Copper Articles

Anglo American trims copper guidance

09 December 2022 / Staff reporter

The global miner cut its 2023 copper production forecast 840,000-930,000t in 2023 compared with a prior estimate of 910,000t-1.02Mt, due to lower grades at its Chilean mines.Read More

Do investment conferences add value?

08 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Feasibility Study Imminent at Fission's High-Grade, Low-Cost Uranium Project SPONSOREDfission uraniumGlobal Atomic homes in on Dasa financingSPONSOREDglobal atomic corpBlue Sky's big ambitions for Patagonia's uranium resourcesSPONSOREDblue sky uraniumUranium revival takes off as reality hits on energy, geopoliticsSPONSOREDThe Resources Rising Stars investment conference on Queensland's...Read More

Glencore puts Queensland coal project on ice

08 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Feasibility Study Imminent at Fission's High-Grade, Low-Cost Uranium Project SPONSOREDfission uraniumGlobal Atomic homes in on Dasa financingSPONSOREDglobal atomic corpBlue Sky's big ambitions for Patagonia's uranium resourcesSPONSOREDblue sky uraniumUranium revival takes off as reality hits on energy, geopoliticsSPONSOREDA Glencore spokesman said genuine and timely consultation with c...Read More

Cypress Development Advances Nevada Lithium Project...

08 December 2022 / Staff reporter

To date the focus of most investment dollars in the rapidly growing global lithium industry has been on hard rock miners, many located in Australia, and the brine deposits in South America's lithium triangle. However, processing methodologies focused on extracting the key battery metal from clay deposits are developing rapidly and today several soft rock deposits are in advanced stages of developm...Read More

Powering change through diversity: 100 inspirational...

08 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Global Atomic homes in on Dasa financingSPONSOREDglobal atomic corpUranium revival takes off as reality hits on energy, geopoliticsSPONSOREDDenison eyeing low-cost in-situ recovery in Canada's high-grade Athabasca BasinSPONSOREDdenison minesFeasibility Study Imminent at Fission's High-Grade, Low-Cost Uranium Project SPONSOREDfission uraniumWhat does this have to do with WIM100? Well, every...Read More

Solaris looks to double Warintza starter pit size in...

08 December 2022 / Paul Harris

In April, it published a 287Mt grading 0.79% copper equivalent indicative starter pit at Warintza Central within a larger 1.5Bt resource."We are trying to deliver high-value, high-impact growth in expanding the size of the start-up, which is a key contributor to the robust economics of this project. We are going to continue to expand on the start-up to take that resource to over 500Mt with this dr...Read More

Canada toughens investment rules after China exits...

08 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Feasibility Study Imminent at Fission's High-Grade, Low-Cost Uranium Project SPONSOREDfission uraniumGlobal Atomic homes in on Dasa financingSPONSOREDglobal atomic corpBlue Sky's big ambitions for Patagonia's uranium resourcesSPONSOREDblue sky uraniumUranium revival takes off as reality hits on energy, geopoliticsSPONSOREDThe Canadian government has released legislation to modernise th...Read More

Powering change through diversity: 100 inspirational...

08 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Social opposition remains key industry hurdle in ColombiaSPONSOREDverisk maplecroftAura picks up the pace on its pathway to uranium production at TirisSPONSOREDaura energy PolarX following up promising results at Nevada gold-silver projectSPONSOREDpolarx limitedHongliulin Leverages Huawei Cloud Stack to Embrace Digital Transformation SPONSOREDhuawei cloudWhat does this have to do with WIM100? Well...Read More

ASX hopeful Tolu wants to replicate K92's PNG success...

