Aton Confirms the Discovery of a New Zone of Gold Mineralization at Gaharish North

2018-04-23 / @nasdaq


VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aton Resources Inc. (TSX-V:AAN) (“Aton” or the “Company") is pleased to provide investors with an update on exploration activities at the Abu Gaharish and Gaharish North prospects at the Company’s 100% owned Abu Marawat Concession (“Abu Marawat” or the “Concession”), located in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.

Figure 1
Abu Marawat regional geology, showing the location of the Abu Gaharish prospect

Fig. 2a
Gaharish area surface sample and channel profile sampling plan, current sampling programme

Fig. 2b
Gaharish area surface sample and channel profile sampling plan, all samples 2017-2018

Figure 3
Location of GPR lines (GH-1 to GH-6) at the Abu Gaharish prospect

Figure 4
Radargram of GPR profile GH-1, showing possible granite-hosted mineralization

Figure 5
Radargram of GPR profile GH-3, showing possible granite-hosted mineralization (adjusted for topography)

Figure D1
Surface sampling plan, multi-element data - silver

Figure D2
Surface sampling plan, multi-element data - bismuth

Figure D3
Surface sampling plan, multi-element data - copper

Figure D4
Surface sampling plan, multi-element data - lead

Figure D5
Surface sampling plan, multi-element data - tungsten

Figure D6
Surface sampling plan, multi-element data - zinc


  • Results from the last round of channel profile sampling and individual channel and grab sampling at the Gaharish North area has expanded the mineralized zone along the entire eastern margin of the Gaharish granite, with gold mineralization now identified over a strike length in excess of 5.0 km;

  • Au-W-Bi-Cu mineralization is confirmed at the Gaharish North area, with selective grab samples returning assays including 17.80 g/t Au, 15.85 g/t Au, 14.80 g/t Au, and 14.70 g/t Au;

  • Surface channel sample profiles returned assay intersections including 5.2m @ 1.13 g/t Au from Gaharish North, and 4.6m @ 1.25 g/t Au from Abu Gaharish;
  • Selective grab and channel sampling has extended the gold mineralization to ‘islands’ of granite west of the Abu Gaharish Main Zone, and has returned assays including 7.88 g/t Au;
  • Results from the interpreted Abu Gaharish ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey are encouraging, with significant responses under wadi sediments to the west of the Main Zone, indicating the possible extension of the structural system that hosts the Abu Gaharish mineralization further to the west under cover.

“After Rodruin, Abu Gaharish is our second priority target and these results show why,” said Mark Campbell, President and CEO. “With gold mineralization occurring over a 5 km gold strike length, and with the potential for the mineralized structures to extend under cover, Abu Gaharish is a very significant gold exploration target. We will certainly be looking to do some drilling this year at Abu Gaharish, once we have started drilling at Rodruin. We are very excited by the potential of the Gaharish area and intend to do more work on it.”

Sampling at Gaharish North and Abu Gaharish
Additional surface sampling has been completed at the Abu Gaharish prospect (see Figure 1), and the newly discovered Gaharish North zone to follow up on initial grab and channel samples assaying up to 22.6 g/t Au and 26.6 g/t Au (see news releases dated June 7, 2017 and December 19, 2017). A total of 89 surface samples was collected from the general Abu Gaharish area, including 27 individual channel samples taken over an average sample length of about 1m, and 62 selective grab samples. 61 samples were collected at Gaharish North, 14 in the main Abu Gaharish area, a further 8 on the eastern flank of the Gaharish pluton between these 2 areas, and 6 in the Umm Aabass area, SW of the Gaharish pluton, about 4 km SW of Abu Gaharish. Details of all individual and grab samples are provided in Appendix A. Additionally, 13 generally short profiles (GHC-056 to GHC-068) were channel sampled for a total of 97.5m, 3 at Gaharish North and 10 at Abu Gaharish, with the channel profiles averaging 7.5m in length. A total of 49 channel samples were collected over nominal, but not exclusively 2m intervals, and were manually collected using hammer and chisel, under the supervision of senior Aton geologists. Details of the channel sample profiles are provided in Appendix B.

All samples were crushed to -4mm at the Company’s onsite sample preparation facility at Hamama, with c. 500g splits shipped to ALS Minerals at Rosia Montana, Romania for analysis. Samples were analyzed for gold by fire assay using analytical code AA-Au23 (repeated by AA-Au25 for samples which returned gold grades greater than 10 g/t). 125 of all the samples taken to date were also analyzed for a 34 multi-element suite by ICP atomic emission spectrometry, using analytical code ME-ICP61.

