The company is developing the third phase of expansion of its operations at Kakuka-Kamoa.Read More
Look beyond market approach to project valuations: van ZylLeadershipCypress Development advances Nevada lithium project towards productionSPONSOREDcypress development corp4 Emerging Trends Driven by the Global Mining BoomSPONSOREDproudfootMetalla poised to flourish amid royalty M&A frenzySPONSOREDmetalla royalty & streamingThe $30 million involves a $15 million equity investment at a minim...Read More
Cypress Development advances Nevada lithium project towards productionSPONSOREDcypress development corp4 Emerging Trends Driven by the Global Mining BoomSPONSOREDproudfootMetalla poised to flourish amid royalty M&A frenzySPONSOREDmetalla royalty & streamingTLEA, a joint venture between Tianqi Lithium Corporation (51%) and IGO (49%), owns a 51% stake in Greenbushes, the world's largest hard...Read More
"Freeport is successfully ramping up underground mining in Indonesia - our base case assumes progress according to guidance - and growing volumes in 2023 that should support free cash flowRead More
The early repayment of its gold prepay facility to Newcrest Mining was the first step in debt reduction at the firm.Read More
"The severe cold temperatures of -35° Celsius (-31° Fahrenheit) immediately froze a number of essential systems in the mills, which delayed the restart of milling operations for several days,"Read More
Cypress Development advances Nevada lithium project towards productionSPONSOREDcypress development corp4 Emerging Trends Driven by the Global Mining BoomSPONSOREDproudfootMetalla poised to flourish amid royalty M&A frenzySPONSOREDmetalla royalty & streaming"International geopolitics has become an important factor affecting China's resource supply," the country's minister of natural resourc...Read More
Look beyond market approach to project valuations: van ZylLeadershipCypress Development advances Nevada lithium project towards productionSPONSOREDcypress development corp4 Emerging Trends Driven by the Global Mining BoomSPONSOREDproudfootMetalla poised to flourish amid royalty M&A frenzySPONSOREDmetalla royalty & streamingThe LME announced on January 5 that Huey Evans will not seek re-ele...Read More
Cypress Development advances Nevada lithium project towards productionSPONSOREDcypress development corp4 Emerging Trends Driven by the Global Mining BoomSPONSOREDproudfootMetalla poised to flourish amid royalty M&A frenzySPONSOREDmetalla royalty & streamingLaw 21,420, enacted in early 2022, amended the Mining Code and aims to increase the government take from mining concessions and surface...Read More
Cypress Development advances Nevada lithium project towards productionSPONSOREDcypress development corp4 Emerging Trends Driven by the Global Mining BoomSPONSOREDproudfootMetalla poised to flourish amid royalty M&A frenzySPONSOREDmetalla royalty & streamingSubsequent to the grant of the extension in 2021, SEMARNAT suggested it had made a typographical error and that the correct term was tw...Read More
Throughout the downtime, which resulted from the attack on its IT systems, the firm has been shipping copper concentrate to the Port of Vancouver from mine inventory and has maintained its plannedRead More
Look beyond market approach to project valuations: van ZylLeadership4 Emerging Trends Driven by the Global Mining BoomSPONSOREDproudfootMetalla poised to flourish amid royalty M&A frenzySPONSOREDmetalla royalty & streamingCypress Development advances Nevada lithium project towards productionSPONSOREDcypress development corp"The miners are trading at premium valuations heading into a tricky...Read More
Regulus and Nuton will jointly undertake copper sulphide leach testing utilising Nuton's copper sulphide leach technologies with samples from its AntaKori copper-gold project in Cajamarca.Read More
With the parties unable to agree on new contract terms by a 14 December 2022 deadline imposed by the government, a week later the government ordered the company to place the operation on care onRead More
The bill was modified in October 2022 to apply a flat-rate ad valorem, or revenue-based, tax of 1% for large-scale copper mining whose exploitation exceeds 50,000tpa, thus excluding medium-sizedRead More
4 Emerging Trends Driven by the Global Mining BoomSPONSOREDproudfootMetalla poised to flourish amid royalty M&A frenzySPONSOREDmetalla royalty & streamingCypress Development advances Nevada lithium project towards productionSPONSOREDcypress development corpThe ASX-listed company's 50.Read More
The initial three-year phase contemplates a 1500tpd operation from the Lowhee, Shaft and Mosquito deposits to produce 72,501ozpa with underground development to ramp up operations to 4,900tpd in yearRead More
The net proceeds of the NSR sale will be used by Skeena to fund additional exploration and development activities at Eskay Creek, which is located in British Columbia's so-called "Golden Triangle",Read More
The China Rare Earth Group, a merger of three of China's state-owned enterprises in 2021, controls up to a quarter of global mineral-bearing rare-earth elements (REE), giving Chinese central plannersRead More
Though a recession is not taken for granted - the administration of President Joe Biden denies it will happen and its officals have argued over what defines a recession - many US-based analysts areRead More