Feb 6 (Reuters) -For other diaries, please see:
U.S. Federal Reserve Polling Unit Diary Today in Washington Political and General News ----------------------------------------------------------- This Diary is filed daily. ** Indicates new events -----------------------------------------------------------
LONDON - Elisabeth Stheeman, newly appointed external member of the Bank of England's Financial Policy Committee, answers questions from parliament's Treasury Committee - 1000 GMT.
FRANKFURT - Agustin Carstens, General Manager at the Bank for International Settlements and Jens Weidmann, President of the Bundesbank speak in Frankfurt - 0900 GMT.FRANKFURT - ECB holds a conference on improved payment system.
LEXINGTON, Kentucky - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard gives presentation on the U.S. economy and monetary policy before the 29th Annual Gatton College of business and Economics Economic Outlook Conference - 1350 GMT.FRANKFURT - Conference for the Center for Financial Studies (CFS) and the Bundesbank on "Money in the Digital Age: What Role for Central Banks?" - 0900 GMT.
** FRANKFURT - Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Robert Kaplan participates in moderated question-and-answer session before the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability Working Lunch - 1100 GMT.
WELLINGTON - Reserve Bank of New Zealand's Official Cash Rate (OCR) and Monetary Policy Statement - 2000 GMT.
FRANKFURT - Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Robert Kaplan speaks at a business forum in Frankfurt - 1100 GMT.NEW YORK - Federal Reserve Bank of New York President William Dudley participates in panel before event, "Banking Culture: Still Room for Improvement?" organized by the European American Chamber of Commerce and Thomson Reuters - 1330 GMT.
HONOLULU, Hawaii - Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President John Williams speaks on the economy before a community leaders luncheon - 2230 GMT. FRANKFURT - ECB bank supervisory chief Daniele Nouy and board member Sabine Lautenschlager hold news conference - 0900 GMT.DES MOINES, Iowa - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Charles Evans speaks on current economic conditions and monetary policy before the Iowa Bankers Association Bank Management Conference - 1615 GMT.
FRANKFURT - ECB Governing Council meeting. No interest rate announcements scheduled.STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0800 GMT.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8** FRANKFURT - ECB Chief Economist Peter Praet, Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, Bank of France Governor Francois Villeroy de Galhau and Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Robert Kaplan will speak at a conference in Frankfurt.STOCKHOLM - Head of Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) Erik Thedeen gives a speech at a conference in Stockholm. - 0830 GMTTOKYO,Japan - Bank of Japan board member Hitoshi Suzuki to speak at Wakayama, western Japan - 0130 GMT.
WICHITA, Kansas - Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Esther George speaks on the economic outlook before the Wichita Independent Business Association - 0200 GMT.
ATHENS - The EU's economic affairs commissioner Pierre Moscovici visits Athens for meetings with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos for talks on the latest developments and next steps in Greece's bailout program (to Feb. 9).
LONDON - ECB board member Yves Mersch gives a city lecture in London. The lecture focuses on central banks and digital currencies, as well as the development of private cryptocurrencies and potential applications of distributed ledger technology - 1000 GMT.
NEW YORK - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Patrick Harker speaks on "The Economy: Output and Impact for Colleges and Universities" before the National Association of College and University Business Officers 2018 Endowment and Debt Management Forum - 1300 GMT.PIERRE, South Dakota - Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari participates in a town hall meeting to discuss monetary policy, bank regulation and other issues, hosted by the Pierre Chamber of Commerce - 1400 GMT.
FRANKFURT - Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Robert Kaplan participates in moderated question-and-answer session before the Global Interdependence Center "Central Banking Series: Frankfurt," - 0950 GMT.MONTEBELLO, QUEBEC, Canada - Bank of Canada Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Wilkins will give a speech in Montebello, Quebec - 1800 GMT.LONDON - European Central Bank executive board member Yves Mersch gives a lecture - 1000 GMT.
LONDON - Bank of England releases its inflation report - 1200 GMT.
LONDON - Bank of England announces its rate decision and publishes the minutes of the meeting - 1200 GMT.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9STOCKHOLM - Riksbank general council meeting - 1200 GMT.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10** LAGUNA NIGUEL, California - Keynote address by Deputy Governor of the Bank of England for Financial Stability, Jon Cunliffe at FIA SIFMA AMG Asset Management Derivatives Forum - 1645 GMT.
DAYTON, Ohio - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Loretta Mester speaks on the economic outlook at the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Breakfast - 1300 GMT. STOCKHOLM - Riksbank monetary policy meeting - 0800 GMT.