Figure 1: Abu Marawat regional geology, showing the location of the Abu Gaharish prospect
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at

5 (6%) of the total of 89 selective grab and individual channel samples returned gold assays of over 10 g/t Au, 23 (26%) returned gold assays of over 1 g/t Au, and 30 (34%) returned gold assays of over 0.5 g/t Au (see Figure 2a, Table 1 for a summary of the results, and Appendix A for full details of all the samples). Samples from the newly discovered Gaharish North zone returned gold assays of 17.80 g/t Au, 15.85 g/t Au, 14.80 g/t Au, and 14.70 g/t Au. A single sample (AHA-17533) from a quartz vein in the central area returned an assay of 16.85 g/t Au, and a single sample from a 2.2m long individual channel sample (AHA-17786) across granite containing narrow sheeted or stockwork veinlets in an ‘island’ of granite to the west of the Abu Gaharish Main Zone returned an assay of 7.88 g/t Au.

Fig. 2a: Gaharish area surface sample and channel profile sampling plan, current sampling programme
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at

Fig. 2b: Gaharish area surface sample and channel profile sampling plan, all samples 2017-2018
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at

Zone> 10 g/t> 5 g/t> 1 g/t> 0.5 g/tTotal
Abu Gaharish00%17%429%536%14
Gaharish North47%610%1830%2439%61
Central area113%113%113%113%8
Um Aabass00%00%00%00%6

 Table 1: Summary of the surface grab and individual channel sample results

Surface channel sample profiles returned assay intersections of including 5.2m @ 1.13 g/t Au from Gaharish North (profile GHC-068), and 4.6m @ 1.25 g/t Au from Abu Gaharish (profile GHC-064). Mineralized intersections from the surface channel profile sampling are presented in Table 2, and full details of the channel sample profiles are provided in Appendix B.

Profile ID
GHC-058Abu Gaharish0. 
GHC-059Abu Gaharish0. 
GHC-063Abu Gaharish2. 
GHC-064Abu Gaharish0. 
GHC-067Gaharish North0. 
GHC-068Gaharish North2. 

Table 2: Selected surface channel sampling mineralized intersections from the Abu Gaharish area

To date, 125 samples from the Abu Gaharish area have also been submitted for multi-element geochemical analyses, in addition to gold fire assay (see Appendix C for details of selected elements, including Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn and W). Significant anomalism of several elements was identified from the multi-element analyses, including silver (6 samples assayed > 100 g/t Ag, with a high of 354 g/t Ag); lead (3 samples assayed over 1% Pb, with a high of 2.73% Pb or 27,300ppm); copper (2 samples assayed over 0.5% Cu, with a high of 0.87% Cu or 8,690 ppm); and tungsten (5 samples assayed over 0.1% W, with a high of 0.16% W or 1,550 ppm). Other anomalous elements include arsenic (highest assay of 291 ppm); bismuth (highest assay of 652 ppm Bi); cadmium (highest assay of 243 ppm Cd); molybdenum (highest assay of 281 ppm Mo); antimony (3 samples assayed over 0.1% ppm Sb, with a high of 2.92 % or 2,920 ppm Sb); and zinc (highest assay of 1,340 ppm Zn). The distribution of Ag, Bi, Cu, Pb, W and Zn assay grades are shown in Figures D1-D6 (Appendix D).

Gold is weakly correlated with Ag, Cu, Pb and Zn; silver is strongly correlated with As, moderately with Cu, and weakly with Pb, Bi and W; copper and lead are strongly correlated; arsenic is strongly correlated with Cd and Sb; tungsten is weakly correlated with Ag, As, Cu, Sb and Sn; bismuth is weakly correlated with Ag, As, Cd and Sb; and zinc is weakly correlated with Au, Cu and Pb. Silver, cadmium and antimony are all very strongly correlated together. The geochemical association of Au with Ag, Pb, Cu, W, Sb, As, Bi and Mo, and the relatively low enrichment of Zn is consistent with a potential reduced intrusion-related gold style of mineralization, related to the Gaharish granite.

