(IDEX Online) - The Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB) is offering to reimburse flight tickets of first-time visitors to the Bharat Diamond Week. The offer is eligible to anyone who purchases more than $100,000 worth of diamonds.
"It is very important for us at the BDB to see new faces here for this special polished diamond sales week," said Mehul Shah, BDB vice president and head of the organizing committee.
"Unusual as it may sound, there are diamantaires who have never been to the Indian diamond centre and may not be aware of the vast range of polished goods that can be sourced from both the exhibitors of the BDW and our more than 3,000 members companies at the exchange," he added.
The BDB will also provide about 150 select foreign buyers with complimentary hotel accommodation. The bourse said priority will be given to visitors who are members of WFDB-affiliated exchanges, but all members of the trade are welcome to participate.