Jan 1 (Reuters) -
For other diaries, please see:
Top Economic Events Polling Unit Diary Today in Washington Political and General News DATECOUNTRY AUCTION DETAILS
4-JanSpain Bond auction
5-JanJapan 3-month discount bill auction
8-JanFranceAuction of BTF Treasury notes
8-JanNetherlands DTC auction
9-JanUnited States Sale of 3-year notes
9-JanUnited KingdomAuction of 1 1/4 % Treasury Gilt 2027
9-JanNetherlands DSL auction
10-JanUnited States Sale of 10-year notes
10-JanJapan 6-month discount bill auction
10-JanJapan Auction of 10-year government bonds
10-JanSwedenAuction of Treasury bills
10-JanItaly Bills auction
10-JanGermany Auction of 10-year Federal bonds
10-JanNorwayAuction Treasuries
11-JanUnited States Sale of 30-year bond
11-JanJapan 3-month discount bill auction
11-JanUnited KingdomAuction of 1 3/4 % Treasury Gilt 2037
11-JanItaly Medium- to Long-Term auction
12-JanJapan Auction of 40-year government bonds
15-JanNetherlands DTC auction
15-JanNorwayAuction of Treasury bills
16-JanJapan Auction of 5-year government bonds
16-JanSpain Auction of 6- and 12-month Treasury bills
17-JanJapan 1-year discount bill auction
17-JanGermany Auction of 30-year Federal bonds
18-JanJapan 3-month discount bill auction
18-JanJapan Auction of 30-year government bonds
18-JanSwedenAuction of inflation-linked government bonds
18-JanSpain Bond auction
18-JanUnited KingdomAuction 0 3/4 % Treasury Gilt 2023
18-JanFranceIndex-linked Securities auction
23-JanUnited States Sale of 2-year notes
23-JanSpain Auction of 3- and 9-month Treasury bills
23-JanUnited KingdomAuction 0 1/8% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2026
23-JanGermany Auction of 2-year Treasury notes
24-JanUnited States Sale of 2-year floating rate notes
24-JanUnited States Sale of 5-year notes
24-JanSwedenAuction of government bonds
25-JanUnited States Sale of 7-year notes
25-JanJapan 3-month discount bill auction
25-JanJapan Auction of 20-year government bonds
26-JanItaly Zero-coupon/BTPi auction
29-JanItaly Bills auction
30-JanJapan Auction of 2-year government bonds
30-JanItaly Medium- to Long-Term auction
31-JanSwedenAuction of Treasury bills
31-JanGermany Auction of 5-year Federal notes
31-JanNorwayAuction Treasuries
1-FebJapan 3-month discount bill auction
1-FebJapan Auction of 10-year government bonds
1-FebSwedenAuction of inflation-linked government bonds
5-FebNetherlands DTC auction
6-FebUnited States Sale of 3-year notes
7-FebGermany Auction of 10-year Federal bonds
7-FebUnited States Sale of 10-year notes
7-FebJapan 6-month discount bill auction
7-FebSwedenAuction of government bonds
7-FebNorwayAuction Treasuries
8-FebUnited States Sale of 30-year bond
8-FebJapan 3-month discount bill auction
8-FebJapan Auction of 30-year government bonds
12-FebNorwayAuction of Treasury bills
14-FebGermany Auction of 30-year Federal bonds
14-FebJapan Auction of 5-year government bonds
15-FebJapan 3-month discount bill auction
15-FebSwedenAuction of inflation-linked government bonds
16-FebJapan 1-year discount bill auction
19-FebNetherlands DTC auction
20-FebGermany Auction of 2-year Treasury notes
20-FebUnited States Sale of 2-year notes
21-FebUnited States Sale of 2-year floating rate notes
21-FebUnited States Sale of 5-year notes
21-FebSwedenAuction of government bonds
22-FebUnited States Sale of 7-year notes
22-FebJapan 3-month discount bill auction
22-FebJapan Auction of 20-year government bonds
27-FebJapan Auction of 2-year government bonds
28-FebGermany Auction of 10-year Federal bonds
28-FebSwedenAuction of Treasury bills===================================================================================== ====
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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and may not reflect those of Kitco Metals Inc. The author has made every effort to ensure accuracy of information provided; however, neither Kitco Metals Inc. nor the author can guarantee such accuracy. This article is strictly for informational purposes only. It is not a solicitation to make any exchange in commodities, securities or other financial instruments. Kitco Metals Inc. and the author of this article do not accept culpability for losses and/ or damages arising from the use of this publication.