Something tells me thereare some underlying problems in the equity markets based on the way that goldis trading. Gold and silver, which had major breakdowns three weeks ago, havegone up almost every day since. We had turned short-term bearish whilemaintaining our long-term bullish posture. That positioning has not worked outwell and has been rather painful, with gold rallying about $90 from the bottom,pushing through the key level of $1,265.
The action in gold signalsthat there is a problem beneath the surface of the markets. On Wednesday, goldwas under pressure after the Fed minutes and out of nowhere a rally came andrecouped all loses. The Wednesday night-Thursday morning trade saw gold takeout the lows of Wednesday only to bounce back again; Thursday at 2 EST, goldexploded to $1,327 but sold off.
Taking in the wholepicture, we remain short-term bearish for many reasons. If there are underlyingproblems in the markets, they have now been priced in, and if there is not, asell-off is near. We expect a test of the recent lows, and that sell-off willcome out of nowhere. Markets never announce themselves. Just be prepared foranything.
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