Copper Articles

Savannah shares rally on scoping study

12 June 2023 / Staff reporter

The scoping study was released following a positive Environmental Impact Statement ('DIA') from the Portuguese environmental regulator.Read More

First lithium carbonate produced from Cauchari-Olaroz...

12 June 2023 / Staff reporter

The output was lower than battery quality, the company said. Additional purification will achieve battery-quality lithium carbonate. This will take place in the second half of this year.Read More

Glencore offers to buy Teck's metallurgical coal business...

12 June 2023 / Staff reporter

Vanadium Resources eyes 180-year mine in South AfricaSPONSOREDvanadium resourcesNova retains laser focus on qualitySPONSOREDnova royaltySaturn works dual-focus opportunitySPONSOREDsaturn metalsSRK visualisation tool to help engagementSPONSOREDsrk consulting"While Glencore remains willing to pursue its Proposed Merger Demerger, Glencore has made this alternative proposal to acquire EVR as it is exp...Read More

Newmont suspends Pe?asquito as strike nears

09 June 2023 / Staff reporter

On June 7, the Union notified Newmont of a strike action demanding an increase in the uncapped profit-sharing benefit provided for in the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) from 10% to 20%.Read More

Gold as a yoyo: down today, up tomorrow, says Citi...

09 June 2023 / Staff reporter

SRK visualisation tool to help engagementSPONSOREDsrk consultingSaturn works dual-focus opportunitySPONSOREDsaturn metalsNova retains laser focus on qualitySPONSOREDnova royaltyVanadium Resources eyes 180-year mine in South AfricaSPONSOREDvanadium resourcesThe down now, up later, forecast is contained in a report titled "Gold Rush Redux" which starts with the observation that "the yellow metal sho...Read More

Investments keep pouring in for world's fifth-largest...

09 June 2023 / Staff reporter

Vanadium Resources eyes 180-year mine in South AfricaSPONSOREDvanadium resourcesNova retains laser focus on qualitySPONSOREDnova royaltySaturn works dual-focus opportunitySPONSOREDsaturn metalsSRK visualisation tool to help engagementSPONSOREDsrk consulting"Amid the unfavourable global financial environment, the successful attraction of the equity investment demonstrates the recognition of the gro...Read More

Chile court extends Lundin copper mine sinkhole closure...

09 June 2023 / Staff reporter

The State Defense Council (CDE) agency requested the stoppage, which filed a suit against the company claiming the company overexploited the deposit causing environmental damage in May.Read More

Hummingbird reaches first pour at Kouroussa

09 June 2023 / Staff reporter

The project reached first gold pour on June 8, nearly a month ahead of schedule.Read More

Marathon sells royalty to Franco

09 June 2023 / Staff reporter

In January, Marathon bought back a 0.5% NSR on the project from Franco for $7 million, which, at the time, reduced the NSR on the project to 1.5%.Read More

NIC goes 'strategic' in Indonesia on road to being...

09 June 2023 / Staff reporter

SRK visualisation tool to help engagementSPONSOREDsrk consultingSaturn works dual-focus opportunitySPONSOREDsaturn metalsNova retains laser focus on qualitySPONSOREDnova royaltyVanadium Resources eyes 180-year mine in South AfricaSPONSOREDvanadium resourcesUT will pay $1.10 per new share in NIC, a circa 27% premium to the ASX company's last trading price.Read More

Explorers shrug off Namibian unprocessed minerals ban...

09 June 2023 / Staff reporter

Reuters reports the company's government has banned the export of unprocessed lithium and other critical minerals.Read More

In a time of resource nationalism, Musk is still looking...

08 June 2023 / Staff reporter

At a virtual meeting on June 6, Musk and Oyun-Erdene discussed a potential joint research venture, in the latest of a series of moves by the Mongolian government to capitalise on its rich mineralRead More

Livista won't build one lithium refinery and sit back,...

08 June 2023 / Siobhan Lismore-Scott

Livista announced today that it will develop its 40,000 tpa (30,000 tpa of lithium-hydroxide and 10,000 tpa of lithium-Carbonate (LCE)),  with Technip Energies, who will deliver the front-end engineering and design (FEED) and DFS for the plant.The plant, the first of its kind in Europe, will be capable of accepting all sources of raw lithium materials, including recycled lithium chemicals, as...Read More

Ero's Brazil nickel discovery taking shape

08 June 2023 / Staff reporter

Drilling has focused on delineating the Umburana system, which has a strike length of about 5km. With 97 drill holes completed across Umburana, highlights have included 11.2m grading 1.Read More

India to pump $455 million into battery storage projects

08 June 2023 / Staff reporter

SRK visualisation tool to help engagementSPONSOREDsrk consultingTorq kicks off drilling at Santa CeciliaSPONSOREDtorq resourcesVanadium Resources eyes 180-year mine in South AfricaSPONSOREDvanadium resourcesNova retains laser focus on qualitySPONSOREDnova royaltyIndia, which accounts for roughly 18% of the global population, aims to cut the cost of battery energy storage from the current Rs5.5-6.Read More

Malaysian battery project progresses

08 June 2023 / Staff reporter

Nova retains laser focus on qualitySPONSOREDnova royaltyVanadium Resources eyes 180-year mine in South AfricaSPONSOREDvanadium resourcesTorq kicks off drilling at Santa CeciliaSPONSOREDtorq resourcesSRK visualisation tool to help engagementSPONSOREDsrk consultingThe project - to be implemented by the company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Tenpower Malaysia - is estimated to need a total investment of...Read More

Wesfarmers risks referendum overreach

08 June 2023 / Staff reporter

SRK visualisation tool to help engagementSPONSOREDsrk consultingTorq kicks off drilling at Santa CeciliaSPONSOREDtorq resourcesVanadium Resources eyes 180-year mine in South AfricaSPONSOREDvanadium resourcesNova retains laser focus on qualitySPONSOREDnova royaltyAustralian voters will be asked to change the country's constitution later this year, probably in October.Read More

Bruises all round on eve of proxy vote for Nickel 28...

07 June 2023 / Staff reporter

Nova retains laser focus on qualitySPONSOREDnova royaltyVanadium Resources eyes 180-year mine in South AfricaSPONSOREDvanadium resourcesTorq kicks off drilling at Santa CeciliaSPONSOREDtorq resourcesSRK visualisation tool to help engagementSPONSOREDsrk consultingCanada's Supreme Court of British Columbia has granted a Read More

"Mining is being starved of investment" Frisby warns...

07 June 2023 / Aspermont Events

Nova retains laser focus on qualitySPONSOREDnova royaltyVanadium Resources eyes 180-year mine in South AfricaSPONSOREDvanadium resourcesTorq kicks off drilling at Santa CeciliaSPONSOREDtorq resourcesSRK visualisation tool to help engagementSPONSOREDsrk consultingMining pundit Dominic Frisby talks to Rod Whyte at the Mining Journal Select conferenceNova retains laser focus on qualitySPONSOREDnova r...Read More

USACE revokes NorthMet water permit

07 June 2023 / Staff reporter

Nova retains laser focus on qualitySPONSOREDnova royaltyVanadium Resources eyes 180-year mine in South AfricaSPONSOREDvanadium resourcesTorq kicks off drilling at Santa CeciliaSPONSOREDtorq resourcesSRK visualisation tool to help engagementSPONSOREDsrk consultingThe Corps revoked the Clean Water Act section 404 permit, which it had previously suspended. NewRange is a 50:50 joint venture between Po...Read More

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