Bears thought they had control of the gold markets onTuesday, taking the precious metal down over $10 before a late-day rally cutthose losses in half. In overnight trading, the bears were once again incontrol until 1:30 a.m. EST. Out of nowhere, the bulls showed up and goldrallied $18 from the lows, putting in a new three-month high.
Once again, the bears got run over by the bulls on heavyvolume. In baseball, they call it the squeeze play. You can hear the bearsworldwide squealing, wondering how they could get it wrong again. Is this justanother short squeeze or are the metals ready to break out to new levels?
Based on the volume and size of the move, a short squeezeis more likely, which could be creating a great selling opportunity. As long asgold stays under $1,330, we would expect this to be just another short-termopportunity to sell. Rallies that come from short squeezes look so good and, inmost cases, are just another opportunity to sell.
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