The comments above & below is an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by SRSrocco Report
Enjoy the good times while you can, because when the economy blows up, there is no plan B. Sure, we could see massive monetary printing by central banks to continue the madness a bit longer after the market crashes, but it won't be a long-term solution. Rather, the US and global economies will contract to a level we have never experienced before. We are in uncharted territory.
Up for discussion: fraudulent activity in the shale energy business; the fundamentals pointing to a Great Deleveraging of the economy; and when the markets crack, so will the price of oil, and with it, the economy.
The US and world economies are heading towards one heck of a crash. What happens when this occurs is anyone's guess. The central banks will likely step in and print money like crazy; however, this is not a long-term solution. If you haven't bought some physical gold and silver insurance yet and are waiting to time the markets, good luck with that.