Calm Down, MAGA.

By Sean Ring / January 17, 2025 / / Article Link

It's amazing how a country with $36 trillion in debt give or take has suddenly recovered its swagger thanks to its loose-lipped incoming chief executive.

Don't get me wrong, Trump absolutely had to get elected to ensure that cackling moron, Kamala Harris, didn't get behind the Resolute Desk. I'm thrilled DJT will be inaugurated again in a couple of weeks.

And yet, the MAGA crowd, of which I consider myself an international member, is drunk on Trump's tongue-in-cheek, let's-see-where-this-gets-us, don't-ask-don't-get rhetoric.

Trump is only joking to the extent he gets refused. If Canada, Greenland, or the other "Three Eyes" the Five Eyes are the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand give Trump an inch, he'll try to take the rest. The MAGA crowd doesn't get this and has suddenly become a bunch of globalists. They voted for lower inflation, a secure border, and two genders. But they're drunk on a victory that has produced exactly zero results yet.

We need to preface this conversation with one thing, though: the state of the U.S. military.

Cleanest Shirt in the Laundry

The American military isn't anywhere near as good as it used to be. The complete ineptness of the rest of the Anglosphere and Western European armies flatters it immensely. And my kid's rubber ducks are a more robust armada than the Royal Navy can produce.

“I am absolutely sure if the Russians did not have nuclear weapons, we would have been in Ukraine, kicking them out,” Admiral Rob Bauer, the outgoing chief of NATO’s Military Committee, said at the IISS Prague Defence Summit in the Czech Republic in November 2024.

That tells you all you need to know. The U.S. military beats up those who can't defend themselves... well, except the Taliban.

It also reveals why every other non-nuclear nation that's not in America's good graces is racing to get nukes. If you've got them, you're safe from America exporting democracy to your country.

Oh, Canada

With that said, Canada is only being discussed as an acquisition target because of the damage Justin Trudeau's reign wrought. Canada is genuinely a federation, so importing it into America wholesale is an absurdity.

Sure, taking Alberta and Saskatchewan might make sense because of their resources and people's cultural similarities to the American West. However, they represent only about 15% of the total Canadian population. Everyone else votes left. How else could an imbecile like Trudeau have lasted for nine years?

Do you really want to import nearly 35 million Democrat votes?

It's an idiotic idea!

Here are Canadian libertarian and People's Party Leader Maxime Bernier's thoughts on the matter (bolds mine):

One thing I've always despised about the USA is the militaristic and imperialist attitude of their neoconservative establishment, present in both the Democratic or Republican parties. For decades they've invaded, engineered coups, bombed, and killed thousands of innocents in countries that posed no threat to them, under the pretext of "protecting the free world." They still have 750 military bases in 80 countries to control their empire.

One of the key reasons I supported the election of Donald Trump was that he has been opposed to these pointless and costly foreign wars, and has promised to quickly end the US proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. While the Democrats under Obama and Biden have clearly become the war party, the Republicans under Trump, to their credit, have behaved like the peace party.

It's clearly in the US' interest to do so, since they have ultimately been humiliated in most of their foreign interventions, from Vietnam to Afghanistan. Things are going badly in Ukraine. Sanctions against Russia have backfired. The BRICS now comprises half the world's population and a huge chunk of its resources and economy, and a new multipolar set of international relations is gradually replacing the one based on American hegemony.

It's also in the Americans' interest to adapt to this new geopolitical situation and help it evolve peacefully, rather than deluding themselves they will always be the top dog. Their government is close to bankruptcy, with a national debt that is spinning out of control. The status of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, which allowed them to print trillions of dollars, export their inflation, and make the rest of the world pay for their empire, is now threatened, as emerging countries are rapidly dedollarizing.

All this to say that it is extremely disappointing and concerning to now see Mr. Trump acting like a typical arrogant American imperialist, with his increasingly aggressive and outrageous statements about annexing Canada (and Greenland and the Panama Canal), again under the pretext of protecting the free world.

For two centuries, we've been the closest friends, neighbours, trading partners and allies. Does he really want to throw all of this overboard in a grandiose quest to make America's dick bigger?

He says he wants to only use "economic force", rather than bombing our cities and killing us like his predecessors. What a nice touch! Concretely, that means he's willing to wage economic war on us, destroy our economy and our standard of living and inevitably also hurt that of Americans, but to a much smaller extent in order to achieve his goal.

Obviously, Canada is in no position to win any war with the US, military or economic. We can retaliate and hurt the Americans, but we won't be able to sustain an economic war for long, given our economy's complete dependence on theirs. Plus Ottawa is almost as bankrupt as Washington.

I still hope, as I said weeks ago, that these are just another example of his habit of making outrageous declarations as a bargaining position to force his counterparts to do something or make concessions under threat. And not the ravings of an unstable megalomaniac.

He wants a better trade agreement, a more secure border, and he wants us to help pay our share of North America's defence. These are all fair demands that can and should be negotiated in both our countries' interests.

