David Cameron says evidence is 'growing' for climate change link to storms after Typhoon Haiyan … Evidence was growing that climate change was responsible for extreme weather disasters such as typhoon Haiyan, the Prime Minister said today … The Philippines government has blamed "climate madness" for the devastating super-storm that has killed more than 3,600 people and left more than 11 million displaced. Asked whether he agreed there could be a link, David Cameron said: "I'll leave the scientists to speak for themselves about the link between severe weather events and climate change. The evidence seems to me to be growing." – UK Independent
Dominant Social Theme: This brilliant leader, the brightest of his generation, is grappling with the difficult truths of his era as best he can.
Free-Market Analysis: David Cameron says that snails are a side effect of sun spots …
David Cameron says that a certain kind of elderberry grows on the far side of the moon …
David Cameron says that sea salt is actually the polar spume of Southern extremities …
You see?
We can play the Cameron game, too. It's easy. Just think of the stupidest thing you could possibly conceive of saying and then blurt it out.
Not that it matters. Cameron may well lose power in upcoming elections. And perhaps he wants to lose, as if he wins he may have to honor his oft-repeated statement that he will allow the British electorate the inestimable privilege of voting on whether or not they want to be part of the pathological European Union.
And this position is certainly stupid, too. Did Cameron, in promising the British electorate a potential referendum once he gets reelected, think that his erstwhile supporters had forgotten that he had previously mentioned a referendum were he elected to a first term?
Cameron, like many politicians faced with the undermining effect of the Internet on his dominant social themes – the promotions that he and his colleagues once relied upon to keep the electorate docile – has seemingly given up the ghost. He will say and do most anything that comes to mind to enhance his power, without the slightest care as to his credibility.
Once upon a time the power elite supported their dominant social themes with care, planting them years and decades in advance and buttressing them with acres of misinformation. Nowadays, denuded of belief, the same memes are waved about like the tattered banners of a fallen army; no one believes in them anymore. No one believes they are credible.
But Cameron does. Or perhaps he just doesn't care. Here's more from the article:
His words appeared to be the most explicit from any member of the British Government linking climate change to Haiyan. Ed Davey, the Climate Change Secretary, said on Thursday that he was not certain climate change had led to the increased frequency of storms.
Many Conservative MPs actively deny any human contribution to climate change. Lord Lawson, the Tory former Chancellor, said this week it was a "scare" to suggest tropical storms were the result of climate change.
Speaking to journalists in Sri Lanka, Mr Cameron said: "There is no doubt there have been an increasing number of severe weather events in recent years.
"And I'm not a scientist but it's always seemed to me one of the strongest arguments about climate change is, even if you're only 90 per cent certain or 80 per cent certain or 70 per cent certain, if I said to you 'There's a 60 per cent chance your house might burn down; do you want to take out some insurance?' You take out some insurance. I think we should think about climate change like that.
"Scientists are giving us a very certain message. Even if you're less certain than the scientists it makes sense to act both in terms of trying to prevent and mitigate."
He added: "As a practical politician I think the sensible thing is to say, let's take preventative and mitigating steps given the chances this might be the case."
… On the BBC's Question Time on Thursday, Lord Lawson said there had been no increase in tropical storms for the past 100 years. He added: "Typhoon Haiyan is terrible but I'm afraid these things happen in the tropics.
"The Atlantic hurricane season this year has been one of the quietest hurricane seasons in living memory.
… Sir Mark Walport said a section of the general public was increasingly doubtful about the existence of climate change and human responsibility for it in the face of the global economic downturn, sceptical media coverage and "climate fatigue", he told The Independent. It followed an IPCC report suggesting that global warming posed a significant threat.
It's really incredible what these people are allowed to get away with. The linkage of violent weather to "climate change" is the most outrageous, "far out" argument yet. It is, however, the one that David Cameron has chosen to defend.
Even worse is Cameron's justification for "taking out some insurance" – and doesn't that sound like a threat? He believes insurance would be "prudent" because he has heard that manmade climate change is causing violent weather.
The causality is so weak at this point that it is, well … stupid. Global warming doesn't appear to exist, or at least it is apparently on a 16-year hiatus. But even if it did exist, most heat trapping in the atmosphere is caused by humidity. Manmade carbon contributions are infinitesimal, though they are nonetheless portrayed by the anti-carbon crowd as the "tipping point."
Even more tenuous is the essentially unprovable argument that weather is becoming more violent due to non-existent global warming.
As we have pointed out previously, the men at the top – the very top – hardly seem to be trying anymore. They are simply going through the motions and then relying on fear and intimidation to keep the globalist train rolling.
But fear and intimidation can only go so far. And Cameron's evident stupidity – on display on a regular basis – is not anomalous. In the US, and in many other Western countries, contempt for government and the political class is on the rise.
After ThoughtsWhat we call the Internet Reformation seems far more persuasive these days than the elite's dominant social themes. And that has a number of serious ramifications – socially, politically, economically and, of course, from an investment standpoint …
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