RAPAPORT... Signet Jewelers has appointed Rebecca Wooters chief digital officer to help expand its online offering in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic."Our omni-channel and digital transformation is even more important now with today's shift to online shopping," Signet CEO Virginia Drosos said last week. "Rebecca is joining us at a pivotal time in our...transformation journey, which we are accelerating in these unprecedented times to emerge stronger than ever."Wooters will work with the technology, marketing and banner teams at Signet - which owns Kay, Jared and Zales - to drive the company's overall digital strategy and launch new digital products and services. She previously worked for Citi's Global Consumer Bank as chief customer-experience officer and head of digital experience.The role is distinct from that of Oded Edelman, chief digital innovation adviser, who heads James Allen, the digital retailer Signet bought in 2017. Both Edelman and Wooters report directly to Drosos.Image: Rebecca Wooters. (Rebecca Wooters/LinkedIn)