RAPAPORT... The Diamond Manufacturers and ImportersAssociation of America (DMIA) reelected Ronnie VanderLinden (pictured) as president forthe 2018-to-2020 term. DMIA members voted in Saul Goldberg, Eli Haas, Matthew Schamrothand Fred Knobloch as vice presidents of its executive board, while Parag Shahwas chosen as vice president and treasurer. Stuart Samuels will fill therole of secretary. Additionally, the organization elected 20 further board members: Hertz Hasenfeld, Tom Heyman, Alan Rehs, MoisheKlein, Melissa Kulhanjian, Charles Rosario, Avrum Fastag, Marvin Finker, DanielKlugman, Manny Gordon, Danny Kaleko, Steven Eisen, Ishaia Gol, MichaelVerstanding, Marc Knobloch, Russel Kwiat, Ben Goldberg, Bharat Gandhi, DavidBialo and Michael Steinmetz.Image: Donald Woodrow