Co. With FS-Stage Asset Gains Analyst Coverage

By Craig Stanley / March 19, 2025 / / Article Link

This Outperform-rated explorer-developer owns and is advancing "one of the best undeveloped silver projects not held by a producer," noted a Raymond James report.

AbraSilver Resource Corp. (ABRA:TSX; ABBRF:OTCQX) caught the attention of Raymond James Analyst Craig Stanley, who initiated coverage on it with an Outperform rating and a CA$5 per share target price, he reported in a Feb. 20 research note. With a share price at the time of the report of about CA$3.32, the target implies a 51% return.

In his initiation report, Stanley presented and discussed the compelling aspects of AbraSilver.

The Ontario-based explorer-developer has two assets. Its flagship is the Diablillos gold-silver project in Argentina, in the feasibility study stage. It has a global resource of 266,000,000 ounces of silver equivalent (266 Moz of Ag eq) at 147 grams per ton (147 g/t), or 151 Moz of silver at 83 g/t and 1.4 Moz of gold at 0.8 g/t.

"We believe Diablillos is one of the best-undeveloped silver projects not held by a producer," Stanley wrote. "In addition to strong economics, the project benefits from recent political changes in Argentina that will provide tax, customs, and currency exchange incentives."

US$430M Savings Through RIGI

The most recent study of Diablillos was an updated (December 2024) prefeasibility study (PFS) in December 2024, which Stanley reviewed. This report outlined a mining operation producing 13.4 Moz of Ag eq on average per year at an all-in sustaining cost (AISC) of CA$12.67 per Ag eq oz over a 14-year mine life. Average annual production in years one to five would be 16 Moz of Ag eq at an AISC of CA$11.23/Ag eq oz.

The project would generate a US$747 million (US$747M) after-tax net present value discounted at 5%, a 28% internal rate of return and a two-year payback. These economics were derived using base case prices of US$25.50/oz silver and US$2,050/oz gold.

A new and notable component of the PFS update is the potential benefits to Diablillos were it accepted into Argentina's tax incentivizing RIGI, or Large Investment Incentive Regime. Under RIGI, AbraSilver would save US$430M because total taxes, royalties, and export duties would drop to US$536M from the US$965M estimated in the original March 2024 PFS.

Diablillos' economics perhaps could be improved in other ways, too, Stanley pointed out. These include choosing different power option(s), securing additional water rights, including in the mine plan the results of the drill program now underway and adding a heap-leach element to recover low-grade material. None of these is included in Raymond James' model on AbraSilver, the analyst noted.

Second Asset Update

As for AbraSilver's La Coipita project, also in Argentina, Teck Resources Ltd. (TECK:TSX; TECK:NYSE) has an option to acquire an 80% interest in it, according to the two companies' January 2024 agreement.

This quarter, Teck plans to drill 3 kilometers (3 km) at La Coipita, which would follow its five-hole, 2476m drill program targeting Yaretas last year. From that, one standout intercept was 54m of 0.16% copper (Cu) and 14 g/t molybdenum (Mo). A second one was 128m of 0.15% Cu and 6 g/t Mo. Teck also completed a 17.2-line km induced polarization-magnetotelluric survey of Quebrada del Viento.

Industry Veterans

Stanley included in his report bios of all of AbraSilver's leadership team and board members, extensive experience among them being a theme. Leading the company is Chief Executive Officer John Miniotis, whose experience in the mining industry spans nearly 20 years, many of them in leadership roles. Most recently, he was CEO of Aethon Minerals Corp., which merged with AbraSilver, and prior, vice president of corporate development for AuRico Metals Inc. (AMI:TSX).

Another team member is Chief Geologist David O'Connor. He brings expertise gained from his 40 years in the industry, in part as founder or cofounder of five publicly listed companies with projects in South America.

Catalysts On Horizon

Stanley pointed out the events worth watching for in the short and longer term. The in-progress drill program at Diablillos should be completed soon, and pproval of the Environmental Impact Assessment is expected in H2/25. Also, this year, Teck will complete its drill program at La Coipita, and results should follow.

The Diablillos feasibility study is due in H1/26, submission of the RIGI application must be done by July and construction could start at the project in Q3/26. Raymond James forecasts first production in Q3/29.

