A portfolio to help you plan for a regular paycheque

By The Investment Reporter / April 11, 2014 / www.adviceforinvestors.com / Article Link

This $99,516 portfolio for income shows how you can buy stocks and trusts to receive a regular paycheque. Seven stocks pay dividends at different times of the year. Cycle 1 companies pay dividends in January, April, July and October. Cycle 2 companies pay in February, May, August and November. Cycle 3 companies pay in the other four months of the year. The three income trusts pay cash monthly. The total yield is 4.7 per cent. These 10 investments also usually raise their dividends and distributions as well as offer capital preservation potential for greater safety. We rate six of them 'Very Conservative', three 'Conservative' and Russel Metals 'Average'. High quality companies and trusts, of course, assists in protecting your money.

The three income trusts pay cash monthly. The total yield is five per cent. These 10 investments also offer capital preservation potential for greater safety. Also, we rate five of them 'Very Conservative', three 'Conservative', non-Key stock Russel Metals 'Average' and only Key stock PFB Corp. 'Speculative'. High quality companies and trusts, of course, help protect your money.

BCE Inc.Utilities220$10,439$2.475.2%$5431
Cdn. Oil SandsResources400$9,296$1.406.0%$5602
Emera Inc.Utilities290$9,915$1.454.2%$4212
Dorel IndustriesManufacturing320$11,946$1.323.5%$4223
Russel MetalsManufacturing400$11,888$1.404.7%$5603
AltaGas Ltd.Resources200$8,990$1.533.4%$3064
Cdn. Apartment PropertiesConsumer400$8,464$1.155.4%$4604
Corus EntertainmentConsumer370$9,039$1.094.5%$4034
H&R REITFinance400$9,108$1.355.9%$5404
Totals $99,516 4.7%$4,646

Monthly Income: Payments are $386 in each of January, April, July and October. Payments are $388 in each of February, May, August and November. Payments are $388 in each of March, June, September and December.

The Investment Reporter, MPL Communications Inc.133 Richmond St.W., Toronto, ON, M5H 3M8. 1-800-804-8846

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