If he is really serious about annexing Canada though, we're entering a whole different game in trying to deal with a dangerous bully. And there won't be any easy solution.

I hate to break the news, but in my experience, most people outside the U.S. (especially those not dependent on U.S. security) feel the same way.

Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure Xi Jinping never threatened to take Canada.

Buying Greenland is a Stupid Idea.

I love Gerardus Mercator, but his flat map is not helpful when attempting to understand Greenland's strategic importance. For that to become self-evident, you need to look at the top of the globe:

Credit: Google Maps


The key reason for wanting any part of a Greenland real estate deal is the GIUK Gap, which stands for Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom Gap. These narrow passages of the North Atlantic Ocean (the red lines above) serve as a critical maritime chokepoint for naval operations.

The Gap is especially important for monitoring and controlling the movement of Russian submarines from their bases in the Arctic and the North Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. During the Cold War and even now, the GIUK Gap is vital for NATO’s defense strategy, allowing the US and its allies to track potential threats from Russian naval forces.

The Blue Line 1 is the part of Greenland directly facing Russia. (Yup, all the way to the Russian Far East.) It's a nice-to-have, but as Thomas Sowell would ask, "At what cost?" The Blue Line 2 is the part of Greenland in the GIUK Gap. You can put a few bases there on the coast, away from the glacier, without buying the whole island.

A distant second is the Northwest Passage, as Alaska and Canada already allow U.S. ships to pass through. Still, as the Arctic ice melts, Greenland's location offers a strategic vantage point for overseeing these emerging routes. Control or influence over Greenland strengthens the US's ability to maintain a presence in the Arctic and assert influence over this increasingly important region.

Finally, Greenland is home to Thule Air Base, the US military’s northernmost installation. This base is critical for missile warning, space surveillance, and polar communications. It plays a crucial role in the US's ballistic missile defense system and is vital to its early warning radar network. Alas, it's on the northwest coast of Greenland, so it can't monitor the Gap.

I'm sure Elon wants Greenland's lithium and rare earth elements, but mining them is hard enough without going through a mile-thick layer of ice first. That's why Greenland only employs, on average, 124 people per month in the mining and quarrying business.

All this is magnified by growing global interest in the Arctic from powers like Russia and China. Russia is heavily militarizing the Arctic, while China has declared itself a “near-Arctic state” and has shown interest in Greenland's resources and infrastructure. US influence in Greenland helps counterbalance these strategic competitors.

By the way, Americans will have to finance Greenland's budget the Danes currently finance 60% of it.

Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure Xi Jinping never threatened to take Greenland.

Uniting With the Other Four Eyes is a Stupid Idea.

For crying out loud, why on earth would you want to merge with other socialist people?

First off, the definition:

The Five Eyes (FVEY) is an intelligence alliance of five countries: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

These nations spy on their citizens share intelligence, and collaborate on security measures, primarily through their respective signals intelligence (SIGINT) agencies. The alliance originated during World War II and was formalized by the UKUSA Agreement in 1946. While its stated purpose is national security, justified concerns about government overreach and infringements on privacy and civil liberties prevail.

Someone had the bright idea of creating an economic union and, get this, allowing the free movement of people across the five countries. This is a horrifying idea!

These other countries barely have a passing acquaintance with freedom.

One minute, MAGA posts memes on X about the UK's Rotherham rape gangs, and the next, screams, "We're taking over!"

Are you deranged?

New Zealand is still getting over Klaus Schwab's prize pupil Jacinda Ardern's awful reign as Prime Minister. Canada is just starting that process regarding El Fidelito del Norte, which may last a decade or more. And the U.S.'s border with Canada is already as porous as the Southern border. During the scamdemic, Australia went to the pub one night and woke up the following day in a technocratic dictatorship. The UK can't stand any idea that may contradict the State, including that it may have been complicit in mass child molestation.

The last thing America needs is more leftism.

Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure Xi Jinping never threatened to merge with the UK, New Zealand, or Australia.

Stay Unique, America

I can't describe what attending dinner parties in London during Dubya's presidency was like. Europeans, Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, and Canadians just don't think like Americans.

Tell just one of these folks you think you should have the right to defend yourself with a gun. They'll look at you like you've grown an additional head. Tell them taxes are too high, or you don't like paying them whatever level they are. "You don't want to pay your fair share!" they'll scream as they fail to define a fair share.

Nowadays, tell them a biological man taking estrogen shots shouldn't compete in women's sports. "Bigot!" they'll scream.

America needs to stay America. Uniting with "the other white people" will only dilute American values. It's the last thing the world needs.

And quite frankly, taking territory off your allies is going to make China, Russia, and BRICS look like attractive options.

Wrap Up

MAGA needs to get back in its box. November's victory over Kamala was necessary and laudable. But right now, MAGA is spiking the ball on the five-yard line. Trump hasn't even gotten back into the White House yet.

Once he does, he'll have real problems to deal with, such as a blown-out deficit and national debt combined with rising interest rates.

Yes, America First. But first things first.

The Daily Reckoning

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