Ownership and Share Structure

AbraSilver's major shareholders, reported Stanley, are insiders (management and board members) with 3%, Central Puerto SA with 9.9% and Kinross Gold Corp. (K:TSX; KGC:NYSE) with 4%. (In AbraSilver's recent CA$58.5M financing, Central Puerto invested CA$25M and Kinross invested CA$3M.)

AbraSilver has 128.7 million shares outstanding. Its market cap is CA$427M. Its 52-week range is CA$1.33-3.58 per share.

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AbraSilver Resource Corp. Our target price is based on the NPV of the Diablillos Project and net financial assets. General Risk Factors Following are some general risk factors that pertain to the businesses of the subject companies and the projected target prices and recommendations included on Raymond James research: (1) Industry fundamentals with respect to customer demand or product/service pricing could change and adversely impact expected revenues and earnings; (2) issues relating to major competitors or market shares or new product expectations could change investor attitude toward the sector or this stock; (3) Unforeseen developments with respect to the management, financial condition or accounting policies or practices could alter the prospective valuation. Company Specific Risk Factors AbraSilver Resource Corp. Volatility in metal prices, foreign exchange markets and investor interest in mining equities could affect financing, capital spending and exploration decisions that may impact the company's valuation and subject shares to price volatility. Financing risk: ABRA does not generate cash flow and is dependent on outside sources of financing. In the future, the company may not be able to raise money due to market conditions or may do so at a price that is dilutive to existing shareholders. Technical risk: Mining is risky and unforeseen issues could materially impact tonnes, grades, recoveries, and costs as outlined in the 2024 PFS study. Future commodity prices, costs, and technical studies may not prove resources or reserves economic. Political and regulatory risk: Changes in government and/or policies could lead to revised mining laws and taxes. Legislative elections are scheduled to be held in Argentina in October 2025 in which half of the seats in the Chamber of Deputies and a third of the seats in the Senate will be elected. The next presidential election is scheduled for 2027. Employee/personnel risk: If the market becomes more favourable to mining and the demand for skilled personnel materially increases, the company may not be able to retain key employees and contractors. Liquidity and volatility risk: ABRA's shares are relatively illiquid compared to large-cap equities and even minor changes in precious metal prices would likely result in price volatility. Climate Change Risk: The physical risks of climate change, such as extreme weather events, could adversely impact operations. As well, concerns around climate change may affect the share price if investors divest interests in industries that are perceived to have environmental impacts. Relationship Disclosures The person(s) responsible for the production of this report declare(s) that, as far as they are aware, there are no relationships or circumstances (including conflicts of interest) that may in any way impair the objectivity of this recommendation directly or indirectly. This statement applies equally to any persons closely associated with him or her. However, it is possible that persons making communications in relation to a security may have a holding in that security and this will be disclosed. As stated, Raymond James has controls in place to manage such risks. In the event that this is a compendium report (i.e., covers six or more subject companies), Raymond James may choose to provide specific disclosures for the subject companies by reference. To access these disclosures, clients should refer to: or call toll free at 1.800.237.5643 in the United States or 1.800.667.2899 in Canada. In other jurisdictions, please contact your local Raymond James' representative

