RAPAPORT... The World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) has released a newguide for the jewelry industry detailing standards and practices for supply-chaindue diligence. The 14-page "Responsible Sourcing Blue Book" provides a setof universal guidelines industry members can follow to help them supportresponsible sourcing and maintain integrity in their supply chain, CIBJO saidMonday. "The philosophy that guided us in the creation of "Responsible Sourcing Book" is that all participants in the jewelry business have a duty ofcare, and thus should conduct supply-chain due diligence to the best of theirability," said CIBJO president Gaetano Cavalieri. The "Responsible Sourcing Book" is the latest in a line ofinstructional manuals the organization has issued. CIBJO also offers Blue Booksthat provide standards and guidelines concerning descriptive words fordiamonds, colored gemstones, pearls, precious coral, precious metals andgemological labs. CIBJO's Responsible Sourcing Commission created the guidelines,with jewelry experts and the general public subsequently reviewing them. Image: Gaetano Cavalieri