Dave Kranzler: Way More Gold & Silver Demand Than Reported

October 15, 2020 / www.silverdoctors.com / Article Link


The total demand for silver is so much more than just ETF or bullion demand, and with or without a recovery on Main Street, big demand will continue...

Dave Kranzler of Investment Research Dynamics interviewed by Paul "Half Dollar" Eberhart of Silver Doctors

Dave Kranzler stopped by Silver Doctors today for a robust discussion on how things are going in the markets and in the economy.

Some of the topics in today's discussion include -

There has been a surge in new business applications in the third quarter? Where are all of these "businesses" that have supposedly opened?

There has been massive investment demand for silver in 2020. In fact, according to The Silver Institute, so called "silver-backed" exchange traded products added 300 million ounces in just the first nine months! But, how is all of this silver magically flowing into these financial products with all of the supply chain disruptions we've had all year?

Everybody is so certain the stock market is going to surge again as the next round of fiscal stimulus rolls out, but with all of the direct and indirect interventions in the markets right now, how does one make sense of where the markets are headed, let alone attempt to trade them?

A lot of the investor demand for precious metals this year has come from the US and Germany, but how is investor demand looking in the East in general, and with China and India specifically?

For discussion on all of those topics and more, tune-in to the interview in its entirety!

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