DNI Metals - First 12 of 28 Diamond Core Assays Received; Including 34m Grading 5.63% Graphitic Carbon

2017-12-07 / @newsfile


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - December 7, 2017) - DNI Metals Inc. (DNI: CSE) (FSE: DG7N) (OTC Pink: DMNKF) ("DNI" or the "Company").


  • VHTDD007: 12.00m @ 9.28% GC; from 1.00m (incl. 4.50m @ 12.00% GC; from 1.00m)

  • VHTDD009: 13.50m @ 8.21% GC; from 5.50m (incl. 3.00m @ 10.60%GC; from 7.00m);

  • VHTDD011: 18.00m @ 5.01% GC; from 2.50m (incl. 3.00m @ 7.22% GC; from 2.50m);

  • VHTDD012: 34.00m @ 5.63% GC; from surface (incl. 3.00m @ 11.65% GC, from 19.00m);

DNI is pleased to announce the following (refer Figure 1 following):

  1. Receipt of the first and second batches of drilling assay results from its recent diamond core drilling programme its 100%-owned Vohitsara Graphite Project in Madagascar; incorporating two (2) mineralised holes from the Southwest Zone ("SW Zone") & the all of the first six (6) assayed holes from the Main Zone;

  2. Drilling has confirmed that free-dig saprolitic weathered material has been developed to depths of 17m to 42m below surface; averaging 28m;

  3. 28 holes for a total of 1,040 metres drilled have been completed for this programme; which finished during the first week of November 2017.

Dan Weir, CEO, commented: "We continue to be impressed and excited with the results being returned from our drilling within these two highly prospective targets at our Vohitsara project. Nine (9) of the first twelve holes — including every one of the holes from the Main Zone - returned solid intercepts. Worth noting is that, as stated previously, many of the Saprolitic graphite mines around the world produce from an average in-situ grade of 3-5% graphitic carbon ('GC'). Obtaining an intercepted width of 12 metres grading 9.28% GC, that includes 4.5m grading 12.00% GC, almost from surface, is well above the average tenor of mineralisation for this area. We are very excited about these results and very much look forward to receiving the remaining assays."

Table 1: Composite Results:

BHID From To Interval %GC Description
VHTDD001 04.00 10.00 06.00 03.57 6.00m@3.57%GC;
from 4.00m
VHTDD002 00.00 05.50 05.50 03.31 5.50m@3.31%GC;
from 0.00m
VHTDD006 05.50 11.50 06.00 03.72 6.00m@3.72%GC;
from 5.50m
VHTDD007 01.00 13.00 12.00 09.28 12.00m@9.28%GC; from 1.00m
incl 01.00 05.50 04.50 12.00 incl:4.50m@12.00%GC; from1.00m
  17.50 20.50 03.00 05.88 3.00m@5.88%GC; from17.50m
VHTDD008 07.00 28.00 21.00 06.11 21.00m@6.11%GC; from 7.00m
incl 19.00 23.50 04.50 11.75 incl:4.50m@11.75GC; from19.00m
VHTDD009 05.50 19.00 13.50 08.21 13.50m@8.21%GC; from 5.50m
incl 07.00 10.00 03.00 10.60 incl:3.00m@10.60%GC; from 7.00m
VHTDD010 28.00 37.36 09.36 04.99 9.36m@4.99%GC; from 28.00m
VHTDD011 02.50 20.50 18.00 05.01 18.00m@5.01%GC; from 2.50m
incl 02.50 05.50 03.00 07.22 incl:3.00m@7.22GC; from 2.50m
VHTDD012 00.00 34.00 34.00 05.63 34.00m@5.65%GC; from 0.00m
incl 16.00 19.00 03.00 11.65 incl:3.00m@11.65%GC; from 16.00m


Disclosure: Note that insufficient geological data currently exist to accurately determine true mineralisation widths as compared to intersection widths as listed in Table 1 above. Note also that the intersected mineralisation is hosted within weathered in-situ saprolitic material and is known to be broadly disseminated within this regolith horizon in the area currently being tested by drilling.