Abu Gaharish GPR survey
A total of 6 deep penetrating GPR profile lines were completed at the Abu Gaharish prospect by Terravision Exploration during November 2017, with a combination of 3m and 6m antenna lengths (see Figure 3 below), using their proprietary GPRplus equipment. The final report was received in March 2018. 4 long E-W profiles (GH-1 to GH-4) were completed over and along strike from the Main Zone mineralization, to attempt to identify the mineralized structures and the granite contact between the Gaharish granite and the country metavolcanic and sedimentary sequence, and also to test for possible repetition of the generally west-dipping mineralized structures under wadi sediment cover to the west of the Main Zone. Additionally 2 shorter, more detailed profiles (GH-5 and GH-6) were run across the Main Zone mineralization using shorter 3m antennae to provide orientation over the mineralized structures and ancient workings seen at surface in the Main Zone. Profile GH-5 was coincident with the western end of profile GH-2.

Figure 3: Location of GPR lines (GH-1 to GH-6) at the Abu Gaharish prospect
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at

Results from the Abu Gaharish prospect are very encouraging, with significant responses under wadi sediments, as well as within ‘islands’ of granite to the west of the Main Zone. The velocity responses pick out structures across the wadi area, which may indicate the presence of mineralized quartz veins and structures similar to those found in the Main Zone, which has previously returned channel sample intersections of 31.2m @ 1.04 g/t Au from surface (see news release dated December 19, 2017). A wide zone of increased velocity, approximately 130m wide, was recorded within profiles GH1 and GH3 (see Figures 4 and 5), and was possibly also picked up at the western end of GH4. This is interpreted as indicating the potential presence of a blind zone of en echelon veins, or possibly a shear structure associated with narrow sheeted veining, covered by wadi sediments. This large structural zone lies within and appears to skirt the rim of the late post-orogenic Gaharish granite and is probably at least 1.2km in length (see Figure 3). The GPR response of this interpreted zone is generally typified by a major increase in velocity, which is analogous to the responses identified from the 6m profiles over the Main Zone veins. In addition to this zone, multiple structures have been identified across the wadi, suggesting that a complex series of veins or structures occurs within a zone approximately 800m wide and at least 1km long. The results of the GPR survey give support to the hypothesis that the Abu Gaharish area may host a significant body of structurally-controlled gold mineralization of RIRG affinity.

Figure 4: Radargram of GPR profile GH-1, showing possible granite-hosted mineralization
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at

Figure 5: Radargram of GPR profile GH-3, showing possible granite-hosted mineralization (adjusted for topography)
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at

The confirmation of a new zone of gold mineralization at Gaharish North, with mineralized quartz veins occurring both within the post-orogenic Gaharish granite, as well as in the surrounding country rocks, as at Abu Gaharish, is considered very significant (see Figure 2a). This confirms that gold mineralization occurs over a >5km strike length along the eastern margin of, and within, the late post-orogenic poly-phase Gaharish pluton. The new sampling of granite ‘islands’ surrounded by wadi sediments to the west of the Abu Gaharish Main Zone has further extended the zone of known mineralization at Abu Gaharish (see Figure 2a). The GPR programme has strongly suggested the potential existence of a structural zone largely buried under wadi sediments that has given analogous responses to those observed over the Main Zone at Abu Gaharish, which returned a surface channel intersection of 31.2m @ 1.04 g/t Au. The latest sampling at Abu Gaharish has confirmed the existence of additional and previously unidentified gold mineralization in the Gaharish granite in the broad structural target zone identified by the GPR survey.  

The gold mineralization in the Abu Gaharish-Gaharish North area occurs both within and close to the margins of the late Gaharish granite. The Gaharish granite is part of the suite of evolved post-orogenic alkalic granites that is regionally associated with Sn, Mo and W-Au mineralization within the Egyptian Eastern Desert. The geochemical association of the Gaharish area mineralization with accessory Pb, Cu, W, Sb, As, Bi, Mo, and comparatively low enrichment of Zn is consistent with a potential reduced intrusion-related gold (RIRG) system.

The confirmation of Au (-Cu-Bi-W) mineralization along the entire eastern margin of the Gaharish granite implies the potential existence of a large and significant gold mineralizing system. The latest phase of sampling confirms that gold mineralization exists to the west of the known mineralization at Abu Gaharish, and the results from the deep penetrating GPR survey indicate good potential that the structural system that hosts the Abu Gaharish mineralization extends further to the west and is largely covered by wadi sediments. The results of the latest sampling and the GPR program continue to indicate potential for the existence of a substantial structurally controlled zone of gold mineralization of RIRG affinity at Abu Gaharish. Aton believes that the identification of Au-Cu-Bi-W mineralization at Gaharish North, together with the extension of the structurally controlled mineralized system at Abu Gaharish, indicate the potential development of a large system of RIRG gold mineralization along the entire eastern margin of the Gaharish granite, potentially greater than 5km long in strike length.

