Attention: We Need To Talk About Silver (And Andy Hoffman)

By Sean / December 20, 2017 / / Article Link

It won't take long, but you might want to take a seat first...

In what looks like further confirmation, capitulation if you will, from a person who was one of the most staunch, hardcore silverbugs around, there's little doubt this is a continuing sign of the bottom, albeit from a different angle: Hitting rock bottom.

Fundamentally, we have seen gold & silver capitulation from some of the most outspoken advocates, who no longer see the precious metals as anything at best, and now speak against them at worst.

These individuals have moved on to hyping Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

But you can't kill the idea of sound money.

Just like those sea turtles, who as soon as they hatch, know instinctively know which direction to head for the sea, so too humans have, in our most basic of instincts, hard coded into our DNA, come to know instinctively, that in the end, only gold & silver are money.

So while some of the voices have become blinded by paper fiat gains in a pump-and-dump that will come crashing down just as fast as it was pumped, all because of real-time internet speed combined a group of speculators who's only thought is to get rich quick, speculators who will move on to the next get rich quick scheme just as fast as it presents itself, know that the sound money movement is far from dead.

New voices, new advocates of sound money, have taken their places, and the new voices are humbled to be trusted with the responsibility, which is both a blessing and curse, a burden and a breeze, a fortune and a misfortune, of carrying gold and silver's light.

Stack accordingly...

- Half Dollar


Sean of SGTreport has produced a new video titled We Need To Talk About Silver (& Andy Hoffman)

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