** FRANKFURT - ECB board member Yves Mersch speaks in Frankfurt - 1020 GMT.** STOCKHOLM - The Riksbank will hold a press conference on the interest rate decision. Stefan Ingves, governor of the Riksbank, and Jesper Hansson, head of the monetary policy department, will participate in the press conference - 1000GMT. STOCKHOLM - Swedish Central Bank interest rate decision and monetary policy report - 0830 GMT.
** PARIS - ECB board member Yves Mersch gives keynote speech at the "Rencontres du Club SEPA"in Paris - 0815 GMT.** AMSTERDAM - ECB board member Sabine Lautenschlager gives keynote speech at Dutch Banking Day 2018 organized by De Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam, Netherlands - 1200 GMT.WINNIPEG, Canada - Bank of Canada Deputy Governor Lawrence Schembri will give a speech in Winnipeg - 1845 GMT.STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0800 GMT.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16** SKOPJE - ECB board member Benoit Coeure gives keynote speech at National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia / Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee International conference in Skopje, Macedonia.STOCKHOLM - Riksbank general council meeting - 1200 GMT.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19BRUSSELS - Eurogroup meeting.
WASHINGTON - Federal Open Market Committee will release the minutes from its January policy meeting - 1900 GMT.FRANKFURT - ECB Governing Council meeting. No interest rate announcements scheduled.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22** MINNEAPOLIS - Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari participates in moderated question-and-answer session moderated by Mike McKee of Bloomberg - 0115 GMT.
ATLANTA - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Raphael Bostic speaks on "Banking" before the 2108 Banking Outlook Conference hosted by the Atlanta's Fed Reserve - 1710 GMT.
FRANKFURT - ECB releases minutes of January meeting - 1230 GMT.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard gives presentation on the U.S. economy and monetary policy before the National Association for Business Economics conference, "Promoting Sustained Growth: Policy Tensions and Risks" - 1300 GMT. WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Randal Quarles speaks on "A View From the Federal Reserve Board" before the National Association for Business Economics conference, "Promoting Sustained Growth: Policy Tensions and Risks" - 2000 GMT.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27STOCKHOLM - Swedish Central Bank minutes of its monetary policy meeting will be published - 0830 GMT.
WASHINGTON - U.S. Federal Reserve issues its Beige Book on economic condition - 1800 GMT.OTTAWA - Bank of Canada key policy interest rate announcement - 1500 GMT. STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0800 GMT.
FRANKFURT - ECB Governing Council meeting, followed by an interest rate announcement and a press conference by President Mario Draghi.TOKYO -Bank of Japan monetary policy meeting (to Mar. 9).
TUESDAY, MARCH 13 TOKYO - Bank of Japan releases the minutes of monetary policy meeting held on Jan 22-23 - 2350 GMT.
THURSDAY, MARCH 15BERN - Swiss National Bank (SNB) monetary policy assessment - 0830 GMT.OSLO - Norway Central Bank holds Announcement of the Executive Board's interest rate decision and publication of monetary policy followed by press conference - 0900 GMT.
FRIDAY, MARCH 16LONDON - Bank of England Financial policy committee statement from its meeting - 0930 GMT.KRISTIANSUND, Norway - Norges Bank Deputy Governors Jon Nicolaisen and Egil Matsen give speeches to Norges Bank's Regional Network Region North-West.
SUNDAY, MARCH 18 MIAMI, Florida, United States - Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Chicago and San Francisco co-sponsor conference, "National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference: Aligning to Build Resilient and Inclusive Communities." Speakers include Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Raphael Bostic (to Mar. 21).TOKYO - Bank of Japan to release the summary of opinions from board members at its March 08-09 policy meeting - 2350 GMT.
TUESDAY, MARCH 20STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0800 GMT.
WASHINGTON - U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) starts its two-day meeting on interest rates.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21WASHINGTON - U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announces decision on interest rate, followed by a statement - 1800 GMT. WASHINGTON - U.S. Federal Reserve chairperson holds a news conference regarding the interest rate - 1830 GMT. FRANKFURT - ECB Governing Council meeting. No interest rate announcements scheduled.
WASHINGTON - Governor of Norges Bank Oystein Olsen will give speech in Washington.FRANKFURT - ECB general council meeting. WELLINGTON - Reserve Bank of New Zealand's issues Official Cash Rate (OCR) announcement.
LONDON - Bank of England announces its interest rate decision and publishes the minutes of the meeting - 1200 GMT.
STOCKHOLM - Riksbank general council meeting - 1200 GMT.
** STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0700 GMT.
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