Activity update:

  • Laboratory testwork has been completed at the Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Research Institute (Housing and Building National Research Centre) in Cairo on the geotechnical samples collected from the trial pits in the Wadi Um Salamat area for the Hamama West heap leach facility design work, and the final report received.
  • A short programme of excavator trenching has been completed at Hamama East to test for possible surface zones of Au and Zn oxide mineralization. Samples have been dispatched to ALS Minerals in Romania, and results are expected soon.
  • Access road construction is continuing at Rodruin, and it is estimated that the road will reach the main western workings before the Hamama Camp shuts down for the Ramadan break.
  • A preliminary programme of surface sampling has been undertaken over the Zeno prospect area. Numerous significant ancient workings have been identified at the Zeno area, and visible gold has been identified from several samples. Samples have been dispatched to ALS Minerals in Romania, and results are expected soon.

About Aton Resources Inc.
Aton Resources Inc. (TSX-V:AAN) is focused on its 100% owned Abu Marawat Concession (“Abu Marawat”), located in Egypt’s Arabian-Nubian Shield, approximately 200 km north of Centamin’s Sukari gold mine. Aton has identified a 40 km long gold mineralized trend at Abu Marawat, anchored by the Hamama deposit in the west and the Abu Marawat deposit in the east, containing numerous gold exploration targets, including three historic British mines. Aton has identified several distinct geological trends within Abu Marawat, which display potential for the development of RIRG and orogenic gold mineralization, VMS precious and base metal mineralization, and epithermal-IOCG precious and base metal mineralization. Abu Marawat is over 738km2 in size and is located in an area of excellent infrastructure; a four-lane highway, a 220kV power line, and a water pipeline are in close proximity.

Qualified Person
The technical information contained in this News Release was prepared by Roderick Cavaney BSc, MSc (hons), MSc (Mining & Exploration Geology), FAusIMM, GSA, SME, Vice President, Exploration, of Aton Resources Inc. Mr. Cavaney is a qualified person (QP) under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

For further information regarding Aton Resources Inc., please visit us at or contact:

Mark Campbell
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +1-936-689-2589

Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Some of the statements contained in this release are forward-looking statements. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions; by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Appendix A – Abu Gaharish area - grab samples and individual channel samples, gold assays

