Video Series: Mining Journal speaks with Sheila KhamaSPONSOREDsaudi ministry of industry and mineral resourcesCanada Nickel eyes feasibility study for CrawfordSPONSOREDcanada nickelGoviEx edges closer to productionSPONSOREDgoviex uraniumGreat Southern peaking under the coverSPONSOREDgreat southern miningGlencore offered a 20% premium in its all-share offer acquisition. This included ...Read More
Great Southern peaking under the coverSPONSOREDgreat southern miningGoviEx edges closer to productionSPONSOREDgoviex uraniumCanada Nickel eyes feasibility study for CrawfordSPONSOREDcanada nickelVideo Series: Mining Journal speaks with Sheila KhamaSPONSOREDsaudi ministry of industry and mineral resourcesSince the start of 2023 both have been in decline even as gold, their precious metal cousin, ha...Read More
The South America-focused precious metals miner has extended its expected timeline in the permitting process for Inmaculada's Modified Environment Impact Assessment (MEIA), which is ongoing.Read More
Video Series: Mining Journal speaks with Sheila KhamaSPONSOREDsaudi ministry of industry and mineral resourcesCanada Nickel eyes feasibility study for CrawfordSPONSOREDcanada nickelGoviEx edges closer to productionSPONSOREDgoviex uraniumGreat Southern peaking under the coverSPONSOREDgreat southern mining First Quantum will acquire a 55% stake in the project for US$105 million and a commitment to f...Read More
Video Series: Mining Journal speaks with Sheila KhamaSPONSOREDsaudi ministry of industry and mineral resourcesCanada Nickel eyes feasibility study for CrawfordSPONSOREDcanada nickelGoviEx edges closer to productionSPONSOREDgoviex uraniumGreat Southern peaking under the coverSPONSOREDgreat southern miningThe notes are due in April 2033 with interest to be paid semi-annually at a rate of 6.125% per...Read More
Its entry price is a more modest US$105 million for a 55% interest, which compares well against the C$460 million it spent in 2010 to acquire Antares Minerals and its Haquira project in Apurimac orRead More
Great Southern peaking under the coverSPONSOREDgreat southern miningGoviEx edges closer to productionSPONSOREDgoviex uraniumCanada Nickel eyes feasibility study for CrawfordSPONSOREDcanada nickelVideo Series: Mining Journal speaks with Sheila KhamaSPONSOREDsaudi ministry of industry and mineral resourcesSpanning a 42-month tenure, the facility is part of Tharisa's funding strategy of optimising it...Read More
Canada Nickel eyes feasibility study for CrawfordSPONSOREDcanada nickelVideo Series: Mining Journal speaks with Sheila KhamaSPONSOREDsaudi ministry of industry and mineral resourcesGoviEx edges closer to productionSPONSOREDgoviex uraniumGreat Southern peaking under the coverSPONSOREDgreat southern miningReporting its 2022 financial year results, the company said commissioning of the solvent exchan...Read More
Avino Silver & Gold looks to triple production by adding assetsSPONSOREDavino silver & gold mines ltd Rex Minerals nearing investment decision on Hillside copper-gold projectSPONSOREDrex mineralsSouthern Silver excited by high-grade prospects at Cerro Las Manitas SPONSOREDsouthern silver exploration corp.Video Series: Mining Journal speaks with Dr Michelle Michot Foss SPONSOREDsaudi minist...Read More
The EIA was submitted to the Environmental and Social Impact Review Committee (COMEX), an independent body with members appointed by the governments of Quebec and the Cree Nation.Read More
The loan was provided by a consortium featuring Mizuho, Norinchukin, MUFG, Sumitomo Mitsui, SBI Shinsei, BBVA, Santander, Credit Agricole, Societe Generale, Intesa Sanpaolo, KfW IPEX-Bank and KoreaRead More
The project is a joint venture between Chile's state copper company Codelco and Ecuador's state mining company Enami.Read More
The miner expects copper to become its main revenue source by 2026, as new copper-led reserves come online, replacing gold and silver ounces from its existing mines.Read More
Avino Silver & Gold looks to triple production by adding assetsSPONSOREDavino silver & gold mines ltd Rex Minerals nearing investment decision on Hillside copper-gold projectSPONSOREDrex mineralsSouthern Silver excited by high-grade prospects at Cerro Las Manitas SPONSOREDsouthern silver exploration corp.Video Series: Mining Journal speaks with Dr Michelle Michot Foss SPONSOREDsaudi minist...Read More
Video Series: Mining Journal speaks with Dr Michelle Michot Foss SPONSOREDsaudi ministry of industry and mineral resourcesSouthern Silver excited by high-grade prospects at Cerro Las Manitas SPONSOREDsouthern silver exploration corp.Rex Minerals nearing investment decision on Hillside copper-gold projectSPONSOREDrex mineralsAvino Silver & Gold looks to triple production by adding assetsSPONSOR...Read More
Video Series: Mining Journal speaks with Dr Michelle Michot Foss SPONSOREDsaudi ministry of industry and mineral resourcesSouthern Silver excited by high-grade prospects at Cerro Las Manitas SPONSOREDsouthern silver exploration corp.Rex Minerals nearing investment decision on Hillside copper-gold projectSPONSOREDrex mineralsAvino Silver & Gold looks to triple production by adding assetsSPONSOR...Read More
Avino Silver & Gold looks to triple production by adding assetsSPONSOREDavino silver & gold mines ltd Rex Minerals nearing investment decision on Hillside copper-gold projectSPONSOREDrex mineralsSouthern Silver excited by high-grade prospects at Cerro Las Manitas SPONSOREDsouthern silver exploration corp.Video Series: Mining Journal speaks with Dr Michelle Michot Foss SPONSOREDsaudi minist...Read More
Video Series: Mining Journal speaks with Dr Michelle Michot Foss SPONSOREDsaudi ministry of industry and mineral resourcesSouthern Silver excited by high-grade prospects at Cerro Las Manitas SPONSOREDsouthern silver exploration corp.Rex Minerals nearing investment decision on Hillside copper-gold projectSPONSOREDrex mineralsAvino Silver & Gold looks to triple production by adding assetsSPONSOR...Read More
Video Series: Mining Journal speaks with Dr Michelle Michot Foss SPONSOREDsaudi ministry of industry and mineral resourcesSouthern Silver excited by high-grade prospects at Cerro Las Manitas SPONSOREDsouthern silver exploration corp.Rex Minerals nearing investment decision on Hillside copper-gold projectSPONSOREDrex mineralsAvino Silver & Gold looks to triple production by adding assetsSPONSOR...Read More
The miner reported higher-than-expected costs at its operations, including the Kounrad copper mine in Kazakhstan and the Sasa zinc and lead mine in North Macedonia.Read More