A full listing of all 255 assay results is appended at the back of this document.

All representative samples were prepared and collected by or under supervision of DNI's Country Manager, Steven Goertz. Mr. Goertz is a Geologist and is a Qualified Person under NI43-101 regulations. Mr. Goertz has approved this Press release.

The samples were processed at AGAT Laboratories, in Ontario, Canada. Graphitic carbon assays were performed using a modified infrared assay method. This method is preferable to other industry-accepted assay methods; inclusive of varying forms of Loss on Ignition (LOI) testing. All analysis were preformed using LECO instruments.

Drill Collars:

BHID Type Project mE (UTM) mN (UTM) mAMSL Grid Datum Zone  Dip EOH (m)
VHTDD001 DC(HQ3) Vohitsara 303,547 7,949,564 73 UTM WGS84 39K -90 32.27
VHTDD002 DC(HQ3) Vohitsara 303,614 7,949,487 34 UTM WGS84 39K -90 29.33
VHTDD006 DC(HQ3) Vohitsara 303,692 7,949,558 35 UTM WGS84 39K -90 19.74
VHTDD007 DC(HQ3) Vohitsara 305,048 7,950,215 68 UTM WGS84 39K -90 23.96
VHTDD008 DC(HQ3) Vohitsara 305,044 7,950,281 73 UTM WGS84 39K -90 48.37
VHTDD009 DC(HQ3) Vohitsara 305,181 7,950,614 86 UTM WGS84 39K -90 26.97
VHTDD010 DC(HQ3) Vohitsara 305,120 7,950,528 84 UTM WGS84 39K -90 35.36
VHTDD011 DC(HQ3) Vohitsara 305,124 7,950,443 72 UTM WGS84 39K -90 32.50
VHTDD012 DC(HQ3) Vohitsara 305,193 7,950,210 93 UTM WGS84 39K -90 34.34

About DNI Metals

Certain advisors and directors of DNI have significant operational experience at historical hard rock graphite mines in Canada (e.g. Ontario and Quebec) and Australia. Between them, they have built three (3) processing plants and designed two (2) others; all, which were shut down in the 1990,'s due to increased Chinese competition. Keith Minty, a director, previously worked at Cal Graphite near Kearny, Ontario.

It was our team's understanding of the high production and capital expenditure costs associated with so-called "hard rock" graphite mining that inspired DNI to search for saprolite-hosted graphite deposits.

Certain parts Madagascar and Brazil, produce graphite from weathered material called saprolite.

According to Dictionary.com, saprolite is described as:

"Soft, thoroughly decomposed and porous rock, often rich in clay, formed by the in place chemical weathering of igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rocks. Saprolite is especially common in humid and tropical climates. It is usually reddish brown or grayish white and contains those structures (such as cross-stratification) that were present in the original rock from which it formed."

DNI owns two permitted, saprolite-hosted graphite deposits in Madagascar; located 50kms from the country's main seaport. The deposits are located less than two (2) kms from the paved national highway. DNI intends to develop the Vohitsara project, should the economic viability and technical feasibility be established. DNI has not yet established mineral resources or mineral reserves supported by a PEA or mining study (PFS or FS).

DNI has a graphite wholesale business, in which it buys and sells high quality graphite. This business has shown a steady increase in volume over the past year.

Steven Goertz (MAusIMM, MAIG), who is a qualified person, approved the technical disclosure in this news release.

DNI — Canadian Securities Exchange
Issued: 98,273,355

For further information, contact:
DNI Metals Inc. — Dan Weir, CEO 416-595-1195
Also visit www.dnimetals.com

We seek Safe Harbour. This announcement may include forward looking statements. While these statements represent DNI's best current judgment, they are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to vary, including risk factors listed in DNI's Annual Information Form and its MD&A's, all of which are available from SEDAR and on its website.

