Boss Resources completes phase one opt. tests at Honeymoon uranium project

By John Miller / February 28, 2019 / / Article Link

Boss Resources Limited (ASX:BOE) has completed the first phase of an optimisation test work program, which forms part of the company's restart strategy for the Honeymoon Uranium Project in South Australia.

Results from the test work will be included in a definitive feasibility study examining the Honeymoon restart, which is due for completion in the third quarter of 2019.

These results highlight opportunities to simplify Honeymoon's production process flowsheet and reduce capital and operating costs.

Strategy results are "exceptional"

Boss Resources managing Duncan Craib said: "These initial restart strategy results are exceptional and a significant body of work which will enable us to develop an even more efficient flowsheet to deliver extra value to shareholders.

"The considered approach undertaking this optimisation work has helped us better understand the process constraints and through a structured program of work optimise the process.

"The potential cost savings and process improvements emanating from these specific test work programs will contribute positively towards the DFS."

Three-phase strategy

Final reporting of the first of three phases in the restart strategy will occur this quarter.

Phase II has begun and is expected to be released in the September quarter, with phase III following later in the year.

On successful completion of the strategy, Boss will be able to proceed to mine, assuming a specified global uranium price has been achieved.

ANSTO reports results

ANSTO Minerals (ANSTO) completed the programs and concentrated on the restart of Honeymoon's existing solvent extraction (SX) facility and the addition of a new ion exchange process.

The programs also focused on improving the resin elution process for the IV, nanofiltration test work for reagent recycling, uranium precipitation and improved SX operations.

Precipitation test work showed the existing precipitation circuit can deliver the required production rate and thereby eliminate the need for an additional circuit as identified in the PFS.

Future test programs

The test work highlighted areas for further attention and recommendations for the phase are to:

Conduct lock cycle tests of the two-stage elution process;

Further nanofiltration testing in a continuous bench testing and at pilot scale; and 

Conduct a uranium precipitation process trial to validate the batch results for combined liquors.

Further work is also required to fully understand and optimise the scrubbing circuit, in particular, the impact of chloride on the scrubbing of iron and zinc and use of uranium to scrub iron and zinc at several acidities.

- Jessica Cummins

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