RFK Jr's Quest to Save America

By Adam Sharp / December 19, 2024 / dailyreckoning.com / Article Link

Change is finally coming to America's failing healthcare system.

If RFK Jr. is confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Trump administration is set to truly shake things up for the first time in modern history.

HHS is a gigantic beast, with 13 divisions under its roof including the FDA, CDC, CMS, and NIH.

CMS' Medicare spending alone reached over $840 billion in 2023, making up about 14% of the total federal budget. HHS as a whole has an annual budget of around $1.54 trillion. So if RFK is confirmed, the implications are massive.

Over the last 40 years, corruption in our healthcare system has spun out of control. This is a rare chance to clean up one of the most wasteful and harmful areas of government.

Poor management by HHS has created widespread fraud in Medicare and Medicaid. The FDA's clinical trials and research have been corrupted by Big Pharma. And Tony Fauci's NIH disgraced the entire medical field.

Obamacare worsened an already horrid health insurance landscape, and has caused premiums to skyrocket.

Bad behavior has been rewarded time and time again, twisting the entire system's incentive structures into knots.

We should soon see the first real progress in this area in more than 4 decades.

RFK Jr. and Team

RFK Jr's MAHA (Make America Healthy Again) movement was a key part of Trump's victory. I was pleasantly surprised when the two candidates joined forces.

But RFK Jr's not the only exciting appointment Trump has announced. The NIH will be ripped away from Tony Fauci's suffocating grip and handed over to Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (pending confirmation).

Bhattacharya is a refreshing choice for NIH. He's a Stanford professor who spoke out early and often against the COVID lockdowns. He also warned about the rushed deployment of the mRNA vaccines and treatments such as Remdesivir. I've followed Jay since early 2020, and as NIH Director he will be a breath of fresh air.

There's also Marty Makary, Trump's pick to lead the FDA. He's a prominent critic of the government's COVID response, dangerous pesticides, fluoride in drinking water, overuse of antibiotics, and other important issues. Marty understands the value of modern medicine, but also its perils.

What a change from the status quo this team would be! Any Republicans who attempt to prevent their confirmation should be called out loudly and shunned.

Restoring Sanity

President Trump's second term is poised to revolutionize America's health care system. Bad actors will finally be punished. Crazy policies like fluoridation of drinking water will (hopefully) be canceled. Dangerous pesticides like Atrazine could be banned or restricted.

Ridiculous policies like the one that requires baby formula to have unhealthy seed oils (soybean, canola) as a primary component should disappear. Harmful food ingredients such as artificial colors may be banned, as they are in many other developed countries.

Highly processed foods will also come under new scrutiny. And it's likely we'll see significant changes to the FDA's food pyramid, which should be inverted or trashed altogether.

Over time, I believe the U.S. will become far healthier under Trump and RFK Jr's leadership. Even if one or more of Trump's picks are not confirmed, the public has woken up to the state of our healthcare system and there's no going back. Change is coming, and Americans are finally ready to embrace it.

Biotech Renaissance?

In an interesting twist of fate, these upcoming changes don't mean sectors like biotech should be written off. This shift should actually be a positive for small disruptive companies.

For too long the largest pharma companies have maintained an iron grip over the FDA and other regulators. It's been a 40+ year stretch favoring insiders and power brokers.

Soon we should have a relatively fair and level playing field for the first time in decades. The rampant favoritism and nepotism that has controlled the healthcare field for far too long is finally ending.

The Daily Reckoning

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