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Figure 1:
Summary Working Plan for the Vohitsara Project - showing locations of initial core holes

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:


BHID From To SampleID GC%
VHTDD001 00.00 01.00 E5811601 01.60
VHTDD001 01.00 02.50 E5811602 02.68
VHTDD001 02.50 04.00 E5811603 02.91
VHTDD001 04.00 05.50 E5811604 03.55
VHTDD001 05.50 07.00 E5811605 03.81
VHTDD001 07.00 08.50 E5811606 03.72
VHTDD001 08.50 10.00 E5811607 03.21
VHTDD001 10.00 11.50 E5811608 01.36
VHTDD001 11.50 13.00 E5811609 00.56
VHTDD001 13.00 14.50 E5811611 00.14
VHTDD001 14.50 16.00 E5811612 00.33
VHTDD001 16.00 17.50 E5811613 00.13
VHTDD001 17.50 19.00 E5811614 00.33
VHTDD001 19.00 20.50 E5811615 00.54
VHTDD001 20.50 22.00 E5811616 00.45
VHTDD001 22.00 23.50 E5811617 00.58
VHTDD001 23.50 25.00 E5811618 02.23
VHTDD001 25.00 26.50 E5811619 01.59
VHTDD001 26.50 28.00 E5811621 02.83
VHTDD001 28.00 29.50 E5811622 03.36
VHTDD001 29.50 31.00 E5811623 02.30
VHTDD001 31.00 32.27 E5811624 01.98
VHTDD002 00.00 01.00 E5811626 03.41
VHTDD002 01.00 02.50 E5811627 04.22
VHTDD002 02.50 04.00 E5811628 02.31
VHTDD002 04.00 05.50 E5811629 03.30
VHTDD002 05.50 07.00 E5811631 00.91
VHTDD002 07.00 08.50 E5811632 02.46
VHTDD002 08.50 10.00 E5811633 00.22
VHTDD002 10.00 11.50 E5811634 00.25
VHTDD002 11.50 12.50 E5811635 02.05
VHTDD002 12.50 14.00 E5811636 01.73
VHTDD002 14.00 15.50 E5811637 02.51
VHTDD002 15.50 17.00 E5811638 02.27
VHTDD002 17.00 18.50 E5811639 02.52
VHTDD002 18.50 20.00 E5811641 02.00
VHTDD002 20.00 21.50 E5811642 02.39
VHTDD002 21.50 23.00 E5811643 03.00
VHTDD002 23.00 24.50 E5811644 03.35
VHTDD002 24.50 26.00 E5811645 02.90
VHTDD002 26.00 27.50 E5811646 02.90
VHTDD002 27.50 29.33 E5811647 01.57
VHTDD003 00.00 01.00 E5811648 02.36
VHTDD003 01.00 02.00 E5811649 02.51
VHTDD003 02.00 03.00 E5811651 02.82
VHTDD003 03.00 04.00 E5811652 02.06
VHTDD003 04.00 05.00 E5811653 02.76
VHTDD003 05.00 06.00 E5811654 02.66
VHTDD003 06.00 07.00 E5811655 02.14
VHTDD003 07.00 08.00 E5811656 01.84
VHTDD003 08.00 09.00 E5811657 02.07
VHTDD003 09.00 10.00 E5811658 02.10
VHTDD003 10.00 11.00 E5811659 02.28
VHTDD003 11.00 12.00 E5811661 02.07
VHTDD003 12.00 13.00 E5811662 02.69
VHTDD003 13.00 14.00 E5811663 03.00
VHTDD003 14.00 15.00 E5811664 02.98
VHTDD003 15.00 16.00 E5811665 01.79
VHTDD003 16.00 17.00 E5811666 00.78
