Rick Rule: I am too wise to call a bottom in mining

By Palisade Radio / October 26, 2015 / www.mining.com / Article Link

Is the bottom in? Rick has seen too many cycles to answer a question like that. Despite the many claims, truth is, nobody knows yet. But his previous call for a potential capitulation in October is likely off the table.

Rick Rule - I am too wise to call a bottom in miningRick Rule - I am too wise to call a bottom in mining

Watch Interview with Rick Rule

Talking points of this week's interview -

?EUR? Is there more upside or downside??EUR? How a US dollar rally will impact the latest rally in miners??EUR? What type of move off the bottom is indicative of a bull market??EUR? Silver or gold as a speculation??EUR? An update on the Sprott offer for Central Gold Trust.

Mr. Rule has dedicated his entire adult life to many aspects of natural resources securities investing. In addition, to the knowledge and experience gained in a long, successful and focused career, he has a worldwide network of contacts in the natural resource and finance worlds. As Chairman of Sprott US Holdings, Mr. Rule leads a team of earth science and finance professionals who are experienced with resource investment management.


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