completion of a rights offering of at least a further US$4 million within 150 days. NorZinc s...Read More
From an industry-wide marginal production cost of US$6150 a tonne in 2021 the cost of producing copper has risen to $8000/t, the bank said.Read More
IsoMetrix launches pioneering ESG applicationSPONSOREDisometrixKumtor deal paves way for ChaaratSPONSOREDchaarat gold holdings ltd.Kropz set to fly after false startSPONSOREDkropzPredictive Discovery to forge a golden future in GuineaSPONSOREDpredictive discoveryAs part of a non-brokered private placing, Agnico will increase its stake to 19.7% from 13.3% on a partially-diluted basis assuming the e...Read More
Two-time Vale president Eliezer Batista diesLeadershipLook beyond market approach to project valuations: van ZylLeadershipIsoMetrix launches pioneering ESG applicationSPONSOREDisometrixKumtor deal paves way for ChaaratSPONSOREDchaarat gold holdings ltd.The company reported an intersept of 420m grading 0.Read More
Look beyond market approach to project valuations: van ZylLeadershipIsoMetrix launches pioneering ESG applicationSPONSOREDisometrixKumtor deal paves way for ChaaratSPONSOREDchaarat gold holdings ltd.Predictive Discovery to forge a golden future in GuineaSPONSOREDpredictive discoveryThe revised credit facility also includes "sustainability-linked metrics".Read More
IsoMetrix launches pioneering ESG applicationSPONSOREDisometrixKumtor deal paves way for ChaaratSPONSOREDchaarat gold holdings ltd.Kropz set to fly after false startSPONSOREDkropzPredictive Discovery to forge a golden future in GuineaSPONSOREDpredictive discoveryRio already owns 51% of Turquoise Hill, the owner of 66% of the Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mine in Mongolia.The company made a $2.7 billion,...Read More
Anglo American sees a shortfall of an annual 18 million tonnes between refined copper demand and committed mine copper supply and copper scrap in smelting by 2040.Read More
Toronto-headquartered exploration company, Arizona Metals Corp (TSX.V:AMC, OTCQX:AZMCF), has received permit approval from the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for a seventh drill pad, located west of its promising precious and base metals Kay deposit, located in Yavapai, about a one hour drive from Phoenix, Arizona.This new pad, situated approximately 200m west of the Kay deposit, will allow fo...Read More
With hype around battery metals exploration at an all-time high, Toronto-listed junior Orford Mining could be set to fly as it progresses a nickel exploration project in Canada - with a little help from Andrew ‘Twiggy' Forrest.The project in question is West Raglan, an advanced stage nickel-copper-PGE exploration asset 90km down the road from Glencore's Raglan nickel mine, one of the lowest-...Read More
The penny finally appears to have dropped. Legislation proposed at the end of March in the US will see Joe Biden's government fast track supplies of critical minerals, while European nations are at last waking up to the impending shortage of metals integral to the energy transition.But those with only a cursory knowledge of mining appreciate these things take time. Bringing a mine online takes an...Read More
IsoMetrix launches pioneering ESG applicationSPONSOREDisometrixKumtor deal paves way for ChaaratSPONSOREDchaarat gold holdings ltd.Kropz set to fly after false startSPONSOREDkropzPredictive Discovery to forge a golden future in GuineaSPONSOREDpredictive discoverySince the end of March, the S&P 500 share price index has fallen 13.Read More
Azure Minerals managing director Tony Rovira outlines the district potential and provides an update on the "mine in the making" at the flagship Andover nickel-copper-cobalt project in Western Australia, where a two-pronged approach to development is underway.Read More
"We appreciate having quickly attained Stage 1 agreement with Rio Tinto's Nuton team and look forward to further advancing the MacArthur and Yerington projects," Lion's CEO Travis Naugle said.Rio is to provide US$3.75 million in funding to Lion for the Mason Valley project development and exploration. Rio has the option to earn a 65% interest in the assets.The deal was made following Rio's Nuton l...Read More
IsoMetrix launches pioneering ESG applicationSPONSOREDisometrixKumtor deal paves way for ChaaratSPONSOREDchaarat gold holdings ltd.Kropz set to fly after false startSPONSOREDkropzPredictive Discovery to forge a golden future in GuineaSPONSOREDpredictive discoveryDrill hole 22TK0380 set a new record at the Tamarack project, with 23.44 meters of massive sulphide nickel and copper mineralization, the...Read More