Endiama among 195 Angolan state-owned firms to be sold off

By Staff Witer / August 12, 2019 / www.idexonline.com / Article Link

Macauhub, an online news service, reported that the share capital held wholly or partially by the government of Angola in 195 different companies will be sold between 2019 and 2022, under the Privatization Program, published in the Diario da Republica official bulletin, as per the Portuguese-language Jornal de Angola.

The program states that 175 companies will be sold via public tender, 11 by public auction and nine through Initial Public Offering (IPO), with the government expected to launch public tenders this year for 80 companies as well as one IPO.

In 2020, 81 companies are due to be sold through public tender, six through auction and three via IPO, and in 2021 and 2022 the remainder will be sold.

The most well-known companies involved in this process are the state oil company Sonangol, the diamond mining company Endiama and the TAAG airline, the BCI, BAI, BCGA and Banco Economico banks, as well as financial companies ENSA Seguros and the Angola Debt and Securities Exchange (Bodiva).

The programme also includes agro-industrial units Aldeia Nova and Biocom, textiles companies, Textang II, Satec and ?? ?frica T?? ?xtil, cement plants Nova Cimangola and Secil do Lobito, as well as the Cuca, Eka and Ngola breweries and construction company Mota-Engil Angola.

The telecommunication companies that will be included in the Privatization Program are Unitel, MS Telecom, Net One, Multitel, Angola Telecom, TV Cabo Angola, Angola Cables, Angolan postal company ENCTA, Angola Comunicacoes e Sistemas (ACS) and telephone directory company ELTA.

Other companies listed for privatization are Sonangol's airline, Sonair, airport management company Sociedade de Gestao de Aeroportos and Sonangalp, a fuel distribution company that is 51 percent owned by Sonangol. (Macauhub)

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