East-West 2016-2017 Drill Program Results

2017-06-06 / @thenewswire



Val-d'Or, Quebec TheNewswire / June 6, 2017 - Knick Exploration Inc. (TSX-V: KNX).

Knick is pleased to present results from 30 holes drilled on its East-West Property located in Dubuisson Township, close to the City of Val d'Or, Northern Quebec, Canada. The East-West property covers a strike length of 1.6 kilometers on the Marbenite Fault Zone. Adjacent to the west of the property is the advanced Marban exploration project owned by Osisko Mining (T-OSK), and east of the property is the Kiena Mines Complex property owned by Wesdome (T-WDO).

The East-West program was initiated in November 2016 and completed early March 2017. An up-serge in exploration activity since the beginning of 2017 has resulted in longer turn-around times for sample analysis. This has led to a longer lag time for Knick's set of data with complete QAQC verification.

The program confirmed and extended the mineralized area referred to as the West Zone located about 400 metres eastward from the Osisko Mining Marban deposit resource outline ? along the Marbenite Fault system. A series of holes drilled on 50 meter spaced sections has confirmed the continuity of the gold system along a minimum strike length of 300 metres going from surface down to a vertical depth of 220 metres.

Best mineralized intervals obtained from this program are as follows:

  • -- 2.4 grams of gold per tonne over 16.6 metres, including 15.2 grams of gold per tonne over 2.4 meters in hole EW-16-10 centered on the historical West Zone. One of the program objectives was to re drill and reproduce historical results of this area located about 300 metres along strike eastward from the Marban deposit footwall. The cut is at a vertical depth of 70 metres.

  • --Hole EW-16-06 located 25 metres West of hole EW-16-10 returned 31.15 grams of gold per tonne over 1.5 meter at a vertical depth of 90 metres.

  • --Hole EW-16-20 presents a wide low grade interval of 0.5 grams per tonne over 34.5 metres including an enriched zone which gave 13.1 grams of gold per tonne over 1.1 meter. Hole EW-16-20 is located about 200 metres east of the historical West Zone in an area previously undrilled. The mineralization was intersected at a vertical depth of 220 metres and is open down dip and eastward along strike.

The 6,700 metres program was planned to test the continuity of the gold system along the Marbenite Fault system mostly above 200 metres vertical depth. Twenty-three (23) holes out of the 30 holes drilled returned at least one interval above a selected 0.5 gram of gold per tonne over more than 1.0 meter cut off.

West Zone


Twenty-three holes representing 5,025 metres were drilled on the West Zone to cover a strike length of 300 metres. The spacing was kept at 50 metres between sections, but varies inside a range of 30 to100 metres on North-South sections. With the exception of one deeper hole, all other holes have intersected the target at a vertical depth going from about 30 metres down to 220 metres.


Twenty-one mineralized intervals were obtained from 16 holes using the selected 0.5 gram of gold per tonne over more than 1.0 meter cut off. See "Mineralized Intervals Table" below.

Geological Context

The mineralized structure is wrapped/enrobed by ductile deformed ultramafic lavas; both are part of the Jacola Formation. This assemblage is dipping south at approximately 60 degrees and has an apparent thickness in the range of 20 to 60 metres. The assemblage is related to the Marbenite Fault Zone, a wide alteration and deformation system linking together the Marban deposit and the main part of the Kiena Mine deposit ?, situated west and east of the property, respectively.

The interpretation showed that the gold mineralization is developed inside a main continuous, 20 to 60 metre thick massive mafic unit. The gold mineralization is in the form of 1 to 10 centimeters non oriented quartz veins in networks representing as little as 10% of volume of the rock. Chlorite in association with calcite is the main alteration assemblage, which includes the sporadic appearance of albite, tourmaline and biotite. In most cases mineralized intervals can be visually correlated with minute sulfides grains showing a pyrrhotite-pyrite-chalcopyrite association. Free gold is rare.

East Zone


Seven (7) holes were drilled on the East zone for a total of 1,839 metres, mostly to test the section 280200E area from surface down to 200 metres depth. A spacing of 25 metres between north-south holes was kept for "best potential" correlation of veins to other geological features.

One longer hole (EW-17-27) was planned 300 metres westward on section 279900E to cross the entire section of the Marbenite deformation system accessible on the property.


