Artist:David Lowell SmithFrom:Seattle, WashingtonGenre:HouseRelease:Zero Gravity EPRelease Date:September 28th, 2017Track Listings:00:00 1) Liquid Machine (Original Mix) 02:00 2) Modern Collapse (Original Mix) 04:01 3) Androids (Original Mix) 06:01 4) Zero Gravity (Original Mix) 08:01 5) Bursting Bubbles (Original Mix) About "David Lowell Smith""David Lowell Smith - Zero Gravity EP"Mastered and Released by Global Dance Records Available at: 247 Entertainment | 7Digital | AmazonMP3 | Anghami | AT&T Music | Audible Magic | Beatbucket | Beatport | Beats Music | Deezer | Digital Tunes | DJ Tunes | DJShop.DE | eMusic | EOS Music | Express In Music | Google Music | Grooveshark | HTFR | iHeartRadio | iMusica | Intigral | iTunes | JB Hi-Fi | JoMedia | JunoDownload | K Digital | Medianet | Milk Music | MobiSYM | Muve Music | Muzu TV | MyMusicHouse | Napster | Noiseporn | Nokia | OraStream | Prime Music | PromoOnly | Psonar | Pulselocker | Qobuz | Rdio | Rhapsody | Rumblefish | Satellite EDM | Selected Music Store | Shazam | Slacker | Songza | Sony Music Unlimited | Soundhound | Spotify | Starzik | TrackItDown | Tunes4DJs | Valleyarm | Vervelife | Vidzone | Wasabeat | WaWaWa | WDA | | XBox Music | | Zik | zipDJ | ZVOOQ | And more!!!Note:If you like high quality audio such as WAV, MP3 (320 kbps), etc., then please buy the official release versions.This also supports the artists and their record labels...Furthermore, audio files on Youtube, Soundcloud, and all other streaming sites generally all cap their audio quality at a low 128 kbps MP3 (Or lower) which doesn't do the original Master(s) justice and will make you look and sound bad especially if you DJ'ed with MP3's of this low quality.Do the right thing and thank you. (C) Global Dance Records 2017