Black Rock rails graphite sample from Mahenge

January 01, 1970 / / Article Link

This product is classified as 'very high risk' in nature due to itslocation and geopolitical situation of the region. Finfeed advises that extracaution should be taken when deciding whether to engage in this product,however if you are not sure whether it is suitable for you we suggest you seekindependent financial advice.

Black Rock Mining (ASX:BKT) today announced that it hassuccessfully railed a 500-tonne bulk graphite sample from Ifakara, in centralTanzania, to the Port of Dar es Salaam on board a Tanzania Zambia RailwayAuthority (TAZARA) train.

The sample from BKT's Mahenge graphite project, south ofIfakara, departed by rail on April 22 to SGS's Lakefield Lab in Canada. SGSwill use the sample in transit for a second pilot plant to optimise operatingparameters of BKT's proposed processing method for Mahenge and continue itsproduct qualification for potential off-take partner.

The graphite sample's departure on board the TAZARA train demonstratedthe viability of TAZARA as a logistics partner, clearing a hurdle in the developmentof the Mahenge project.

The Mahenge project is estimated as the fourth largestcontained graphite resource in the world and holds significant upside potentialfor both BKT and Tanzania.

Earlier in April, BKTannounced success from its initial pilot plant testing, producing apremium-sized product that is 97.5% carbon from a three-stage flotationcleaning circuit, and achieved with a small amount of polishing. SGS processeda 90-tonne sample from Mahenge and produced 10 tonnes of concentrate that BKT isdistributing to potential global customers and partners.

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Of course, as with all minerals exploration, success is notguaranteed - consider your own personal circumstances before investing, andseek professional financial advice.

Freighting of the sample by rail was preceded by a ceremonythat drew an audience that included the Morogoro MiningCommissioner Teresa Ntuke, representing Tanzania's Deputy Minister forMines Doto Biteko, as well as Australia's High Commissioner to Tanzania, AlisonChartes.

Ceremony mahenge BKT

BKT CEO John de Vries noted "The presence of the MorogoroMining Commissioner Teresa Ntuke at the ceremony sends a clear message to theTanzanian graphite industry with respect to the need to pursue economicintegration and share the benefits of mineral development in Tanzania with thewider community".

He added, "Our blessing of the trains ceremony and successin exporting a metallurgical sample from Tanzania makes it clear that the environmentin Tanzania supports investing in mining sector, especially when focus ondelivering win-win outcomes. Recognising the need to cooperate, we can moveforward together".

The company has submitted a draft Environmental and SocialImpact Statement for Mahenge, has commenced development of resettlement policyframework and secured support from the Tanzanian Investment Centre (TIC), whichit expects will simplify and accelerate development of the project.

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