UH-OH: Perth Mint Goes On The Defensive About Silver!

May 21, 2021 / www.silverdoctors.com / Article Link

"The Perth Mint completely refutes any claim that it is running a "fractional reserve" bullion storage program..."

(by Half Dollar) Numbers.

There's this funny thing about numbers, you know, and anybody who has ever seen first hand that "war is racket" understands this.

That said, for some reason, everybody puts faith in the numbers.

America has over 8,000 tons of gold?


Sovereign mint balance sheets are squeaky clean?


Millions and millions and millions of ounces of silver being instantly delivered into everybody's favorite silver "trust"?


Of course, in the real world, don't think for one second that the Queen of Canada, who I'm pretty sure is also the Queen of Australia, via one of her proxies, will not tell everybody's favorite legendary billionaire investor to take one for the team, or will not tell everybody's favorite mint (formerly) to take one for the team, or will not tell whoever and whatever to take one for the team because let's face it: This is silver we're talking about, and silver is the absolute number one thing the Deep State Globalists, and therefore, by extension, the Cartel, fears the most.

Nonetheless, here's an interesting video from an actual auditor using data from an actual accountant:

Just remember what happens when push comes to shove.

Regardless, this has prompted a reply from The Perth Mint just today, including:

The Perth Mint completely refutes any claim that it is running a "fractional reserve" bullion storage program and confirms that ALL customer metal holdings are fully backed and covered by physical metal inventory, evidenced in the organisation's audited annual accounts.

The following table draws on and is extracted from the Perth Mint's published annual audited accounts. It shows precious metal assets of $6.481bn and precious metal liabilities of $6.398bn.

There's nothing to see here folks, so kindly move along!

Here's the question: Is the Cartel just going to lay back and take it?

Follow-up question: Why would the Cartel just lay back and take it when there are plenty of gamblers in the rigged casino who are spoonfeeding the Beast?

Sure, the follow-up question was rhetorical, but let me go ahead and spoil it for you: The Cartel won't just lay back and take it.

As long as the Beast is alive, Silver Bugs, Stackers, and other Smart Investors are the ones who take it.

So, um, yeah.


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