Aurion Starts Drilling at Aamurusko and Identifies New Gold Zones

2017-09-14 / @nasdaq


ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland, Sept.14, 2017(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aurion Resources Ltd. ("Aurion") (TSX VENTURE:AU) is pleased to report that drilling has begun at the Aamurusko prospect on its 100% owned Risti Project in Northern Finland.A total of 21 diamond drillholes are proposed over a distance of approximately 1.1 km along a Northeast-Southwest trending 1.0 km wide corridor. Within this corridor a total of 717 quartz vein blocks have assayed from nil to 2520 grams per tonne (g/t) Au and average 32.97 g/t Au with 102 assaying >31 g/t Au (one ounce per tonne - "Opt").Aurion has also made several new high grade gold discoveries along regional unconformities southwest, northwest and east of Aamurusko.Further details are provided below.


  • 21 diamond drillholes (3400 metres) are proposed over 1.1 km strike length
  • 717 quartz blocks average 32.97 g/t Au within core 1.4 by 1.0 km trend
  • 102 (14%) quartz blocks assayed greater than 1 ounce per tonne (opt) Au
  • Channel sampling of quartz blocks assayed as high as 43.3 g/t Au over 1.65 m
  • 2232 rock samples across Risti Project average 11.8 g/t Au.
  • Multiple new high grade gold discoveries regionally

Aurion has received assays for 717 rock samples of predominantly large and angular quartz (+/- tourmaline +/- Fe-Oxide) blocks within the core of the Aamurusko mineralized corridor comprising an area measuring 1.4 km long by 1.0 km wide.These samples assayed from nil to 2520 g/t (81.4 opt) with 102 assaying greater than 31 g/t Au (1 opt), Many of these quartz blocks contain abundant coarse visible gold, range in size from 0.1 to 32 m3 and average 0.35 m3.The distribution of the results of all 717 samples is presented in the following table.

Number of samples Au Grade (g/t) Percentage of 717 total samples

The underlying quartz veins are hosted by clastic rocks of the Kumpu Group (including quartzites and polymictic conglomerates) and mafic volcanics of the Sodankyla Group.The Kumpu Group polymictic conglomerates are unconformably in contact with the Sodankyla Group mafic volcanics. This contact is interpreted to be a major regional structure/fluid conduit and is the primary target unconformity.

Channel Sampling
A total of 32 individual saw-cut channel samples were collected from several large quartz blocks at Aamurusko.All channel samples were collected at either 0.25 m or 0.5 m lengths, 4 cm widths and 10-15 cm depths. Individual channel sample grades range from nil to 143.3 g/t Au.The length weighted average composite grades range from 0.15 g/t Au over 1.0 m to 43.3 g/t Au over 1.65 m.The following table summarizes the channel sample results to date.

Discovery Boulder #1 Length Weighted Average Grade (g/t Au / m)
43.34 g/t Au / 1.65m
11.58 g/t Au / 1.5m
11.57 g/t Au / 1.7m
Discovery Boulder #2
20.64 g/t Au / 2.5m
0.15 g/t Au / 1.0m
Quartz block #312.66 g/t Au / 0.7m
Quartz block #4
1.88 g/t Au / 1.00m

Diamond Drilling
A total of 21 diamond drillholes are proposed for the Phase 1 drill program now currently underway.The holes range from 100 m to 220 m depth (average 150m approximately).The drillholes are designed to test a combination of quartz block size, density and grade over a strike length of approximately 1.15 km (See attached map).Readers are advised that it is highly likely that the program will be modified as drilling progresses and geological information and assays are collated and interpreted.

Regional Exploration
Ongoing regional reconnaissance prospecting has focussed on the regional unconformities between the Kumpu Group clastic sediments and the mafic and ultramafic rocks of the Savukoski Group. This has resulted in several new early stage gold discoveries throughout the Risti Project. To date Aurion has received assays from 2232 rock samples across the entire Risti project.The average of all samples is 11.8 g/t Au.A number of these new discoveries are discussed below.

A cluster of quartz blocks up to 2m3 in size were discovered subcropping over a 100 m distance approximately 1.7 km southwest along strike from the Aamurusko prospect. These quartz blocks assayed from nil to 166.0 g/t Au with visible gold noted.Sixty six samples were collected with eight samples assaying > 1.0 g/t Au including highs of 12.15 and 166.0 g/t Au.The area between K2 and the southern end of the Aamurusko trend is low lying and overburden covered.

Beginning approximately 3.0 km east of Aamurusko, reconnaissance prospecting has outlined widespread stockwork and breccia style quartz veins exposed in boulders, sub outcrop and bedrock over a distance of approximately 5 km.Six hundred and twenty-two samples have been collected so far.The highlights include 7 samples which assayed greater than 10 g/t Au including two which assayed 420.0 and 622.0 g/t Au. Coarse visible gold has been noted here. The assay results are summarized below.

