VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA/ ACCESSWIRE / November 13, 2018 / TascaResources Ltd. ("Tasca" orthe "Company") (TSX.V:TAC,FSE:3TA) is pleased to announce it has acquiredthe Selish Mountain property, a 290 hectare block approximately 15 kilometressouthwest of Merritt, British Columbia and 10 kilometres to the north ofWesthaven Ventures Inc.'s Shovelnose Gold Property, where recent drilling hasreturned intersections of 8.95 g/t gold over 46.2 metres and 24.5 g/t gold over17.77 metres. Tasca cautions investors it has not verified the Westhavenexploration data.
Historicexploration on the Selish Mountain property consists of geological mapping,soil sampling and induced polarization surveys for porphyry copper in the early1970's. Excavator trenching and diamond drilling uncovered sulfidemineralization in the intrusive and hosting volcanics, consisting ofdisseminations, blebs and discontinuous stringers of chalcopyrite andmolybdenite. This description is taken from the BC Ministry of Energy and MinesMinfile database. The geological data is not available, so Tasca must cautioninvestors it has not verified the exploration data.
"Tasca believes inthe mineral potential of the Spences Bridge and Nicola Group rocks throughoutthe lower central interior of British Columbia" said CEO Clive Massey. "Whileeveryone is obviously excited about the Shovelnose discovery in Spences BridgeGroup rocks, the potential of the underlying Nicola Group rocks can't beoverlooked. We feel the Selish Mountain property has excellent potential forgold and fits in with our Princeton Gold Property 95 kilometres to thesoutheast."
The Selish Mountain property isunderlain by mafic to felsic pyroclastic rocks and flows with lesser argillite,sandstone and local carbonate of the upper Triassic Nicola Group. The westernthird of the property is underlain by fine through coarse clastic sediments ofthe Eocene Princeton Group. A small dioritic intrusion of late Triassic earlyJurassic age lies immediately south of the property boundary.
Tasca suspects thehistoric exploration was solely focussed on copper and assaying was likelyrestricted to copper as well. Tasca plans a reconnaissance trip to the propertyto view outcrops and take some preliminary samples to assess the precious metalpotential of the property.
Terms of theOption Agreement with the Vendor are as follows; pay $5,000 on signing (paid), pay$5,000 and issue 700,000 common shares within three days of TSX Venture Exchangeapproval; pay $10,000 and issue 1,300,000 common shares within 12 months of theAgreement date.
About Tasca Resources
Tasca Resources Ltd. (TAC: TSX-V; FWB: 3TA) is a Canadian-based mineralexploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development ofmineral properties.Our objective is tobuild shareholder value through exploration and potential development oracquisition of existing projects with significant up-side.
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information contained in this news releasehas been reviewed and approved by R. Tim Henneberry, P.Geo., Tasca's geologist,who is a "Qualified Person" as such term is defined under National Instrument43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43- 101").
For additional informationregarding the above noted property and other corporate information, pleasevisit the Company's website at
Clive H. Massey
President & CEO
For further information,please contact:
TascaInvestor Relations
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This newsrelease contains certain statements that may be deemed"forward-looking" statements. Forward looking statements arestatements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always,identified by the words "expects", "plans","anticipates", "believes", "intends","estimates", "projects", "potential" and similarexpressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would","may", "could" or "should" occur. Although TascaResources Ltd. believes the expectations expressed in such forward-lookingstatements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are notguarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially fromthose in forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are based onthe beliefs, estimates and opinions of Tasca Resources Ltd. management on thedate the statements are made. Except as required by law, Tasca Resources Ltd. undertakesno obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event thatmanagement's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.
SOURCE: Tasca Resources Ltd.