Sample IDSample
Sample Description
AHA-17551Grab56508029194640.070.5m quartz vein, with FeOx, some limonite, albite alteration
AHA-17552Grab5651062919470<0.0140cm quartz vein, with FeOx, minor sulphides
AHA-17553Grab565128291944016.850.5m quartz vein, ancient workings
AHA-17554Grab56515629195440.0430-50cm quartz vein, with FeOx and minor sulphides
AHA-17555Grab56508629195600.1415-20cm quartz vein, with FeOx, minor sulphides
AHA-17556Grab56540429192180.0115-30cm quartz vein˚, with FeOx and minor sulphides
AHA-17557Grab56530929190580.021m gossan zone, deep red brown color, with limonite alteration
AHA-17739Channel56440229175380.44Chip sample across 10cm quartz vein
AHA-17741Channel56439929175290.092.3m chip sample across sheared altered granite with 10cm quartz vein
AHA-17742Channel56438829175150.05Chip sample across sheared altered granite with 2 quartz veinlets
AHA-17745Channel5642912917414<0.0190cm chip sample from altered granite with 15cm quartz vein
AHA-17754Channel56427529173041.261.6m chip sample across altered granite with narrow quartz veins, ancient workings
AHA-17755Channel56435229171542.1490cm chip sample from altered granite with 10cm quartz vein
AHA-17756Channel56437729171650.1110cm chip sample quartz vein with some sulphides, FeOx
AHA-17766Grab56449729172510.81Quartz vein dump material
AHA-17767Channel56448429172620.4360cm chip sample across granite with some 1-2cm veinlets
AHA-17776Grab56448129173200.38Chip composite sample from sheared granite with narrow quartz vein
AHA-17777Channel56446329173420.211.3m chip sample from sheared granite with two 2cm quartz veinlets
AHA-17785Channel56433929177221.2910cm chip sample from quartz vein with some sulphides
AHA-17786Channel56429329177097.882.2m chip sample from altered granite with 4cm quartz veinlet
AHA-17787Channel56422929176570.161.7m chip sample from altered granite with 4cm quartz veinlet, minor sulphides
AHA-18310Grab56505029211671.42Altered andesite with narrow parallel quartz veins, FeOx, limonite
AHA-18311Grab56505229211670.30Shallow 30cm quartz vein with Cu staining
AHA-18320Grab56496529212030.0140cm quartz vein
AHA-18323Channel56521929212130.04Vertical channel sample, 1.2m high
AHA-18325Grab56523129210660.052m shear zone with quartz-carbonate lenses, limonite
AHA-18326Grab56534129209970.262 parallel shallow dipping 30cm veins, with FeOx and hematite
AHA-18328Grab56552129210510.06Hematitic gossan, leached zone in fine grained andesite
AHA-18329Grab56553629210560.1650cm shear zone with hematitized/limonitized material and oxidized quartz sheets
AHA-18330Grab56554829211070.01Hematite/limonite in brown-red leached zone
AHA-18331Grab56557629211060.09Red-white kaolinized/hematized leached zone, some limonite
AHA-18332Grab56559029210310.02Dark gossan with much limonite
AHA-18333Grab56559229210020.01Gossan material sheared and leached zone
AHA-18334Grab56563229210200.12Red gossanous material with hematite and limonite
AHA-18335Grab56570629210590.03Hematite gossan in leached andesite
AHA-18336Grab56571429210810.01Hematite gossan in leached andesite
AHA-18337Grab56573029211050.0250cm gossan material sheared and leached zone
AHA-18338Grab5657402921060<0.0140cm gossan material sheared and leached zone
AHA-18339Grab56578229210580.02Gossanous material in leached zone
AHA-18340Grab56581129210110.04Highly gossanous material in sheared, leached zone
AHA-18342Channel56500629211300.741m chip sample across 2-10cm stockwork quartz veins
AHA-18343Channel56500429211320.371.1m chip sample across 2-10cm stockwork quartz veins
AHA-18344Channel56502329211141.001.7m chip sample across shear zone, with narrow quartz-carbonate veins
