Aim-listed diamond mining company BlueRock has completed the upgrade to the crushing circuit, including the installation of a larger cone crusher, at the Kareevlei mine in the Kimberley region of South Africa.
In addition to the installation of the new crusher, the crushing circuit has been upgraded and reconfigured to handle the expected increase in material flows and is now set up to be able to operate the new crusher alongside the existing cone crusher.
AdvertisementThe new crusher began operating on Thursday and is expected to be running at full capacity shortly.
The existing cone crusher will continue to run as volume through the new crusher increases to maintain production and to build stockpiles of crushed ore in line with the company’s operating plan.
AdvertisementBlueRock’s volume guidance for the year remains at 280 000 t to 335 000 t and executive chairperson Mike Houston said on Friday, as previously announced, that it would refine its guidance following the end of the third quarter after the reconfigured plant had been operational for two months.