RAPAPORT... Forevermark has opened its first boutique in the US, inpartnership with the owners of Padis Jewelry."In opening our first Forevermark boutique, consumers willbe able to more deeply experience and appreciate the full journey of aForevermark diamond," Forevermark US president Charles Stanley said last week. The De Beers-owned brand opened the store in Walnut Creek, California as a joint effort with the Padis family, who have been in the jewelry industry for 45 years, and ownthree Padis Jewelry locations in San Francisco and one in Napa Valley. The Padises have been authorized Forevermark jewelers since 2012. Forevermark will hold an event to celebrate the launch,which will include the opportunity for shoppers to try on one-of-a-kind diamondjewelry from the Forevermark Red Carpet Collection, worn by Hollywoodcelebrities including Emily Blunt. The launch ends Sunday, November 10. Image: A diamond ring on display at the Forevermark US grand opening. (Forevermark)