08 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Feasibility Study Imminent at Fission's High-Grade, Low-Cost Uranium Project SPONSOREDfission uraniumGlobal Atomic homes in on Dasa financingSPONSOREDglobal atomic corpBlue Sky's big ambitions for Patagonia's uranium resourcesSPONSOREDblue sky uraniumUranium revival takes off as reality hits on energy, geopoliticsSPONSORED"We're targeting going live on the ASX in the early New Year - r...Read More

AVZ launches legal action over lithium deposit

08 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Feasibility Study Imminent at Fission's High-Grade, Low-Cost Uranium Project SPONSOREDfission uraniumGlobal Atomic homes in on Dasa financingSPONSOREDglobal atomic corpBlue Sky's big ambitions for Patagonia's uranium resourcesSPONSOREDblue sky uraniumUranium revival takes off as reality hits on energy, geopoliticsSPONSOREDThe quote was from capital markets firm Argonaut earlier this mo...Read More

JCHX to buy half of Cordoba's Alacran for US$100M

08 December 2022 / Staff reporter

JCHX, which previously invested C$11 million into Cordoba in November 2019 for a 19.Read More

Bats enter US mining fight

08 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Feasibility Study Imminent at Fission's High-Grade, Low-Cost Uranium Project SPONSOREDfission uraniumGlobal Atomic homes in on Dasa financingSPONSOREDglobal atomic corpBlue Sky's big ambitions for Patagonia's uranium resourcesSPONSOREDblue sky uraniumUranium revival takes off as reality hits on energy, geopoliticsSPONSOREDRanking member Bruce Westerman, a Republican from Arkansas, and...Read More

Castillo replaced by Boluarte as Peru's president

07 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Feasibility Study Imminent at Fission's High-Grade, Low-Cost Uranium Project SPONSOREDfission uraniumGlobal Atomic homes in on Dasa financingSPONSOREDglobal atomic corpBlue Sky's big ambitions for Patagonia's uranium resourcesSPONSOREDblue sky uraniumUranium revival takes off as reality hits on energy, geopoliticsSPONSOREDBoluarte, a lawyer and Peru's first female president, aims to br...Read More

Aussie interest in Patriot's Corvette high

07 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Look beyond market approach to project valuations: van ZylLeadershipFeasibility Study Imminent at Fission's High-Grade, Low-Cost Uranium Project SPONSOREDfission uraniumGlobal Atomic homes in on Dasa financingSPONSOREDglobal atomic corpBlue Sky's big ambitions for Patagonia's uranium resourcesSPONSOREDblue sky uraniumPatriot raised A$4.2 million via the issue of 7 million CHESS deposit...Read More

Integra stockpiles drilling shows early promise

07 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Two-time Vale president Eliezer Batista diesLeadershipLook beyond market approach to project valuations: van ZylLeadershipFeasibility Study Imminent at Fission's High-Grade, Low-Cost Uranium Project SPONSOREDfission uraniumGlobal Atomic homes in on Dasa financingSPONSOREDglobal atomic corpThe successful delineation of this material could result in an increased mine life for Integra's proposed...Read More

Geopacific CEO calls out issues for juniors in PNG...

07 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Feasibility Study Imminent at Fission's High-Grade, Low-Cost Uranium Project SPONSOREDfission uraniumGlobal Atomic homes in on Dasa financingSPONSOREDglobal atomic corpBlue Sky's big ambitions for Patagonia's uranium resourcesSPONSOREDblue sky uraniumUranium revival takes off as reality hits on energy, geopoliticsSPONSOREDThe CEO - whose company suspended construction on its flagship $...Read More

Tianqi looking for more lithium opportunities in Australia...

07 December 2022 / Staff reporter

The company is exploring opportunities, both in its own right and via its 51:49 joint venture with IGO, Tianqi Lithium Energy Australia (TLEA), which owns the Kwinana lithium hydroxide plant and isRead More

US Senator Manchin loses permitting play

07 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Manchin, chairman of the influential Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, had been pressing for the inclusion of permitting reform for energy and minerals projects in the defense act,Read More

Codelco losing copper king throne

07 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Codelco's investment options are highly politicised, with the company colloquially referred to as the ‘salary of Chile' given its contribution to the national budget and employment.Read More

Coal to remain Glencore strength into medium-term

07 December 2022 / Staff reporter

Glencore has a corporate goal to be net zero by 2050. In its 2019 baseline year, the company emitted 373Mt of CO2 equivalent. It targets a 15% reduction by 2026 and 50% by 2035.Read More

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