AHA-18345Channel56505629211151.121.7m chip sample across sheared rock, with sheeted quartz veins up to 10cm
AHA-18346Channel56542229208940.0250cm quartz vein, flat-dipping
AHA-18347Channel56538429209160.0220cm quartz vein, steep-dipping
AHA-18348Channel56534729210220.0330cm quartz vein, flat-dipping
AHA-18349Channel56536629210570.4630cm quartz vein, steep dipping with Cu staining
AHA-18350Grab56537329210610.33Highly altered footwall of AHA-18350 with FeOx
AHA-18351Channel56536129210700.0330cm quartz vein, with FeOx with much malachite
AHA-18352Channel565367292108214.8060cm quartz vein, with FeOx and malachite
AHA-18353Channel56536729211693.5650cm quartz vein, steep dipping with malachite and wolframite
AHA-18354Channel56524129207652.3350cm quartz vein, with much malachite
AHA-18701Grab56507229206492.370.1-0.4m thick quartz vein, with sulphides, FeOx
AHA-18702Grab56489729214430.650.5m thick quartz vein, with copper, wolframite
AHA-18703Grab56458529203461.140.1-0.3m quartz vein, with sulphides, Cu staining, FeOx
AHA-18704Grab56460829203650.460.1-0.2m quartz vein, Cu staining, sulphides
AHA-18705Grab56463529203930.205-10cm quartz vein, Cu staining, sulphides
AHA-18706Grab564713292041714.7010-20cm quartz vein, sulphides, Cu staining, and FeOx
AHA-18707Grab56496129205085.7515cm quartz vein, with Cu staining, some sulphides
AHA-18708Grab56497129204860.8220-30cm quartz vein, with Cu staining, FeOx
AHA-18709Grab56412629201670.0115cm quartz vein, with big pyrite cubes, some sulphides, some FeOx
AHA-18710Grab56427529201270.02Silicified, altered weathered granite with sulphides, pyrite cubes
AHA-18711Grab564248292044917.8010-40cm quartz vein, with minor sulphides, Cu staining, FeOx
AHA-18712Grab56426629204450.0420-80cm quartz vein, with big pyrite cubes, FeOx
AHA-18713Grab56429529205350.01Quartz vein, with FeOx
AHA-18714Grab56432129206930.0330cm quartz vein, with minor sulphides, FeOx
AHA-18715Grab56439429209010.0180cm quartz vein, with minor sulphides, FeOx
AHA-18716Grab56470129211671.441m quartz vein, with sulphides, Cu staining, wolframite
AHA-18717Grab56475929211750.440.5-0.8m quartz vein, with malachite, Cu staining, FeOx
AHA-18718Grab56513729214173.46Ancient working, quartz vein with Cu staining
AHA-18719Grab565076292141015.85Ancient working, quartz vein with Cu staining
AHA-18720Grab56496329214301.852 parallel quartz veins, with Cu staining
AHA-18734Channel56480729212202.095m quartz vein, with FeOx, minor Cu staining
AHA-18735Channel56479229212411.715.2m quartz vein, minor Cu staining, FeOx
AHA-18736Grab56472629211711.25Quartz vein, with Cu staining, FeOx
AHA-18737Grab56398429222920.10Quartz vein with oxidized sulphides, minor Cu staining, FeOx
AHA-18738Grab56391929225050.100.5m quartz vein, with Cu staining
AHA-18739Grab56414029228019.00Ancient working on hematitic quartz vein
AHA-18740Grab56215129165900.010.5m quartz vein, with some sulphides, FeOx and limonite
AHA-18741Grab5626022916221<0.010.8-1m quartz vein, with FeOx
AHA-18742Grab5620522915349<0.0160cm quartz vein, with MnOx and FeOx
AHA-18743Grab56195329153630.022cm narrow quartz veins, with FeOx
AHA-18744Grab56392129230460.7230cm quartz vein, with FeOx
AHA-18745Grab56482929215150.0640cm sheared quartz vein, with MnOx, FeOx, some sulphides
AHA-18746Grab56486329215410.98Narrow quartz veinlets with sulphides, FeOx
AHA-18747Grab56210729148520.01Silicified highly leached and altered rock
AHA-18748Grab56156429145850.11Deep red gossanous material with FeOx and albite alteration
AHA-18749Grab56565829199830.012.5cm quartz vein, with FeOx
1)       Channel samples were collected over an average of 1m intervals, actual sampled widths are indicated in the table
2)       All coordinates are UTM (WGS84) Zone 36R