Number of samples Au Grade (g/t) Percentage of 622 total samples

Risti NW
Limited reconnaissance prospecting has identified gold mineralization at a major unconformity located approximately 5.5 km North-Northwest of Aamurusko.Eighty-three samples have been collected to date with five assaying greater than 1.0 g/t Au and highs of 8.1 and 14.1 g/t Au.

Please see attached link to maps on our website:

Other Work at Risti
Aurion has completed a detailed ground magnetic survey over the Aamurusko prospect and results are being interpreted. A detailed ground resistivity survey is currently underway. These surveys will assist in drill targeting.

Soil Sampling
Approximately 500 soil samples have been collected and assays are pending.

BoT Sampling
A large Base of Till (BoT) sampling survey is underway focussed primarily on the unconformities that are overburden covered and the area between Aamurusko and the Notches.

Baseline Environmental Survey
A baseline environmental study was initiated prior to drilling.The survey includes initial water and moss sampling from watercourses in the vicinity of the drilling area at Aamurusko as well as flora and fauna surveys.

The Risti Property comprises an area of approximately 15,000 ha and covers approximately 30 km of interpreted regional unconformities defined by the contact between the Kumpu Group conglomerates and the older mafic and ultramafic volcanics, of the Sodankyla and Savukoski Groups adjacent to the Sirkka Shear Zone, a major regional fault/deformation zone in the CLGB.The setting of the Aamurusko gold mineralization, is analogous to the setting of many of the world class gold deposits in the Timmins camp of the Abitibi province of Northern Ontario.More than 72.5 million ounces of gold in several deposits in the Timmins camp are hosted by polymictic conglomerates and mafic volcanics proximal to major unconformities adjacent to the regional Porcupine-Destor fault/deformation zone.

Aurion controls 200,000 ha of mineral tenements within the Paleoproterozoic, Central Lapland Greenstone Belt ("CLGB").The primary focus is on this highly prospective previously un-recognized target concept within the CLGB, of which Aurion controls approximately 70 km along the Sirkka Shear Zone.

Mike Basha, President and CEO of Aurion commented: "Our work this season has substantially enhanced our confidence in the understanding of the Aamurusko system, prior to drill targeting. Moreover, our regional reconnaissance prospecting and geological mapping work has identified additional high grade gold discoveries regionally, confirming the exploration potential of a previously unexplored geological context in the Central Lapland Greenstone Belt.Now with a treasury of approximately $23 million we can systematically develop our projects."

Quality Assurance and Quality Control

All samples were delivered to ALS Minerals preparation facility in Sodankyla, Finland where sample preparation work was completed. All analytical work was completed at ALS Minerals facility in Loughrea, Ireland.ALS Minerals is an internationally accredited lab and are ISO compliant (ISO 9001:2008, ISO/IEC 17025:2005).All samples were analyzed for gold using the Au-AA24 procedure (50g fire assay with AAS finish: Detection Limit 0.005 g/t gold; Upper Limit - 10g/t gold).Any samples that returned overlimit values (>10.0g/t gold) were automatically analyzed by gravimetric analysis, Au-GRA22 (50g gravimetric analysis: Detection Limit 0.05g/t gold: Upper Limit 1,000g/t gold).Any samples containing visible gold were analyzed by Au-SCR24 1kg, Screen Fire Assay Au (0.05-1,000ppm) by 1kg screen fire assay (50g nominal sample weight). The sample pulp (1kg) is passed through a 150 micron stainless steel screen. Any material remaining on the screen (>150 micron) is retained and analyzed in its entirety by fire assay with gravimetric finish and reported as the Au (+) fraction. The material passing through the screen (<150 micron) is homogenized and two sub-samples are analyzed by fire assay with AAS finish. The average of the two AAS results is taken and reported as the Au (-) fraction result. All three values are used in calculating the combined gold content of the plus and minus fractions. The gold values for both the (+) 150 and (-) 150 micron fractions are reported together with the weight of each fraction as well as the calculated total gold content of the sample.)Multi-element analysis (ME-ICP61, four-acid digestion, 35 element ICP-AES) was completed on all samples. Certified standards and blanks were inserted every 25 samples.ALS has its own QA/QC protocol using standards, blanks and duplicates.

Qualified Person
Mike Basha, P.Eng., P.Geo., Aurion's President and CEO, is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and has approved the technical disclosure and verified the technical information in this news release.

Forward-Looking Statement

Certain statements contained in this release constitute forward-looking information.These statements relate to future events or future performance.The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on the Companies' current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events.Actual future results may differ materially.The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof and Aurion is not obligated to update or revise any forward?EUR'looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward?EUR'looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward?EUR'looking information contained herein.

On behalf of the Board,

Mike Basha,

President & CEO

For further information on Aurion Resources please contact:

Mike Basha at (709) 699-8300 or (709) 722-2141 or; Or

Gord Fernandes, Capital Markets Advisor at (416) 805-9635 or

For contact in Europe:

Mathias Forss, MSc, Exploration Manager - Scandinavia, at + 358 50 591 3976 or

For further information on these projects please visit our website at

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