CAIRO, Jan 1 (Reuters) -
LatestLast change PreviousCentral18.75 06/07/1716.75 bank o/n depositCentral19.75 06/07/1717.75bank o/n lendingCentral19.25 06/07/1717.25bank discount rate
Month Pvs Yr agoUrban 2630.819.4consumerNovemberprices(year-on-year,pct change) CoreinflatioNovember25.5330.53 20.73n (year-on-year,pct change) Foreign November36.72336.70323.06 reserves($ bln) SuezNovember$462.7 $473.9$389.2 Canal revenue ($ mln) M2October 40.4839.7217.7Supply (Pct change)
(millions of dollars)
Q1Q4 Q1
*Trade -8942.4 -8387.5-9416.7balanceExports 5839.45693 5261.4Imports -14781.8-14080.-14678.1
5Net 2847.32323.1 1410.7services Transfer5975.34865.1 4352.8sCurrent -1639.1 -2396.4-4782.7accountbalanceCapital 4395.3 7239.6& 6228.6 financia laccountNet 487.9 733.6-565.7errors/o missions Overall 5077.42732.5 1891.2balance
(* provisional)
(** source: Central Bank website)
2015/2016* 2014/2015*
Balance of13,717.2 -2,813.0 3,724.9payments($mln)Trade balance -35,435.1-37,606.2-38,785.4Exports 21,687.0 18,704.6 22,058.2Oil exports 6,548.35,674.38705.0Non-oil 15,138.7 13,030.3 13,353.2exports Imports -57,122.1-56,310.8-60,843.6Net services6,811.12,061.74,727.5Goods &-35,544.5-34,057.9servicesbalance Transfers 17,471.8 16,885.1 21,875.7Current -15,575.2-18,659.4-12,182.2account balance Capital & 29,034.2 19,851.5 17,633.6financial account
--- LONG-TERM CREDIT RATINGS ---Standard & Poors: B-, outlook positiveMoody's B3, outlook stableFitch B, outlook stable
Notes: 1. Fiscal year is July 1-June 30.2. Data from Central Bank except for the following:Consumer Inflation - Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and StatisticsSuez Canal - Suez Canal Authority 3. Credit ratings from those agencies 4. Quarterly balance of payments figures based on Reuters calculations
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