Appendix B – Abu Gaharish area - channel sampling profiles, gold intersections

Start LocationStart LocationFrom
GHC-0563.656438729175045643842917507    NSA
GHC-0572.456426329173775642612917377    NSA > 0.89 g/t Au
GHC-0604.656451229172275645082917225    NSA > 0.31 g/t Au
GHC-0614.056450229172265644982917226    NSA
GHC-0624.256446529172665644692917268    NSA
GHC-06513.156433929177585643262917759    NSA > 0.88 g/t Au
GHC-06614.056497929211945649652921197    NSA
3)       Channel profiles sampled over nominal, but not exclusively, 2m intervals
4)       Intersections calculated using a 0.5 g/t Au cutoff grade
5)       Intersections both less than 2m in width and grading less than 1 g/t are not included in this table
6)       All coordinates are UTM (WGS84) Zone 36R

Appendix C – Abu Gaharish area - all samples, selected multi-element assays

Sample IDSample
AHA-14008Grab55730829195320.01<0.5<13<2<5<2<0.53<1<1<5 <10
AHA-14009Grab5607182921278<0.016.899625238<51890.810243<5 <10
AHA-14010Grab564568291724913.2571.58690273001170<5458.51446237 740
AHA-14011Grab564500291780926.6037.3363060192<5435.216755 20
AHA-14127Grab56457429172482.893.256493195<5<20.9271137 20
AHA-14128Grab56457129172451.454.987444953<5<21.53721916 160
AHA-14129Channel56457029172450.120.5816355<2<0.511276 20
AHA-14130Channel56456829172440.700.7192353<540.515285 70
AHA-14131Channel56458229171391.711.56143610906<2121110<5 30
AHA-14132Channel56458029171390.352.8122111067<21.210178 550
AHA-14133Channel56457929171401.532.94610402699<21.6183829 260
AHA-14134Grab564555291727611.457.964042215<2<0.5711<5 <10
AHA-14135Grab564564291728119.9050.921602380051924335.71412576 90
AHA-14136Channel564577291735222.6052.84410403320411.382734 580
AHA-14137Channel56458129173621.601.1301191266<2117366 100
AHA-14138Grab56458329173663.855.821151597<21.27468 810
AHA-14139Channel56458829174202.283.228322819<20.6143818 180
AHA-14140Channel56458929174363.034.186241945<22.91076<5 90
AHA-14141Channel56458829174360.15<0.57571468<2<0.515175 10
AHA-14142Channel56460729174470.19<0.5312177<2<0.5827<5 150
AHA-14143Channel56462729175140.741.8362951896<20.9104711 100
AHA-14144Channel56462829175142.598.129668301441.242415 180
AHA-14145Channel56462929175140.881.7211721508<20.815213<5 170
AHA-14146Grab56460129175202.000.811221334<5<20.517111<5 30
AHA-14147Grab56459729175216.066.92299345<2<0.5849<5 40
AHA-14148Grab56459629175221.051.725105178<5<20.514310<5 80
AHA-14149Channel56467229175900.880.78357836<20.717<11012 70
AHA-14150Channel56467029175910.180.6122764<5<20.616<198 30
AHA-14151Channel56466829175920.121.2822377<20.6122810 50
AHA-14152Chip56468629176260.140.83832555<20.613368 60
AHA-14153Chip56470729176710.642.85484128<5<21.21311109 210
AHA-14154Chip56475429177362.636.9376441368<20.515858 200
AHA-14155Channel56514929182567.27354282011600106241492243163102920 810
AHA-14156Grab56513329182549.608.2115260761233.2132775 90
AHA-14157Grab56464329180134.861732298466922.71261921 500
AHA-14158Channel564523291690118.4523.9219164865<28.712314<5 40
AHA-14159Channel56452229169006.766.36718605101332.46672717 50
AHA-14160Channel56452129169001.1845441462<0.5755<5 30
AHA-14161Channel56452029169000.08<0.5423626<2<0.54<136 60
AHA-14162Channel56448229168000.404.34986375<20.873610 30
AHA-14163Channel56448729167805.486.9925091431352.729131461 100
AHA-14164Grab56422929168434.036.52113233920.972612 10
AHA-14165Grab56473129165246.442.875711<52<0.510314<5 10
AHA-14166Grab56492429165330.01<0.5587<29483<0.5584<136824 <10
AHA-14167Channel56476929168493.463.4979570<5<2<0.517110<5 10
AHA-14168Channel56466629166267.739.7265764873<0.560<12810 <10
AHA-17557Grab56530929190580.02<0.526115926627<0.527306<5 <10
AHA-18328Grab56552129210510.060.744177585<0.510735 40
AHA-18329Grab56553629210560.16<0.5413132314<2<0.5168110 40
AHA-18330Grab56554829211070.01<0.51034556<2<0.5423<5 <10
AHA-18331Grab56557629211060.09<0.51011519172<0.512114<18 <10
AHA-18332Grab56559029210310.02<0.5915121421640.792475 <10
AHA-18333Grab56559229210020.01<0.5316146010<2183<1<5 <10
AHA-18334Grab56563229210200.12<0.5113125110<2<0.532653<5 <10
AHA-18335Grab56570629210590.03<0.511051013155<0.543<1<5 <10
AHA-18336Grab56571429210810.01<0.51003516<2<0.515477 <10
AHA-18337Grab56573029211050.02<0.51440239163<0.5141038 <10
AHA-18338Grab5657402921060<0.01<0.5940984135<0.527478 10
AHA-18339Grab56578229210580.02<0.5981435216<0.5142813<5 <10
AHA-18340Grab56581129210110.04<0.5201113718<2<0.5131418 <10
AHA-18747Grab56210729148520.01-0.5371544-5-2-0.51622-5 -10
AHA-18748Grab56156429145850.111.11700713081711-0.549574-5 -10

Appendix D – Abu Gaharish area - multi-element sampling plans

Figure D1: Surface sampling plan, multi-element data - silver
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at

Figure D2: Surface sampling plan, multi-element data - bismuth
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at

Figure D3: Surface sampling plan, multi-element data - copper
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at

Figure D4: Surface sampling plan, multi-element data - lead
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at

Figure D5: Surface sampling plan, multi-element data - tungsten
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at

Figure D6: Surface sampling plan, multi-element data - zinc
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at

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