The benchmark A380.1 secondary aluminium alloy price crept higher on Thursday July 15, while strong demand and limited supply for A413.1 pushed that price up to parity with 356.1.
Fastmarkets assessed the price for aluminium alloy A380.1, delivered Midwest at $1.18-1.20 per lb on July 15, up by 0.85% from $1.17-1.19 per lb on July 8 and at its highest in nearly 10 years.Some producers have not quoted any A380.1 this past week. Despite the limited spot activity, the price still moved higher, with multiple spot transactions for A380.1 reported to Fastmarkets within the new assessment range.While most producers said spot interest has deteriorated because automotive supply chains have been disrupted by the ongoing semiconductor chip shortage, producers still expect pent-up...