Donate Button – Supporting this Blog (If You Want To)

By FI Fighter / November 13, 2017 / / Article Link

From time to time, I’ve been asked by readers about starting up a paid newsletter subscription… Back then, it was probably to discuss Real Estate Investing (REI), but I’m guessing these days, the bulk of the readers who still follow this site want more information on mining stocks…

Quite frankly, it’s very flattering everytime I get asked that because deep down I feel like I really don’t know jack shit about anything… and I am a bit perplexed why someone would consider paying $$$ for my research/thoughts? Haha, if you haven’t figured it out by now, self-confidence is something that I don’t have much of… Never been into self-promotion and don’t understand it, really…

But with that said, I have to say that I really appreciate the support! ??(TM),

In fact, I’ve gotten comments like the following as well…

It’s taken me awhile to get around to it, but most recently I did setup a PayPal donation button on the side bar of this blog…

You can find a link here as well.

In truth, I really don’t earn much from ad revenue on this blog, and as readers probably know by now, this website is more a labor of love than anything else… My focus has been almost entirely on content creation as opposed to monetization, which is good I suppose in the sense that the work I’m putting out isn’t encumbered with an “agenda” if you will… Bad in the sense that if this was an actual real business, I would have been fired a long time ago for not knowing the first thing about running a business… which is to you know, actually make money for all the time and effort I’m putting in!

I try and keep things “raw and direct” to the best of my abilities… Yes, sometimes there’s excessive profanity found in my writing… but you know what? Investing is a damn emotional game! I have never met anyone who made/lost huge sums of money and treated it like it wasn’t a big deal… It absolutely is a MONSTER TRUCK sized deal!!! These wins/losses add up to a lot and have a profound impact on our journey to early FI… So, I apologize if I offend anyone with my writing, but I don’t feel the need to tone things down and treat things all “cool and casual” when that couldn’t be farther from the truth… and reality.

After all, what I hear in real life (i.e. private conversations) is exactly that… raw and direct fucking emotions…

Why sugarcoat things?

Let’s keep it real!

And other times, I know, I know, the day-to-day bland monotony (ummm I mean “progress”) isn’t always all that glamorous or exciting… But in any case, my experiences, transactions, mistakes, etc. are all authentic and time capsuled here for you… Hopefully, some of the content that I’ve published throughout the years has been helpful for readers. If you’ve benefited from some trade ideas and made some big profits, that’s even more awesome! I always love hearing success stories from readers!

With that said, as the saying goes, “time is money”… and I do feel like I put in a lot of effort into producing quality content for readers… It’s not always easy….

I am somewhat on the fence about going the route of offering a paid subscription service, though, because quite honestly I feel like the quality of my work would degrade if I felt like I was operating under a “time pressure” and felt the stress involved with having to meet regular deadlines… You know, like working a JOB… that thing I left behind when I finally decided to give early FI a try! And that wouldn’t be fair to subscribers either… You shouldn’t be paying for sub-par content that is more or less forced material being put out just for the sake of meeting a quota… With this blog, I more or less come and go as I please… and produce content randomly at my own leisure…

I guess I would consider it if there’s really enough interest… but the above, that’s my current stance on paid subscription services…

So, yeah, I’m sort of a loose cannon… which is why I think a donate button would work better (for now)… Readers who appreciate any recent blog posts, content, etc., can feel free to contribute as they see fit…

I mean, anything helps and as always I appreciate all the support that I get. ??(TM),


In the future, though, yes, I would like to sell some ebooks.


Hopefully, there’s good interest for that type of content!




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