Who Won Kitco's Mining CEO of The Year? The Votes are In

By Kitco News / January 05, 2018 / www.kitco.com / Article Link

Editor's Note: View Kitco News' full 2018 outlook coverage

(Kitco News) - KitcoNews brought back a fan favorite this year in an effort to give YOU, ourdedicated readers, a voice!

Aftera few weeks of voting, we have finally tallied up the results to unveil who ourreaders and viewers think merits the title of CEO of 2017. After siftingthrough thousands of responses, and the names of over 100 CEOs you submitted, wehave tallied your choice for the mining world’s top commander-in-chief.

Forthe second year in a row, Kitco readers voted for Rob McEwen - CEO, McEwenMining (TSE, NYSE: MUX).

Rob McEwenMcEwenhas been behind some of the biggest mining companies in the industry. Firstfounding Goldcorp in the ‘90s -transforming the company from a collection ofsmall companies into a mining powerhouse.

David Erfle, founder ofjuniorminerjunky.com and a mining stock expert said he was not surprised by theselection of McEwen.

“He is very popular in the space for differentreasons. He has aligned himself with shareholders more than any other CEO inthe sector as he owns 24% of the company and collects no salary,” he said. “Mr.McEwen is also very vocal about not selling forward future production ordiluting the company's projects with streams or royalties. These factors havemade him very well respected among retail PM sector investors.”

Ourreaders who voted noting that he is “an exemplary CEO,” while one voter said, “Hewrote the blueprint for how to properly lead a company.”  Another noted, “Heis successful and shares his money, a true philanthropist.”

McEwenhas donated in excess of $60 million, some of which went to the McEwen Centrefor Regenerative Medicine at the Toronto General Hospital and to Toronto’sSchulich School of Business,

Here’sa snapshot of McEwen Mining in 2017:

Although the share price was down 23% in 2017, the company was focused on growingand expanding.

Key milestones includes the purchase of the Black Fox minein Timmins, Canada,which was finalized in August. And in early November, McEwen miningreceived all the permits required to start construction on its Gold Bar projectin Nevada.

Keith NeumeyerAnthony Makuch

Runners-up include Keith Neumeyer of FirstMajestic (NYSE:AG).

Despite a drop in 19% share price in 2017, Erfle said, “Neumeyer is very popular among gold/silverbugs as he is very vocal in his manipulation beliefs. I believe this is a bigreason for his popularity in the precious metals space, no matter theperformance of both First Majestic and/or First Mining Finance.”

Anthony Makuch of KirklandLake Gold Ltd (NYSE:KL) alsomade the voters’ top choice - thecompany saw its stock increase 173% in 2017 and revenue jumpnearly 100%.

By Kitco News

For Kitco News

Contactnews@kitco.com Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and may not reflect those of Kitco Metals Inc. The author has made every effort to ensure accuracy of information provided; however, neither Kitco Metals Inc. nor the author can guarantee such accuracy. This article is strictly for informational purposes only. It is not a solicitation to make any exchange in commodities, securities or other financial instruments. Kitco Metals Inc. and the author of this article do not accept culpability for losses and/ or damages arising from the use of this publication.

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