KARACHI, Pakistan, Jan 15 (Reuters) -DAILY INDICATORS
Monday PREVIOUSFloating Interbank Rate (Rs/$)110.42/110.52110.43/110.53Rupee/US$ (kerb market) 111.90 112.00Karachi 100-share Index 42,347.4942,933.72Gold (Karachi) Rs/10 gm 49,543.8649,371.30
CENTRAL BANK AUCTIONS Treasury bill auction results: Cut-off yield (pct) at auction onJan 3 Dec 6Three-month bills5.99105.9910Six-month billsBids not6.0109
received12-month bills Bids notBids not
receivedreceivedPakistan Investment Bond (PIB) auction resultsCut-off yield (pct) at auction onDec 13Nov 16Three-year PIB BidsBids
RejectedRejectedFive-year PIBBidsBids
RejectedRejected10-year PIBBidsBids
RejectedRejected20-Year PIBNo Bids No Bids
Week ending Jan 5PVSTotal liquid forex reserves$20,020.0 mln$20,189.0
mln Forex held by central bank $13,982.5 mln$14,133.3
mlnForex held by commercial banks $6,037.5 mln $6,055.7
LASTPVSConsumer price indexDec4.574.0
Change mth/mth (pct)Dec0.1 n/aChange yr/yr (pct)Dec4.6 3.5Wholesale price index Dec3.4 2.9Change mth/mth (pct)Dec0.4 0.6Change yr/yr (pct)Dec0.1 n/aTrade Balance Decn/a n/aExports Decn/a n/aImports Decn/a n/a
ANNUAL INDICATORSFISCAL YEAR 2016/17 2015/16Population (millions) 191.71191.71Per capita income $1,561$1,512External debt (billion dlr) *$62.649$62.649Domestic debt (billion rupees)12,22612,226Gross domestic product growth 4.71 pct4.24 pctManufacturing sector growth 5.0 pct n/aServices sector growthn/a n/aAgricultural sector growth-0.19 pct 2.9 pctCommodity producing sector growth 3.243.24Average consumer price inflationn/a n/aFiscal deficit (pct of GDP) 3.4 pct n/a Trade balance (FBS July-June) $-19.283 bln$-22.095 blnExports $21,972 bln $25.110 blnImports $41,255 bln $45.073 blnCurrent a/c balance $-2.709 bln $-3.130 bln
* = provisional SBP = State (central) Bank of Pakistan FBS = Federal Bureau of Statistics
(Reporting by Syed Raza Hassan)
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