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This report is only for distribution by SBI in Japan to qualified institutional investors (tekikaku kikan toushika, "QIIs") for whom exist certain disclosure and other obligations under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act ("FIEA"). Any QIIs wishing to purchase, deal or otherwise discus the securities covered in this report should contact your sales representative. References to or commentary on the futures markets contained in this report are provided only in the context of their impact on securities traded with SBI or its partners or third-party service providers, including RJA for U.S. securities. No facility for trading futures has been provided to you and accordingly the information is not provided in connection with a dealing in futures. This report is not directed to, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any locality, state, country or other jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to law or regulation. If your status has changed or the distribution restrictions set forth above impact your ability to receive this report, please contact your usual SBI representative. By accepting this report, the recipient hereof represents and warrants that he is entitled to receive such report in accordance with the restrictions set forth above and agrees to be bound by the limitations contained herein. Any failure to comply with these limitations may constitute a violation of law and limit our ability to provide reports to you. This report is being supplied to you strictly on the basis that it will remain confidential. No part of this report may be (i) copied, photocopied, duplicated, stored or reproduced in any form by any means or (ii) redistributed or passed on, directly or indirectly, to any other person in whole or in part, for any purpose without the prior written consent of SBI. The information contained in this report is prepared from data believed to be correct and reliable at the time of issue of this report. Under the terms of the agreement between RJA and SBI, RJA is not required to issue regular reports on the subject matter of this report at any frequency and it may cease to do so or change the periodicity of reports at any time. Neither RJA nor SBI is under any obligation to update this report in the event of a material change to the information contained in this report. Neither RJA nor SBI has any and will accept any, obligation to (i) check or ensure that the contents of this report remain current, reliable or relevant, (ii) ensure that the content of this report constitutes all the information a prospective investor may require, (iii) ensure the adequacy, accuracy, completeness, reliability or fairness of any views, opinions and information, and accordingly, SBI, its affiliates and related persons (and their respective directors, associates, connected persons and/or employees) shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any consequences (including but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profits and damages) of any reliance thereon or usage thereof. Unless otherwise specified, this report is based upon reasonable sources. Such sources will, unless otherwise specified, for market data, be market data and prices available from the main stock exchange or market where the relevant security is listed, or, where appropriate, any other market. Information on the accounts and business of company(ies) will generally be based on published statements of the company(ies), information disseminated by regulatory information services, other publicly available information. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that statements of facts made in this report are accurate, all estimates, projections, forecasts, expressions of opinion and other subjective judgments contained in this report are based on assumptions considered to be reasonable as of the date of the document in which they are contained and must not be construed as a representation that the matters referred to therein will occur. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The value of investments may go down as well as up and those investing may, depending on the investments in question, lose more than the initial investment. No report shall constitute an offer or an invitation by or on behalf of SBI or RJA, or their respective affiliates to any person to buy or sell any investments. SBI and/or its respective affiliates and related corporations, their respective directors, associates, connected parties and/or employees may own or have positions in securities of the company(ies) covered in this report or any securities related thereto and may from time to time add to or dispose of, or may be materially interested in, any such securities. Further, SBI, its affiliates and its related corporations do and seek to do business with the company(ies) covered in this report and may from time to time act as market maker or have assumed an underwriting commitment in securities of such company(ies), may sell them to or buy them from customers on a principal basis and may also perform or seek to perform significant investment banking, advisory, underwriting or placement services for or relating to such company(ies) as well as solicit such investment, advisory or other services from any entity mentioned in this report. Any of RJA's material conflicts of interest are disclosed above these Additional SBI Client Disclaimers, particularly in the sections titled "Analyst Information," "Company Specific Disclosures," and "Investor Disclosures."

By RJA producing this report for SBI, RJA has confirmed to SBI that the opinions expressed are based on information it believes to be accurate and complete and obtained through reliable public or other non-confidential sources at the time made. The term "RJA" shall, unless the context otherwise requires, mean RJA and its affiliates, subsidiaries and related companies. The term "SBI" shall denote, where appropriate, the relevant entity distributing or disseminating the report in the particular jurisdiction referenced below, or, in every other case except as otherwise stated herein, SBI Securities Co., Ltd. and its affiliates, subsidiaries and related corporations. Proprietary Rights Notice By accepting a copy of this report, you acknowledge and agree as follows: This report is confidential and is provided to clients of Raymond James only for your personal, noncommercial use. Except as expressly authorized by Raymond James, you may not copy, reproduce, transmit, sell, display, distribute, publish, broadcast, circulate, modify, disseminate, or commercially exploit the information contained in this report, in printed, electronic, or any other form, in any manner, without the prior express written consent of Raymond James. You also agree not to reproduce or otherwise to use this report or its contents, or to permit such use by others, (i) for any unlawful purpose; (ii) in or to create any derivative work; (iii) in any software program, including any artificial intelligence, augmented reality, or virtual reality platform or system; or (iv) for training artificial intelligence technologies, including without limitation technologies that are capable of generating works in the same style or genre as this report; provided, however, with regards to (ii), (iii), or (iv) above, unless and only to the extent as may be otherwise expressly agreed to in writing by Raymond James. This report and its contents are the property of Raymond James and are protected by applicable copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property laws (of the United States and other countries). United States law, 17 U.S.C. Sec. 501 et. seq., provides for civil and criminal penalties for copyright infringement. No copyright claimed in incorporated U.S. government works. (C) 2025 Raymond James Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (C) 2025 Raymond James & Associates, Inc. (C) 2025 Raymond James Ltd., Member Canadian Investor Protection Fund

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