Garibaldi Resources Corp. (TSX-V:GGI), a Vancouver-based explorer with projects in British Columbia and Mexico, topped the TSX Venture Exchange's Top 50 rankings in 2017 with a 2,351% year-over-year gain in market value in 2017.
More than 150,000,000 of Garabaldi's shares were traded throughout the year, while its share prices appreciated 1,722% over the course of 2017. The Venture 50 ranking is based equally on market capitalization growth, share price gains and trading volume.
It was highly unexpected to find that kind of a deposit in the middle of the Eskay gold campGaribaldi President and CEO Steve Regoci says the company's success last year was based on the E&L nickel-copper-cobalt sulphide discovery at Nickel Mountain in northwest BC:
"It was highly unexpected to find that kind of a deposit in the middle of the Eskay gold camp.
We're geared up to be very aggressive because we were successful on the back of this discovery, raising $16 million.
We're fully fully funded for 2018 which will include the largest geophysical program and the largest drilling program the company has ever had."
The top ranks of mining companies on the Venture 50 are dominated by juniors focused on battery metals with lithium and cobalt players making up half the top ten. The rally in zinc have also benefitted juniors looking for investment and punters looking for spectacular returns.
Source: TSX Inc. 2018 Venture 50