Eleven (11) mineralized intervals were obtained from 7 holes using the selected 0.5 gram of gold per tonne over more than 1.0 meter cut off. Average grade and thickness obtained are 1.7 grams of gold per tonne over a core length of 1.7 m. The best result obtained is 10.0 grams of gold per tonne over 1.4 metres in hole EW-17-26 at a vertical depth of 180 metres. A wide low grade interval of 0.2 gram per tonne gold over 92.3 metres was also identified in the same hole.

Geological Context

Like the West Zone, the East Zone context is an assemblage of massive mafic rocks sandwiched between ultramafic lavas with ductile deformation. Trenches in the area shows predominant north-east shear zones as one control of the mineralization. The gold enrichment tends, even restrained to mafic host rocks, can be correlated with mafic -ultramafic contacts inside 50 metres envelopes. Chloritisation is the dominant alteration, occasionally associated with biotite. Free gold is rarely observed.

Mineralized Intervals Table developed on a selected 0.5 gram of gold per tonne over more than 1.0 meter cut off.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- |Hole|From|To |Length|Gold |Co-ordinates| | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |Number|meters|Meters|Meters|grams per tone|Easting|Northing| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |West Zone| | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-01 |33.05 |35.3|2.25|0.75 |279100|2969.8| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-01 |48 |50.75 |2.75|0.73 |279100|2956.3| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-02 |128.05|140|11.95 |0.4|279104|2884.4| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |inc.|128.05|131.3 |3.25|1.16 |279104|2888.3| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-04 |77.8|78.75 |0.95|4.49 |279139|2934 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-04A|no significant value | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-05 |117|130.8 |13.8|0.4|279137|2899.1| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |inc.|118|118.9 |0.9|3.56 |279137|2902.5| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-05 |124.15|128.2 |4.05|0.43 |279137|2896.2| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-06 |101.95|103.2 |1.25|31.5 |279168|2911 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-07 |116.6 |120.55|3.95|0.71 |279171|2893.4| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-07 |151.3 |152.45|1.15|9.35 |279174|2863.7| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-08 |201|222.2 |21.2|0.39 |270265|2798 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |inc.|201|203.7 |2.7|0.96 |279165|2808 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |inc.|213.9 |216.5 |2.6|0.83 |279165|2796.5| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |inc.|218.05|222.2 |4.15|0.63 |279165|2791.9| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-08 |230.95|233.4 |2.45|0.65 |279165|2780.7| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-09 |no significant value | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hole|From|To |Length|Gold |Co-ordinates| | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |Number|meters|Meters|Meters|grams per tone|Easting|Northing| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-10 |65 |81.55 |16.55 |2.38 |279191|2936.2| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |inc.|65 |67.6|2.6|0.99 |279191|2942.7| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |inc.|79.15 |81.55 |2.4|15.19|279191|2930.1| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-12 |no significant values| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-14 |no significant value | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-16-15 |28 |43.8|15.8|0.6|279250|2966.3| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |inc.|33.35 |34 |0.65|12.06|279250|2966.3| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-03 |no significant value | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-11 |34.5|35.7|1.2|0.83 |279188|2969.7| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-11 |176.1 |177.65|1.55|0.69 |279191|2850.3| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-13 |110.5 |113.3 |2.8|0.68 |279254|2902.3| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-13 |182.25|183.3 |1.05|5.45 |279257|2841.6| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-15 |33.35 |34 |0.65|12.1 |279250|2967.4| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-16 |85.85 |88.3|2.45|1.55 |279254|2928.3| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-16 |190.3 |194.7 |4.4|0.54 |279260|2841.5| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-17 |no signifcant value| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-18 |no significant value | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-19 |84.9|86.4|1.5|0.76 |279300|2929.5| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-19 |193.6 |199.2 |5.6|0.65 |279298|2839.6| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |inc.|194.3 |195|0.7|2.5|279298|2839.6| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hole|From|To |Length|Gold |Co-ordinates| | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |Number|meters|Meters|Meters|grams per tone|Easting|Northing| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-20 |231.75|266.65|34.9|0.52 |279398|2779.3| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |inc.|260.3 |262.5 |2.2|6.66 |279397|2768.8| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |inc.|260.3 |261.4 |1.1|13.13|279397|2769.3| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-21 |116.25|116.75|0.5|0.85 |279354|2902 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |East Zone| | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-22 |24 |25 |1|0.45 |280150|2982.4| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-23 |106.9 |108.45|1.55|0.77 |280205|2917.9| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-24 |104.6 |108.15|3.55|0.58 |280207|2901.6| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hole|From|To |Length|Gold |Co-ordinates| | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |Number|meters|Meters|Meters|grams per tone|Easting|Northing| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-24 |172|173.5 |1.5|0.59 |280212|2840.7| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-25 |39 |40.55 |1.55|1.99 |280200|2963 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-25 |137.95|140.3 |2.35|0.52 |280201|2872.3| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-25 |211.55|213.1 |1.55|0.6|280203|2806 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-26 |104.35|196.6 |92.25 |0.19 |280230|2898.2| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |inc.|195.2 |196.6 |1.4|10|280233|2823.5| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-27 |365.75|366.7 |0.95|0.61 |279900|2735.7| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | || | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-28 |183.85|186.3 |2.45|1.22 |280182|2825.2| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |EW-17-28 |217.6 |218.05|0.45|1.37 |280183|2794.4| ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Presidential Comment:

