Andrew Pollard: The Lights are Back on in the Mining Industry

By robert friedland / June 09, 2017 / / Article Link

Mining industry experts often emphasize that the best-performing companies are led by executives who have been serially successful - people like Robert Friedland and Lukas Lundin, who consistently deliver on their promises.But how do the right people find the right company? Sometimes it's easy; when it's not, Andrew Pollard is there to help. He's president of The Mining Recruitment Group, an executive search firm focused on the mining space, and his goal is to put together top-notch management teams for companies looking to take their work to the next level."Good projects in the wrong hands will never see the light of day or see their value realized," he told the Investing News Network at the recent International Metal Writers Conference. "But if you can support a good team and find someone that's done it before, you're going to stack the odds in your favor."He noted that while every position has different requirements, overall when he's hunting for mining execs he's looking for people "with energy, with passion - someone who's got scruples."Pollard, who chaired a panel at the show featuring several successful young CEOs, also believes in considering younger people for management-level roles at mining companies. "What I'm trying to show is that passion, drive, outside-the-box thinking, creativity and maybe just a bit of youthful optimism isn't necessarily a bad thing," he said. News Network (INN) Find out more about investing by INN @ Want a FREE investor kit? Download here?+" Follow us Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:@INN_Resource@INN_Gold@INN_Silver@INN_RareEarth@INN_Copper@INN_Potash@INN_Uranium________________________________________________________________ The Investing News Network does not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the information reported in the interviews it conducts. The opinions expressed in these interviews do not reflect the opinions of the Investing News Network and do not constitute investment advice. All readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence.

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