(Kitco News)- In less than a month, BMO Capital Markets has lost its topleadership in the precious metals mining spaces as Egizio Bianchini gets readyto leave the bank to take an executive role at Ivanhoe Mines (TSX: IVN).
After 29-years years at BMO, the bank announced Thursdaythat Bianchini’s has retired as vice-chair and co-head of its Global Metals& Mining Group. As of March 12, Bianchini will take up his new post as amember of Ivanhoe’s board of directors.
According to a press release from Ivanhoe, Bianchini willplay a vital role as the company’s push ahead with the development of its threeSouth Africa-based projects: Kamoa-Kakula, Kipushi and Platreef.
“The Ivanhoe directors agree that Egizio is the person tohelp us escalate the momentum we have generated with our world-scalediscoveries and mine development projects in Africa,” said Robert Friedland,Executive Chairman and founder of Ivanhoe Mines in the press release.
“Egizio is one of the most respected and accomplishedinvestment banking professionals in the world’s metals and mining sector. Hehas a deep understanding and appreciation of our projects and a career ofexperience working in major capital markets and leading strategic transactionsto achieve value creation. His vision, knowledge and success record areenhancing qualities that will support Ivanhoe’s ambition as we embark on ournext phase of growth,” he added.
Bianchini’s exit from BMO comes less than a month after JasonNeal, the other co-head BMO’s mining group said that he was leaving the bank.Neal left BMO to become president and chief executive officer of TMACResources (TSX: TMR).
By Neils ChristensenFor Kitco News
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