RAPAPORT... The Natural Color Diamond Association (NCDIA) plans to build a "United Nations" of ambassadors to promote the qualities of natural-color diamonds in their respective countries."Most organizations like ours are searching for ways to move forward after the impact of the world economies shutting down due to the pandemic," NCDIA president Alan Bronstein said Tuesday. "Like other leading groups, we must reenvision our roles and our necessity vis-? -vis the needs of consumers and our industry members as we position ourselves in the new world order."The new ambassadors include:Ephraim Zion, founder of diamond and gemstone jeweler Dehres, who will represent NCDIA in Hong Kong and Asia.John Glajz, owner of Glajz, which focuses on jewelry using exotic gemstones, who will be the Singapore representative.Matthew Aldridge, director of Gemcut, which specializes in natural fancy-color diamonds. He will serve as the ambassador for Switzerland.Marco Pocaterra, who will be the ambassador for Italy. He is the cofounder of Fresco Diamonds and a former adviser to Rosy Blue. Yves Frey, of Yves Frey Diamonds, will remain the ambassador for London, while Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences (AIGS) chairman Henry Ho will continue to represent Thailand.Image: Pink diamonds from the 2019 Argyle Pink Everlasting Tender. (Rio Tinto)