VHTDD003 17.00 18.00 E5811667 01.19
VHTDD003 18.00 19.00 E5811668 02.09
VHTDD003 19.00 20.00 E5811669 02.08
VHTDD004 00.00 01.00 E5811895 00.03
VHTDD004 01.00 02.50 E5811896 00.05
VHTDD004 02.50 04.00 E5811897 01.87
VHTDD004 04.00 05.50 E5811898 01.19
VHTDD004 05.50 07.00 E5811899 01.81
VHTDD004 07.00 08.50 E5811901 02.44
VHTDD004 08.50 10.00 E5811902 01.63
VHTDD004 10.00 11.50 E5811903 01.40
VHTDD004 11.50 13.00 E5811904 00.36
VHTDD004 13.00 14.50 E5811905 00.65
VHTDD004 14.50 15.42 E5811906 01.97
VHTDD005 00.00 01.00 E5811907 01.15
VHTDD005 01.00 02.50 E5811908 01.58
VHTDD005 02.50 04.00 E5811909 02.00
VHTDD005 04.00 05.50 E5811911 00.95
VHTDD005 05.50 07.00 E5811912 00.11
VHTDD005 07.00 08.50 E5811913 00.05
VHTDD005 08.50 10.00 E5811914 00.01
VHTDD005 10.00 11.50 E5811915 00.01
VHTDD005 11.50 13.00 E5811916 00.01
VHTDD005 13.00 14.50 E5811917 00.01
VHTDD005 14.50 16.00 E5811918 00.01
VHTDD005 16.00 17.50 E5811919 00.01
VHTDD005 17.50 19.00 E5811921 00.01
VHTDD005 19.00 20.50 E5811922 00.01
VHTDD005 20.50 22.00 E5811923 00.01
VHTDD005 22.00 23.50 E5811924 00.01
VHTDD005 23.50 25.00 E5811926 00.01
VHTDD005 25.00 26.50 E5811927 00.01
VHTDD005 26.50 28.00 E5811928 00.93
VHTDD005 28.00 29.50 E5811929 00.80
VHTDD005 29.50 31.00 E5811931 00.13
VHTDD005 31.00 32.50 E5811932 00.01
VHTDD005 32.50 34.00 E5811933 01.41
VHTDD005 34.00 35.50 E5811934 01.22
VHTDD005 35.50 37.00 E5811935 07.06
VHTDD005 37.00 38.50 E5811936 03.40
VHTDD006 00.00 01.00 E5811937 01.26
VHTDD006 01.00 02.50 E5811938 01.46
VHTDD006 02.50 04.00 E5811939 01.99
VHTDD006 04.00 05.50 E5811941 01.12
VHTDD006 05.50 07.00 E5811942 05.94
VHTDD006 07.00 08.50 E5811943 00.49
VHTDD006 08.50 10.00 E5811944 03.43
VHTDD006 10.00 11.50 E5811945 05.00
VHTDD006 11.50 13.00 E5811946 00.14
VHTDD006 13.00 14.50 E5811947 00.11
VHTDD006 14.50 16.00 E5811948 00.52
VHTDD006 16.00 17.50 E5811949 00.05
VHTDD006 17.50 19.00 E5811951 00.02
VHTDD006 19.00 19.74 E5811952 00.15
VHTDD007 00.00 01.00 E5811953 02.73
VHTDD007 01.00 02.50 E5811954 11.60
VHTDD007 02.50 04.00 E5811955 13.30
VHTDD007 04.00 05.50 E5811956 11.10
VHTDD007 05.50 07.00 E5811957 09.99
VHTDD007 07.00 08.50 E5811958 08.20
VHTDD007 08.50 10.00 E5811959 08.38
VHTDD007 10.00 11.50 E5811961 05.80
VHTDD007 11.50 13.00 E5811962 05.87
VHTDD007 13.00 14.50 E5811963 00.26
VHTDD007 14.50 16.00 E5811964 00.07
VHTDD007 16.00 17.50 E5811965 00.35
