Ben Bridge Chairman Dies at 93

By Rapaport News / April 04, 2018 / / Article Link

RAPAPORT... Herb Bridge, co-chairman of jeweler Ben Bridge and much ofthe force behind its global expansion, died at age 93 on Monday. Bridge grew up in the family-run business, which has been inoperation since 1912, and worked with his father in the store since childhood. Shortly after the US entered World War II, Bridge left thejewelry business and joined the navy, rising to the rank of rear admiral overhis 41-year career. Upon returning home from service, his father took one lookat him and told him to get a broom and sweep out the store, according to aninterview he gave to the Puget Sound Business Journal. When his father retired, Bridge and his brother Bob tookover the running of the store. In 2000, Warren Buffet's conglomerate, BerkshireHathaway, acquired the Ben Bridge chain and retained the two brothers asco-chairmen. "He always remembered people and spoke with a unique care,humor, and twinkle in his eye," his great-niece Lisa Bridge, the jeweler'spresident and CEO, recalled on Tuesday. "That was Herb. He taught us to investtime and energy into our community and everyone we came into contact with. I amthankful to have had such a loving, wonderful role model in my life, and I willstrive to live a life in his honor." A public celebration of his life will take place on April17.

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