A Silver Stock still 85% below 2011 High

By Jason Hommel / April 22, 2016 / silverstockreport.com / Article Link

You don't need me to tell you silver hit a high of $17.79 on April 21st yesterday.

I have been looking for signs that we definitely hit the bottom.I think I found it.

One of the best silver stocks in the sector is now up over 200% since January.When I saw that, I thought it might even be too late to buy in.

But this stock is still 85% below its former high in April, 2011.

Many of the old timers were telling me about this silver property before this company acquired it, and went public.They said it was one of Canada's richest and most productive silver mines, and they were disappointed back in 2004-2005 that this mine was not available to buy into.

Two days ago, I saw this stock outperform all the rest in Jason Hamlin's subscriber area, and because of my experience, I knew why.Years ago, I had the chance to maybe try to buy the property myself, and I could have made a few hundred million, but I simply was not rich enough, nor was the wealth liquid enough, nor was I brave enough, nor did I have any experience running a public company, to try to make the attempt.I'll let Jason Hamlin explain about this stock further:

Jason Hamlin writes: "Silver is likely to continue exploding higher at the gold/silver ratio returns towards historic averages. "

"We believe these gains are just getting started, as Deutsche Bank has just admitted to manipulating the silver price and a flurry of multi-billion dollar lawsuits have followed. Adding fuel to the fire, China officially validated the rumor and initiated a new Yuan-denominated gold price at the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) today. China has now thrown down the gauntlet against London and the Comex for control over the global physical gold market. Price discovery is moving from West to East and this should translate into an upward revision in both gold and silver prices."

"But the true gains are being generated by silver mining stocks, many of which have DOUBLED or TRIPLED since the start of the year. In fact, one of our favorite silver stocks is up 227% year to date! This is a massive gain in under 4 months, putting this silver stock on track for an annualized gain in excess of 800%!"

"This silver company owns one of the world's highest-grade silver mines and recently expanded their resource with the discovery two important new deposits. Management is top notch and has grown their indicated silver resource from 10 million to 55 million ounces in just 5 years. Furthermore, they have added these ounces of silver at a cost of just $0.60 per ounce!"

"Our top silver pick for 2016 has three mines well into development with a fourth on the way. Roads and power are already in place and permitting is expected to be completed by the end of June. We expect production to start up by year end."

"Not only does this company have extremely high grade silver, but their all-in sustaining costs are estimated to be under $15. While many silver miners are struggling to reach profitability, our top silver pick can generate profits at current prices."

"Here is the real kicker... Management was smart enough to delay production and waited patiently for higher silver prices. While other silver miners have been pumping out ounces full throttle just to stay solvent, this company has generated cash flow from a side consulting business, while keeping all of their precious silver ounces in the ground. They will now be able to sell them at SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER prices and generate much better profit margins. This is driving shareholder value and explains why their share price is up over 225% in 2016, while the silver price is up 23%. That is leverage of more than 10X and we think these types of returns will continue well into the future!"

To get the name of this stock, I encourage you to sign up with Jason Hamlin's Newsletter, here:

Click here to get this silver stock pick and Jason Hamlin's newsletter!

It's priced right at only $39 for a month, or $300 for a year.I remember the first time I signed up to an investment newsletter, the "oxford club" in college.I just wanted to learn about investing. The next time I bought a newsletter, it was in the silver stock industry, and I made over $100,000 on just one stock pick!I couldn't believe it, but the timing was right.This information is that good, and the time is now!It seems silly to sell it for only $39.But that's how guys like Hamlin and me can make a living.

Sign up now.Others certainly will, and if you don't, you might end up buying this same stock a month from now at a 50% higher price!It's better to just sign up now.

Click here to get this silver stock pick and Jason Hamlin's newsletter!

SEC Disclaimer: I do not own shares in the company of this promotion, and the company has not paid me to promote their company.The only way I earn anything is if you sign up to Hamlin's newsletter.


Jason Hommel

Please leave your comments on this article online at:silverstockreport.com/2016/hamlin.html


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