RAPAPORT... Diamcor Mining will put an additional 5,336 carats of roughrecovered from its Krone-Endora at Venetia project on sale in November. The stones are in addition to the 2,607 carats from regularprocessing the miner reported in September, it said Tuesday. The companyrecovered the extra rough while completing planned refinements to the asset'sscreening systems. Of the supplementary stones, 2,277 carats have already been soldat tender, at an average price of $190 per carat, for a total of $431,701. Theremaining 3,058 carats will be sold at the company's next tender later thismonth. Previously Diamcor had only been processing material up to15 millimeters, and stockpiling the remainder, it said. The miner will nowreprocess its stockpiles up to 40 millimeters, which it believes will providelarge diamonds under 10.8 carats that it missed during initial processing. "Efforts to perform planned refinements on the crushing andscreening systems installed continue to progress well," said Diamcor CEO DeanTaylor. "Our focus is now on ramping up both the volume of material beingprocessed and the inclusion of all size fractions up to 40 millimeters." Diamcor plans to hold one more tender this year, which willtake place in December. Image: Rough diamonds. (Diamcor Mining)