DIARY-Government Debt Auctions to July 28

By Kitco News / June 05, 2017 / www.kitco.com / Article Link

June 6 (Reuters) -

For other diaries, please see:

Top Economic Events Polling unit diary Today in Washington Political and general news DATECOUNTRYAUCTION DETAILS

6-JunUnited Kingdom Auction of 0 1/2% Treasury Gilt 2022

6-JunNetherlandsDTC auction

6-JunJapanAuction of 30-year government bonds

7-JunGermanyAuction of 5-year Federal notes

7-JunSweden Auction of Treasury bills

7-JunJapan6-month discount bill auction

8-JunSweden Auction of inflation-linked government bond

8-JunJapan3-month discount bill auction

8-JunJapanAuction of 5-year government bonds

12-JunUnited StatesSale of 3-year notes

12-JunUnited StatesSale of 10-year notes

12-JunItalyBills auction

13-JunUnited StatesSale of 30-year bond

13-JunSpainAuction of 6- and 12-month Treasury bills

13-JunItalyMedium-Long Term auction

13-JunBelgiumAuction of Treasury bills

13-JunNetherlandsDSL auction

13-JunJapanAuction of 20-year government bonds

14-JunGermanyAuction of 10-year Federal bonds

14-JunSweden Auction of government bonds

14-JunJapan3-month discount bill auction

14-JunNorway Auction Treasuries

15-JunSpainBond auction

15-JunFrance BTAN/Index-linked Securities auction

15-JunJapan1-year discount bill auction

19-JunBelgiumOLO auction

19-JunNetherlandsDTC auction

19-JunNorway Auction of Treasuries bills

20-JunSpainAuction of 3- and 9-month Treasury bills

21-JunGermanyAuction of 30-year Federal bonds

21-JunSweden Auction of Treasury bills

22-JunUnited Kingdom Auction of 1-1/2% Treasury Gilt 2047

22-JunJapan3-month discount bill auction

26-JunUnited StatesSale of 2-year notes

26-JunNorway Auction of Treasuries bills

27-JunUnited StatesSale of 5-year notes

27-JunUnited Kingdom Auction of 0 1/8% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2026

27-JunGermanyAuction of 2-year Treasury notes

27-JunItalyZero-coupon/BTPi auction

27-JunJapanAuction of 2-year government bonds

28-JunUnited StatesSale of 2-year floating rate notes

28-JunUnited StatesSale of 7-year notes

28-JunItalyBills auction

29-JunJapan3-month discount bill auction

30-JunItalyMedium-Long Term auction

4-JulJapanAuction of 10-year government bonds

4-JulBelgiumAuction of Treasury bills

5-JulGermanyAuction of 5-year Federal notes

5-JulJapan6-month discount bill auction

5-JulSweden Auction of Treasury bills

5-JulNorway Auction Treasuries

6-JulJapan3-month discount bill auction

6-JulJapanAuction of 30-year government bonds

6-JulSpainBond auction

6-JulUnited Kingdom Auction of 1-1/4% Treasury Gilt 2027

10-JulFrance Auction of BTF Treasury notes

11-JulUnited StatesSale of 3-year notes

11-JulJapanAuction of 5-year government bonds

11-JulBelgiumAuction of Treasury bills

11-JulSpainAuction of 6- and 12-month Treasury bills

12-JulUnited StatesSale of 10-year notes

12-JulGermanyAuction of 10-year Federal bonds

12-JulItalyBills auction

13-JulUnited StatesSale of 30-year bond

13-JulItalyMedium-Long Term auction

13-JulJapan3-month discount bill auction

13-JulJapanAuction of 20-year government bonds

18-JulJapan1-year discount bill auction

18-JulSpainAuction of 3- and 9-month Treasury bills

19-JulGermanyAuction of 30-year Federal bonds

19-JulJapan3-month discount bill auction

20-JulSpainBond auction

20-JulFrance BTAN/Index-linked Securities auction

24-JulBelgiumOLO auction

25-JulUnited StatesSale of 2-year notes

25-JulJapanAuction of 40-year government bonds

25-JulUnited Kingdom Auction of 1-1/2% Treasury Gilt 2047

26-JulUnited StatesSale of 2-year floating rate notes

26-JulUnited StatesSale of 5-year notes

26-JulItalyZero-coupon/BTPi auction

27-JulUnited StatesSale of 7-year notes

27-JulItalyBills auction

27-JulJapan3-month discount bill auction

27-JulJapanAuction of 2-year government bonds

28-JulItalyMedium-Long Term auction==========================================================================================

For enquiries to customer help desks: click for telephone numbers.NOTE: The inclusion of items in this diary does not necessarily mean that Reuters will file a story based on the event.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and may not reflect those of Kitco Metals Inc. The author has made every effort to ensure accuracy of information provided; however, neither Kitco Metals Inc. nor the author can guarantee such accuracy. This article is strictly for informational purposes only. It is not a solicitation to make any exchange in precious metal products, commodities,securities or other financial instruments. Kitco Metals Inc. and the author of this article do not accept culpability for losses and/ or damages arising from the use of this publication.

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