VHTDD007 17.50 19.00 E5811966 05.79
VHTDD007 19.00 20.50 E5811967 05.97
VHTDD007 20.50 22.00 E5811968 02.26
VHTDD007 22.00 23.50 E5811969 00.12
VHTDD007 23.50 23.96 E5811971 00.06
VHTDD008 00.00 01.00 E5811972 01.64
VHTDD008 01.00 02.50 E5811973 03.22
VHTDD008 02.50 04.00 E5811974 04.27
VHTDD008 04.00 05.50 E5811976 01.17
VHTDD008 05.50 07.00 E5811977 00.94
VHTDD008 07.00 08.50 E5811978 03.08
VHTDD008 08.50 10.00 E5811979 02.51
VHTDD008 10.00 11.50 E5811981 06.14
VHTDD008 11.50 13.00 E5811982 07.20
VHTDD008 13.00 14.50 E5811983 01.65
VHTDD008 14.50 16.00 E5811984 03.80
VHTDD008 16.00 17.50 E5811985 05.95
VHTDD008 17.50 19.00 E5811986 06.71
VHTDD008 19.00 20.50 E5811987 07.55
VHTDD008 20.50 22.00 E5811988 17.10
VHTDD008 22.00 23.50 E5811989 10.60
VHTDD008 23.50 25.00 E5811991 06.25
VHTDD008 25.00 26.50 E5811992 02.56
VHTDD008 26.50 28.00 E5811993 04.48
VHTDD008 28.00 29.50 E5811994 02.49
VHTDD008 29.50 31.00 E5811995 02.72
VHTDD008 31.00 32.50 E5811996 01.32
VHTDD008 32.50 34.00 E5811997 00.57
VHTDD008 34.00 35.50 E5811998 03.14
VHTDD008 35.50 37.00 E5811999 02.67
VHTDD008 37.00 38.50 E5812001 00.49
VHTDD008 38.50 40.00 E5812002 01.73
VHTDD008 40.00 41.50 E5812003 00.44
VHTDD008 41.50 43.00 E5812004 02.50
VHTDD008 43.00 44.50 E5812005 01.57
VHTDD008 44.50 46.00 E5812006 00.16
VHTDD008 46.00 47.50 E5812007 00.07
VHTDD008 47.50 48.37 E5812008 00.03
VHTDD009 00.00 01.00 E5812009 00.30
VHTDD009 01.00 02.50 E5812011 00.91
VHTDD009 02.50 04.00 E5812012 00.58
VHTDD009 04.00 05.50 E5812013 00.98
VHTDD009 05.50 07.00 E5812014 06.19
VHTDD009 07.00 08.50 E5812015 09.90
VHTDD009 08.50 10.00 E5812016 11.30
VHTDD009 10.00 11.50 E5812017 08.62
VHTDD009 11.50 13.00 E5812018 07.67
VHTDD009 13.00 14.50 E5812019 04.26
VHTDD009 14.50 16.00 E5812021 07.27
VHTDD009 16.00 17.50 E5812022 08.19
VHTDD009 17.50 19.00 E5812023 10.50
VHTDD009 19.00 20.50 E5812024 00.11
VHTDD009 20.50 22.00 E5812026 02.33
VHTDD009 22.00 23.50 E5812027 00.01
VHTDD009 23.50 25.00 E5812028 00.05
VHTDD009 25.00 26.50 E5812029 00.01
VHTDD009 26.50 28.00 E5812031 00.02
VHTDD009 28.00 28.47 E5812032 00.01
VHTDD010 00.00 01.00 E5812033 00.01
VHTDD010 01.00 02.50 E5812034 00.04
VHTDD010 02.50 04.00 E5812035 00.13
VHTDD010 04.00 05.50 E5812036 00.09
VHTDD010 05.50 07.00 E5812037 01.93
VHTDD010 07.00 08.50 E5812038 03.83
VHTDD010 08.50 10.00 E5812039 00.01
VHTDD010 10.00 11.50 E5812041 00.17
