RAPAPORT... Sarine Technologies will modify its diamond-grading equipment to comply with the luxury jewelry retailer's stringentguidelines. Sarine bases its automated grading on the Gemological Institute of America's grading system. However, Tiffany's in-house graders have "discriminating" colorand clarity standards that pose "additional challenges" to the artificial-intelligence-based system. Therefore, the company needs to refine the equipment to adaptto the jeweler's guidelines. "The anticipated advances in grading technology by Sarinewill enable the Tiffany Gemological Laboratory's graders to continually employthe best technology available in the industry to objectively, consistently andefficiently measure and uphold our demanding grading standards for Tiffanydiamonds," Andy Hart, Tiffany senior vice president of manufacturing, diamondsand gemstones, said last week. Image: Tiffany gift boxes and engagement ring. (Flickr)