(IDEX Online) - A court in India has ruled in favor of diamond tech firm Sarine and issued injunctions against five manufacturers that illegally used its software. It follows a series of court-ordered raids at eight locations in Surat, India's cutting and polishing capital, on 18 May.Gopi Impex, Nirghay Impex, Pramukh Gems, Dhiren Diamonds and Bhumika Gems were all found guilty of copyright infringement and the illegal use of pirated Advisor rough planning software. The court ordered the immediate removal of the infringing software from their computers. David Block, CEO of Israel-based Sarine, said: "We are encouraged by the swift and decisive action taken by the Indian court. The court's ruling has made it clear that any company using unlicensed or pirated Advisor software is breaking the law. "We intend to aggressively protect our IP and will continue taking action against any entities involved in infringement." Sarine, the company behind Galaxy and many other mapping products, has long battled counterfeiters who illegally copy its patent-protected hardware, as well as its software. It has previously taken legal action for infringements.