VHTDD010 11.50 13.00 E5812042 01.06
VHTDD010 13.00 14.50 E5812043 00.20
VHTDD010 14.50 16.00 E5812044 00.05
VHTDD010 16.00 17.50 E5812045 01.05
VHTDD010 17.50 19.00 E5812046 02.25
VHTDD010 19.00 20.50 E5812047 08.72
VHTDD010 20.50 22.00 E5812048 02.13
VHTDD010 22.00 23.50 E5812049 01.69
VHTDD010 23.50 25.00 E5812051 02.95
VHTDD010 25.00 26.50 E5812052 02.29
VHTDD010 26.50 28.00 E5812053 00.95
VHTDD010 28.00 29.50 E5812054 03.85
VHTDD010 29.50 31.00 E5812055 04.96
VHTDD010 31.00 32.50 E5812056 03.56
VHTDD010 32.50 34.00 E5812057 07.97
VHTDD010 34.00 35.50 E5812058 04.22
VHTDD010 35.50 37.00 E5812059 04.40
VHTDD010 37.00 37.36 E5812061 05.98
VHTDD011 00.00 01.00 E5812062 00.24
VHTDD011 01.00 02.50 E5812063 01.52
VHTDD011 02.50 04.00 E5812064 06.93
VHTDD011 04.00 05.50 E5812065 07.50
VHTDD011 05.50 07.00 E5812066 05.98
VHTDD011 07.00 08.50 E5812067 05.80
VHTDD011 08.50 10.00 E5812068 05.01
VHTDD011 10.00 11.50 E5812069 02.79
VHTDD011 11.50 13.00 E5812071 03.21
VHTDD011 13.00 14.50 E5812072 02.04
VHTDD011 14.50 16.00 E5812073 03.26
VHTDD011 16.00 17.50 E5812074 04.50
VHTDD011 17.50 19.00 E5812076 04.84
VHTDD011 19.00 20.50 E5812077 08.30
VHTDD011 20.50 22.00 E5812078 00.82
VHTDD011 22.00 23.50 E5812079 00.22
VHTDD011 23.50 25.00 E5812081 00.02
VHTDD011 25.00 26.50 E5812082 05.48
VHTDD011 26.50 28.00 E5812083 04.77
VHTDD011 28.00 29.50 E5812084 02.72
VHTDD011 29.50 31.00 E5812085 06.67
VHTDD011 31.00 32.51 E5812086 02.73
VHTDD012 00.00 01.00 E5812087 07.62
VHTDD012 01.00 02.50 E5812088 04.13
VHTDD012 02.50 04.00 E5812089 03.56
VHTDD012 04.00 05.50 E5812091 02.40
VHTDD012 05.50 07.00 E5812092 02.84
VHTDD012 07.00 08.50 E5812093 03.68
VHTDD012 08.50 10.00 E5812094 04.98
VHTDD012 10.00 11.50 E5812095 04.47
VHTDD012 11.50 13.00 E5812096 05.94
VHTDD012 13.00 14.50 E5812097 05.37
VHTDD012 14.50 16.00 E5812098 04.59
VHTDD012 16.00 17.50 E5812099 12.50
VHTDD012 17.50 19.00 E5812101 10.80
VHTDD012 19.00 20.50 E5812102 05.02
VHTDD012 20.50 22.00 E5812103 05.14
VHTDD012 22.00 23.50 E5812104 06.67
VHTDD012 23.50 25.00 E5812105 09.00
VHTDD012 25.00 26.50 E5812106 06.12
VHTDD012 26.50 28.00 E5812107 04.25
VHTDD012 28.00 29.50 E5812108 01.33
VHTDD012 29.50 31.00 E5812109 07.76
VHTDD012 31.00 32.50 E5812111 06.11
VHTDD012 32.50 34.00 E5812112 05.28
VHTDD012 34.00 34.40 E5812113 00.09


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