The recent drilling clearly indicates interesting gold potential under the 200 meter level.

Looking at the results we see a lot of smoke implying that something is happening at near depth. The recent gold intersections along with historical information show that the mineralised system is in place and does contain significant values and width to justify deeper drilling. Low grade gold mineralization with large widths enveloping higher grade cores is a key indication for potential at depth.

One of the main strengths of this property is its location. Having confirmed the position of the Marbenite Fault lies well within the East-West Property and that the mineralised corridor traverses the property this offers the company substantial leeway for the future.

The orebodies in the immediate surroundings of the East-West Property include Kiena of Wesdome, Marban of Osisko, Camflo of Richmont and Goldex of Agnico Eagle. All start at -200 meters depth and support our conclusion that we have to drill test below -200 meters vertically. On that point, many mines in the Abitibi extend to substantial depths such as the LaRonde Mines of Agnico Eagle with its Penna Shaft down to 3,000 meter, the Lamaque Mine at 1,150 meters and the Sigma Mine which stands at 1,850 meters. Thus, there is still a lot of potential in the East-West property; a unique piece of real estate.

Yes; we will drill at depth in the near future with or without partnership.

We believe that mining analysts will identify with the many geological indications in place and that we are on the right track, success is not immediate and requires effort , knowledge, timing and a fair dose of luck.

*Mineralized intervals are weighted average on core length samples. Depending on the density of information and the level of confidence on the geological interpretation, results may represent between 70 and 90 % of true thickness for the West Zone. Otherwise, uncertainty concerning the interpretation of the East Zone makes any evaluation of the true thickness elusive.

The East-West property is located along the Trans-Canada Highway of the Val d'Or-Malartic mining camp, Quebec, Canada. The property is sandwiched between Osisko Mining (TSX-T: OR) Marban deposit, to the west and Wesdome Gold Mines (TSX-T: WDO); Kiena Mine complex; to the east.

Currently we're receiving enjoyment from the continuing research on this gold project.

Samples were sent to both the ALS Chemex Laboratory in Val d'Or and Expert Laboratory in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec for analysis.

Fire assay and metallic sieve methods were implemented for analysis as deemed warranted.

Quality insurances and controls were completed on analysis by the insertion of standards and blanks with sample submittals.

Osisko Mining project has a combined total of 1.531 million ounces of gold (reference ? NI 43-101) .

References: ?NI 43-101 Updated Mineral Resource Technical Report, Marban Block Property, Quebec, Canada prepared for Niogold Mining Corporation, August 15, 2013, Effective date June 1, 2013, by Michael M. Gustin CPG and Peter Ronning, P. Eng, section 14.16, page 151.

2NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Quebec Wesdome Project. Prepared for Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd., Effective date, December 16, 2015, by InnovExplo inc.

Knick press releases are available in the news room on Knick's web site at www.knick.ca

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Gordon N. Henriksen, P.Geo., Vice President of Knick Exploration, is the Company's qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. He has reviewed and approved the contents of this press release.

We seek Safe Harbour.

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Jacques Brunelle Gordon N. Henriksen

President & CEO Vice President

Knick Exploration Knick Exploration

Val-d'Or, Quebec Val-d'Or, Quebec

819-874-5252 819-874-5252

819-856-1387 819-210-1406

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